Process Data Add in
Process Data Add in
Process Data Add in
Process Data Add-in Introduction: Contents
Copyright Information
Related Documentation
Intended Audience
Technical Support
Using Help
Introduction to Process Data Add-in
Add-in Help Organization
Getting Started
Getting Started
Loading the Add-In
Migrating from Excel 2003 Add-in to Excel 2007 Add-in
Using Add-in Dialog Box Features
Entering Data for the Add-in
Using Excel RefEdit controls
Formatting the Date and Time
Calculating a Function in Excel
Using Process Explorer Tools
Making Changes to a Function After Entry
Using the Process Data Add-in
Using the Process Data Add-In
Defining Options for the Process Data Add-In
Defining Settings for the Current Function
Defining Map Information for Tags
Performing Trend and Aggregate Calculations
Understanding Trend and Aggregate Methods
Understanding Periods
Understanding Steps
Retrieving Attribute Values
Selecting an Attribute List
Retrieving Current Values
Retrieving Filtered Trend Data
Retrieving Values at Specified Times
Performing Data Entry
Starting/Stopping the Timer
Using the Aspen Timeline Control
Creating and Executing Calculations
Process Data Add-in Dialog Boxes
Process Data Add-In Dialog Boxes
Attribute Values Dialog Box
Current Values Dialog Box
Data Entry Setup Dialog Box
Start Timer Dialog Box
Trend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box
Filter Tab, Trend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box
Values at Times Dialog Box
Options Dialog Box
General Tab, Options Dialog Box
Data Source Tab, Options Dialog Box
Output Tab, Options Dialog Box
Format Tab, Options Dialog Box
Settings Dialog Box
Data Source Tab, Settings Dialog Box
Output Tab, Settings Dialog Box
Format Tab, Settings Dialog Box
Aggregate Tab, Settings Dialog Box
Set Time Range Dialog Box
Aspen Timeline Control
Process Data Add-in Functions
Process Data Add-In Functions
Using Process Data Add-in Functions in Visual Basic
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ATEntryW rite
RunTagBrow ser
Relative Time Strings
Relative Time Strings
Error Messages
Error Messages
Output Location Mismatch Dialog Box
Overw rite Warning Dialog Box
Overw rite Error Dialog Box
Worksheet Error Messages
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Process Data Add-in Introduction: Contents
Copyright Information
Intended Audience
Related Documentation
Technical Support
Using Help
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Copyright Information
Version: V7.2
July 2010
Copyright (c) 2010 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Aspen Data Source Architecture Directory Server, Aspen InfoPlus.21, InfoPlus.21 Administrator, Definition Editor, Aspen Local
Security Server, Aspen Framew ork Server, Aspen License Manager, Business Process Explorer, Event.21, Aspen Process Explorer,
SQLplus, Aspen Tag Brow ser, Aspen Real-Time SPC Analyzer, the aspen leaf logo, and Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization
Solutions are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Burlington, MA.
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTech's softw are. This documentation contains AspenTech proprietary and
confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied w ithout the prior consent of AspenTech or as set forth in the
applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of the softw are and the application of the results
Although AspenTech has tested the softw are and review ed the documentation, the sole w arranty for the softw are may be found
in the applicable license agreement betw een AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO W ARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION,
Aspen Technology, Inc.
200 W heeler Road
Burlington, MA 01803-5501
Phone: (781) 221-6400
Fax: (888) 996-7100
URL: https://w w w
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Related Documentation
Help Files
Aspen Process Explorer Help
Aspen Production Record Manager Batch Plots Help
Aspen Process Explorer Automation Interfaces Help
Aspen Process Graphics Editor Help
Aspen Real-Time SPC for Process Explorer Help
Aspen InfoPlus.21 Product Family Installation Guide
Aspen InfoPlus.21 Product Family Configuration Guide
Aspen InfoPlus.21 Product Family Release Notes
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Intended Audience
The Process Data Add-in Help provides detailed descriptions and procedures for users of the Process Data Add-in.
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T echnical Support
AspenTech customers w ith a valid license and softw are maintenance agreement can register to access the online AspenTech
Support Center at:
This Web support site allow s you to:
Access current product documentation
Search for tech tips, solutions, and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
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Submit and track technical issues
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Review lists of know n deficiencies and defects
Registered users can also subscribe to our Technical Support e-Bulletins. These are used to alert users to important technical
support information such as:
Technical advisories
Product updates and releases
Customer support is also available by phone, fax, and email. The most up-to-date contact information is available at the
AspenTech Support Center at
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Using Help
Opening Help
You have the follow ing options to open the online Help:
From the application w indow , click the Help menu, and then select Contents and Index.
From a dialog box, press F1 for dialog level Help.
Annotating a Topic
You can type and save notes w ithin a topic. A paperclip icon appears at the beginning of an annotated topic. You cannot print an
Caution: W hen you upgrade your application, all annotations are lost.
To Annotate a Topic:
1. On the menu bar, click Edit and then click Annotate.
2. In the Annotate dialog box, type the information that you w ant to save w ith the topic, and then click Save.
Linking to Topic
W hen a w ord is linked to a topic, the w ord appears in green, underlined text. You can click the w ord to move to the related topic.
To go back to the topic you jumped from, click the Back button on the Help toolbar.
Viewing a Pop-up
W hen a w ord is linked to the pop-up feature, the w ord appears in green, dotted underlined text. You can click the w ord to bring
up the pop-up that gives you information related to the w ord.
Help Graphics
If you pass the cursor over a graphic in the help file, and the cursor changes to a pointing hand icon , then you can click the
area to display information related to the graphic.
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Introduction to Process Data Add-In
The Aspen Process Data Add-in allow s you to retrieve and compute data using Aspen-provided formulas, and to provide the
results in a Microsoft Excel 2003 or 2007 w orksheet. The Process Data Add-in can use data from the InfoPlus.21, CIM/21, and
Setcim databases. Each function is an Aspen-provided formula that can be set up using the Process Data Add-in dialog boxes or
directly using the Excel w orksheet. The Process Data Add-in also offers you full Excel functionality and takes advantage of many of
the unique capabilities of the Excel application.
The Process Data Add-in provides the follow ing data functions:
Retrieve a trend or aggregate calculation for selected tags (data points) over a specified time period and to return results
to a predefined output location.
Retrieve data based on a filter condition.
Retrieve current values for the specified tags.
Retrieve attributes for the specified tags.
Copy a list of attribute names to the w orksheet.
Retrieve tag values at the selected times.
Define a data entry header on the w orksheet to read data to, or to w rite data from, the database. Define w hich data
values are used for read and w rite operations.
Set the timer to timeout for a specified time interval. Set an action to be executed w hen the timeout occurs.
Note: Some of the dialog boxes you can access using the Process Data Add-in actually use tools from other Aspen applications,
usually Process Explorer. One such example is the Aspen Tag Brow ser. You can obtain help after you open the dialog box for the
tool by clicking the Help button located on the dialog box, or by selecting the Help menu in the originating application.
See Also
Add-in Help Organization
Customer Support
Aspen Tag Brow ser
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Add-In Help Organization
Online Help for the Process Data Add-in contains the follow ing sections:
Introduction Provides a brief overview of the Process Data Add-in.
Getting Started Describes how to start using the Process Data Add-in w ith Microsoft Excel.
Using the Process Data Add-in Contains procedures that describe how to perform various tasks in the Process Data Add-
Process Data Add-in Dialog Boxes Provides a detailed description of each dialog box in the Process Data Add-in.
Process Data Add-in Functions Describes each of the data functions used in the Process Data Add-in.
Error Messages Contains a list of error messages, including Worksheet Error Messages.
For specific and detailed information, refer to the Microsoft Excel application Help. You can access Excel Help from the Excel menu
See Also
Customer Support
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Getting Started
Getting Started describes how to start using the Process Data Add-in w ith Microsoft Excel:
Loading the Add-In
Migrating from Excel 2003 Add-in to Excel 2007 Add-in
Using Add-in Dialog Box Features
Entering Data for the Add-in
Using Excel RefEdit Controls
Formatting the Date and Time
Calculating a Function in Excel
Using Process Explorer Tools
Making Changes to a Function After Entry
For specific and detailed information, refer to the Microsoft Excel application Help. You can access Excel Help from the Excel menu
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Loading the Add-In
The Process Data Add-in is installed w hen you install Aspen Process Explorer. In order to use the add-in, how ever, you must load
it using Microsoft Excel 2003 or 2007.
See Also
Migrating from Excel 2003 Add-in to Excel 2007 Add-in
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Migrating from Excel 2003 Add-In to Excel 2007 Add-In
The follow ing Process Data add-in files are installed w hen you install Process Explorer:
AtData.xla - Aspen Process Data Add-In (2003)
AtData.xlam - Aspen Process Data Add-In (2007)
See Also
Loading the Add-In
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Using Add-In Dialog Box Features
The Process Data Add-in dialog boxes can contain a number of features. W hen a feature is available on a dialog box, you can
access the feature by clicking a button. To access the main features of the Process Data Add-in you can:
Click to open the Aspen Tag Browser to drag a tag name to the w orksheet.
Click to go to a related dialog box for additional settings and selections. Refer to the related dialog box description for
specific information.
Click and to change the data orientation for output that is returned to the w orksheet. The feature button you see
indicates the data orientation that is currently selected for the output.
Note: You can set the data orientation for the Process Data Add-in using the Output tab of the Options dialog box. Refer to
the related dialog box description for specific information.
Click to move items to the Selected list. Click to move items back to the Available list.
Click or to move items up or dow n in the Selected list.
Click to set the date and time parameters for the related dialog box.
See Also
Aspen Tag Brow ser
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Entering Data for the Add-In
The Process Data Add-in allow s you to set up data functions to retrieve data from the InfoPlus.21, CIM/21 and Setcim databases,
and to provide the results in an Excel w orksheet.
To enter a single data item using the Current Values dialog box:
Enter a single data item, for example, a tag name, into the Tags field, as show n in the Current Values dialog box.
Note: If the tag name uses the same format as an Excel cell reference location, the tag name must be enclosed in double
quotes, for example, "AT114."
Drag a single data item to a field from another source. For example, you can drag a tag name from the Tag Browser directly
to the Tags field.
See Also
Aspen Tag Brow ser
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Using Excel RefEdit Controls
Excels RefEdit control allow s you to select a cell or range of cells on the w orksheet and to define these cells by the cell reference
location. Refer to the Microsoft Excel applications documentation for more information.
2. Select a cell or range of cells from the w orksheet (the cells become Active.) The cell reference location appears in the data
entry field.
3. Select a cell or range of cells from the w orksheet (the cells become Active.) The cell reference location appears in the RefEdit
Note: By default, the RefEdit control gives absolute cell references. Each time you press F4, Excel changes the reference
among all combinations of absolute and relative referencing.
4. Click to maximize the dialog box using RefEdit. The dialog box is displayed w ith the cell reference location show n in the
data entry field.
Important: Do not click the to close RefEdit. Because of problems related to Microsoft Excel , using the RefEdit close box
could cause serious problems w ith your application.
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Formatting the Date and T ime
In the Process Data Add-in w ithin the Options dialog box, the Format tab allow s you to specify w hether the date and time values
on the w orksheet are formatted using:
W indow s system date and time settings
Current Excel w orksheet settings
The Excel w orksheet settings can be show n as numeric values, for example, 36226.35416.
As you prepare your w orksheets using the Process Data Add-in, you can change the date and time format in W indow s. You can
also change the date and time format in the Excel application.
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Calculating a Function in Excel
Microsoft Excel calculates a function in the w orksheet on the follow ing basis:
W hen the w orksheet is opened
W hen the function is entered into a cell
W hen one of the dependencies of the function changes
W hen the cell is calculated during a macro
In contrast, there are certain functions, such as NOW() or some of the Process Data Add-in functions, that are "volatile." On the
Process Data Add-in, the Attribute Values and the Current Values functions are considered volatile. This means, the function
is calculated each time the w orksheet recalculates.
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Using Process Explorer T ools
The Process Data Add-in allow s you to use the Aspen Tag Brow ser, available in Process Explorer, to enter a tag in the dialog
boxes or on the w orksheet.
The Aspen Tag Browser allow s you to:
See tags, maps, and definition records in a list view .
Drag tags into other tools.
Search the database server you selected for one or more tags that meet certain conditions.
If you need more information, see the Aspen Tag Brow ser Help.
See Also
Drag the data
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Making Changes to a Function after Entry
You can make changes to an existing function using the Process Data Add-in dialog boxes or directly in the Excel w orksheet.
You can make changes to the Process Data Add-in function in any of the follow ing w ays:
Double-click on any of the cells in the output array to display the dialog box w here the function w as created. You can then
modify the data in the dialog box to change or correct your settings and selections.
Click in any of the cell(s) in the function and invoke the dialog box from the appropriate menu item. You can then modify the
data in the dialog box to change or correct your settings and selections. If you invoke the w rong dialog box, the Process
Data Add-in asks if you w ish to invoke the correct one instead.
Modify the function directly. Select any of the cells that contain the function and edit the equation displayed in the Formula
Bar above the w orksheet. After making changes to the function, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to apply the changes to all of the
Note: If you are modifying a formula in this manner, you must modify the entire function array.
Modify the function using the Excel Formula Palette. You can click to display the Excel Formula Palette, w hich displays the
name and value of each function argument and allow s you to edit the argument values.
Note: Each time you make any changes to the value of an argument in the Formula Palette, the function results are
recalculated. This can be a lengthy operation for some of the functions. For this reason w e recommend against using the
Edit Formula feature.
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Using the Process Data Add-in
The Process Data Add-in allows you to perform the following procedures:
Configure Options for the Process Data Add-in
Configure Settings for the Current Function
Configure Map Information for Tags
Perform Trend and Aggregate Calculations
Retrieve Filtered Trend Data
Retrieve Attribute Values
Select an Attribute List
Retrieve Current Values
Retrieve Values at the Selected Times
Perform Data Entry
Start/Stop the Timer
Use the Aspen Timeline Control
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Configuring Options for the Process Data Add-in
The Options dialog box allow s you to customize many of the standard features of the Process Data Add-in.
Note: The options are global features that update the standard options for all of the Aspen Add-ins installed on your system.
For example, w hen you change a standard option w ithin the Process Data Add-in, you are actually changing that option for all of
the Aspen Add-ins that are in use.
For a detailed definition of the standard options for the Process Data Add-in, see Options dialog box.
To display the Options dialog box from the Excel menu bar, select Aspen | Process Data | Options.
The Options dialog box contains four tabs:
General Allow s you to set the controls for sizing output data on the w orksheet
Data Source Allow s you to select the data source (server) for the Process Data Add-in.
Output Allow s you to define the options for w riting the output data to the w orksheet:
The direction the output data flow s on the w orksheet
W hich output values are show n on the w orksheet
W hich quality values are show n on the w orksheet
Format Allow s you to specify w hether the date and time values that are returned to the w orksheet are formatted using
the W indow s system date and time settings or the current Excel w orksheet settings. It also allow s you to display asterisks
(*****) in cells containing non-existent data.
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Configuring Settings for the Current Function
The Settings dialog box, activated by the Settings button on some dialog boxes, allow s you to define the settings for the current
Process Data Add-in function. Once defined, these settings are stored w ithin the function you are performing.
For a detailed definition of the current settings for the Process Data Add-in, see Settings dialog box.
The Settings dialog box contains up to four tabs:
Data Source Allow s you to define the data source (server) for the current function, and in w hich direction the information
for each tag is read from the w orksheet.
Output Allow s you to define the standard options for w riting output data to the w orksheet for the current function:
W hich output values are show n on the w orksheet
W hich quality values are show n on the w orksheet
Format Allow s you to alter the appearance of data placed in the w orksheet.
Aggregation (where applicable) Allow s you to define the aggregate method and start option for the Trend/Aggregate
Data function. The Aggregation tab is available only w hen you select Settings from the Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box.
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Configuring Map Information for T ags
A tag is defined as tag name, server and Map set. The tag name describes a record name in a real-time database. The server
indicates the location of this record. The map is a translation table that allow s having multiple data streams for a single tag name.
The standard w ay of defining tags (tag name, server, map) for the Process Data Add-in functions is by entering them in the
w orksheet and by using the cell range as the tag argument. In most cases server and map are optional.
The data orientation (row or column) for a tag is dependent on the Tag information setting selected. For example, if you w ant to
read the tag information in row s, specify:
One column range assumes only tag name is defined. The server and map default to the Server and Map specified in the
Tw o-column range assumes tag name and server are defined. The map defaults to the Map specified in the arguments.
Three-column range assumes tag name, server and map are defined. Cells left blank default to the Server and Map
specified in the arguments.
For instance:
1 Tag name
Tag name2
To define the default Map argument double-click the Tags: field and choose from the list that pops up. Note that, if you are
selecting multiple tags, the list contains the list of maps common to all the tags. The "Fixed" map is the database default map if
no map is specified.
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Performing T rend and Aggregate Calculations
The Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box allow s you to retrieve a trend or aggregate calculation for selected tags over a specified
time period and to return the results to a predefined output location.
To display the Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box, click Aspen Process Data Get Data Trend/Aggregate Data.
For detailed information, see Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box and Understanding Trend and Aggregate Methods.
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Understanding T rend and Aggregate Methods
The purpose of aggregate statistics, w hich underlies much of how the Aspen Process Data Add-in measures and analyzes
quantitative data, is to calculate and display attributes for individual periods. To create an aggregate calculation, one must
quantify data in periods over a time span. Thus, trend and aggregate methods used by aggregate statistics w ould allow you to
make comparisons of tags betw een periods.
For example, a request for aggregate statistics seeks one value for each period for each statistical attribute, such as measuring
average gallons of crude oil used per second in a plant recorded from 2:00 to 2:30 versus 3:00 to 3:30. Another example w ould
be measuring the range in kilow att hours of electricity needed by an automobile assembly line during each eight-hour shift
throughout July.
The aggregated data betw een 10:00 and 18:00 is 4 and 9. Statistics are calculated on this aggregated data. For example,
the average w ould be 6.5 for the time period betw een 10:00:00 and 18:00:00.
The value aggregate method is based on a Value Aggregate calculation.
Time for CIM/21 - For CIM/21, the time aggregate method uses interpolated values at evenly spaced time steps betw een
the start time and end time. The step determines the frequency of data sampling. If there is no actual data in history for the
specified time range, the values are interpolated from data before the start time and after the end time
The shaded area represents the aggregate data. Statistics are calculated based on this area. For example, the average
w ould be 6.375 for the time period betw een 10:00:00 and 18:00:00 in the figure below .
The shaded area represents the aggregate data. Statistics are calculated based on this aggregate. For example, the
average w ould be 6.875 for the time period betw een 10:00:00 and 18:00:00.
The integral aggregate method is based on an Integral Aggregate calculation.
Value - Incomplete - The value - incomplete aggregation method uses actual values in history betw een a specified start
time and end time, calculating an interpolated value for an incomplete period according to InfoPlus.21 rules.
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Integral - Incomplete - The integral - incomplete aggregation method uses the integral of the plotted trend line betw een
a specified start time and end time, calculating an interpolated value for an incomplete period according to InfoPlus.21 rules.
Note: A data table of an Integral - Incomplete aggregate w ill display a status of BAD until enough data values have been
accumulated to compute the interpolated value.
For example, the follow ing figure show s the actual data points in history: 4 at 10:00, and 9 at 15:00. If the data is
compressed, you can assume that the actual value is on or near the line or is 6 at 12:00 and 8 at 14:00, and so on. A line is
plotted betw een the actual points, and the area under the curve is calculated for the time span betw een 10:00 and 18:00,
represented by the shaded area in the follow ing figure.
The shaded area represents the aggregated data. Statistics are calculated based on this aggregation. For example, the
average w ould be 6.875 for the time period betw een 10:00:00 and 18:00:00.
Note: The aggregate data passed back from the server and displayed in Process Explorer differs only in the timestamp from
the data retrieved in SQLplus. The timestamp differs by a period betw een the tw o applications. Process Explorer returns
timestamps only at the start of the period.
See Also
Understanding Periods
Understanding Steps
Performing Trend and Aggregate Calculations
Trend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box
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Understanding Periods
In statistical calculations, you must specify a period. In each period, the data is aggregated based on the specified method, the
statistical calculation is made on the aggregated data, and a single value is returned.
For example, the follow ing figure show s the actual data points in history: 4 at 10:00, and 5 at 11:00, and 6 at 12:00, and so on.
The aggregate period is 60 minutes.
The statistical calculations for 10:00:00 to 18:00:00 w ould return eight values (one for each 60-minute period). In this example,
the average returned for period 1 w ould be 4.5, for period 2 w ould be 5.5, and so on. W hen the data is plotted, it must be
assigned a timestamp. The anchor specifies the timestamp of the value. The anchor can be the beginning, middle, or end of each
aggregation period. For example, if you request the one-hour averages of data and the anchor is beginning, w hen the data is
plotted, the data point for each one-hour average is plotted at the beginning of the hour. The anchor is set by default to the
beginning of the time period.
See Also
Understanding Steps
Performing Trend and Aggregate Calculations
Trend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box
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Understanding Steps
The time aggregate method for CIM/21 requires a step. This method should be used w ith uncompressed data, and the step
should correspond to the frequency of data sampling. For example, if data is sampled every minute and the data has not been
compressed, you know that every minute a new value is added to history, and the value remains constant for one minute.
The follow ing figure show s the actual data points in history: 4 at 10:00, 5 at 11:00, 6 at 12:00, and so on. In this example, the
step for both the aggregate method and the trending method should be 1 hour. The shaded area represents the aggregated
See Also
Understanding Periods
Performing Trend and Aggregate Calculations
Trend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box
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Retrieving Attribute Values
The Attribute Values dialog box creates a function that retrieves attribute values for the specified tags.
To display the Attribute Values dialog box, select the Aspen menu from the Excel menu bar. Select Process Data, select Get
Data, then select Attribute Values.
For detailed information, see Attribute Values dialog box.
See Also
Entering Data for the Add-in
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Selecting an Attribute List
The Select Attributes List dialog box allow s you to copy a list of attribute names to the w orksheet. The attribute location is
returned to the Attribute Values dialog box.
To display the Select Attributes List dialog box, click on the Attribute Values dialog box.
For detailed information, see Select Attribute List dialog box.
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Retrieving Current Values
The Current Values dialog box allow s you to retrieve current values for the specified tags.
To display the Current Values dialog box, select the Aspen menu from the Excel menu bar. Select Process Data, select Get Data,
then select Current Values.
For detailed information, see Current Values dialog box.
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Retrieving Filtered T rend Data
The Filter tab allow s you to set specific criteria for the data that is retrieved. You can use the filter feature only w ith interpolated
and actual calculation types on trend data. The Filter tab is unavailable for aggregate data. Filtering is not supported for on-
demand calculations.
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Retrieving Values at the Selected T imes
The Values at Times dialog box allow s you to retrieve tag values at the selected times.
To display the Values at Times dialog box, click Aspen Process Data Get Data Values at Times.
For detailed information, see Values at Times dialog box.
See Also
Aspen Tag Brow ser
Entering Data for the Add-in
Relative Time
Set Time dialog box
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Performing Data Entry
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Starting/Stopping the T imer
See Also
Entering Data for the Add-in
Start Timer Dialog Box
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Using the Aspen T imeline Control
The Aspen Timeline control allow s you to w rite a start time and end time to the w orksheet. W hen you retrieve data, you can
change or update the Start time and End time using the Aspen Timeline control. The start time and end time values can be
referenced by the functions that are accessible from the Get Data selection on the Process Data menu.
To display the Aspen TimeLine dialog box, select the Aspen menu from the Excel menu bar. Click Process Data Show Timeline.
Note: You can click the right mouse w hile on the w orksheet to select the Aspen Timeline from the context menu.
To set the start and end times:
1. Click in a blank cell or a cell that contains a timestamp. The Aspen Timeline control inserts the Start time in the cell that you
select, and the End time in the cell to the right.
2. Display the Aspen Timeline control.
3. Select the Update mode:
Click Manual to update the data manually. Each time you click Apply, the Start time and End time are updated on the
w orksheet.
Click Automatic to automatically update the Start time and End time on the w orksheet based on the selected Timeline
update frequency. The updates stop w hen you close the Aspen Timeline control.
Note: Automatic update is not recommended for large array sizes, w here the amount of time required to update the
w orksheet matches or exceeds the Automatic update frequency.
See Also
Aspen Timeline Control
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Creating and Executing Calculations
Process Data Add-in allow s you to create and execute "on the fly" calculations in a feature called "On-Demand Calculations." This
feature consists of the Ad-Hoc Calculations and Stored Calculations components of Aspen Calc.
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Attribute Values Dialog Box
Use the Attribute Values dialog box to create a function that retrieves attribute values for the specified tags.
Settings Click Settings to:
Define the Process Data database server you w ant to use as the data source or the Tag direction for the current function
using the Data Source tab of the Settings Dialog Box.
Indicate w hich values you w ant to return to the w orksheet for the current function using the Output tab of the Settings
dialog box
Tags Enter the Tag name.
Click to open the Aspen Tag Brow ser to drag a tag name.
Enter a cell reference location or range from the w orksheet.
Use the elements under Tags to select tags for the w orksheet. You can enter the Tag name in the Tags field or you can click
to open the Aspen Tag Brow ser to drag a tag name.
Output location Enter a cell reference location or range from the w orksheet to indicate the output location for the resulting
values. This field initially displays the cell reference location or range of the cells that are currently selected in the w orksheet.
The range must be either one row only or one column only (tw o-dimensional arrays are not supported).
Select the direction in w hich the resulting data is to flow into the w orksheet:
displays tag data in columns.
displays tag data in row s.
Attributes Use the elements under Attributes to select attributes for the selected tags.
Enter the tag Attribute in the Attributes field or click to select attributes from the Select Attribute List dialog box and
place them in the w orksheet.
Use S95 Tag Aliases Check this box to use S95 Tag Aliases, rather than tags
See Also
Retrieving Attribute Values
Entering Data for the Add-in
Using Process Explorer Tools
Select Attribute List Dialog Box
Settings Dialog Box Data Source Tab
Settings Dialog Box Output Tab
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Select Attribute List Dialog Box
The Select Attributes List dialog box allow s you to copy a list of attribute names to the w orksheet. The cell reference to the
attributes is then returned to the Attribute Values dialog box.
Tag selected Displays the tag name for w hich you are retrieving attributes, or the cell reference location or range from
the Attribute Values dialog box for your convenience.
Attribute location Enter a cell reference location from the w orksheet to indicate the Output location for the resulting
Select the direction in w hich the resulting data is to flow into the w orksheet:
fills the cells dow n. The attributes are placed in one column.
fills the cells to the right. The attributes are placed in one row .
Attributes Select the tag attributes you w ant to copy to the w orksheet from the Available list and move these to the
Selected list.
Available Lists all of the attributes Available for selection.
Selected Lists the attributes you have selected to copy to the w orksheet.
Click to move items to the Selected list. Click to move items back to the Available list.
Click or to move items up or dow n in the Selected list.
See Also
Selecting an Attribute List
Entering Data for the Add-in
Attribute Values Dialog Box
40 / 79
Current Values Dialog Box
The Current Values dialog box allow s you to retrieve current values for the specified tags.
Settings Click Settings to:
Define the Process Data database server you w ant to use as the data source or the tag direction for the current function
using the Data Source tab of the Settings dialog box.
Indicate w hich values you w ant to return to the w orksheet for the current function using the Output tab of the Settings
dialog box.
Tags Enter the Tag name.
Click to open the Aspen Tag Brow ser to drag a tag name.
Enter a cell reference location or range from the w orksheet.
Output location Enter a cell reference location or range from the w orksheet to indicate the Output location for the resulting
values. This field initially displays the cell reference location or range of the cells that are currently selected in the w orksheet.
Select the direction in w hich the resulting data is to flow into the w orksheet:
fills the cells dow n. Each tag creates a new column of data.
fills the cells to the right. Each tag creates a new row of data.
Use S95 Tag Aliases Check this box to use S95 Tag Aliases, rather than tags
See Also
Retrieving Current Values
Entering Data for the Add-in
Using Process Explorer Tools
Settings Dialog Box Data Source Tab
Settings Dialog Box Output Tab
41 / 79
Data Entry Setup Dialog Box
See Also
Performing Data Entry
Entering Data for the Add-in
42 / 79
Start T imer Dialog Box
See Also
Starting/Stopping the Timer
Calculating a Function in Excel
Entering Data for the Add-in
43 / 79
T rend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box
The Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box allow s you to retrieve a trend or aggregate calculation for selected tags (data points) over
a specified time period and to return the results to a predefined output location.
For procedural information, see Performing Trend and Aggregate Calculations.
Tags Enter a Tag name using one of the follow ing methods:
Type the desired tag name.
Click to open the Aspen Tag Brow ser to drag a tag name.
Enter a cell reference location or range from the w orksheet. See Entering Data for the Add-in for more information.
Output location Enter a cell reference location or range from the w orksheet to indicate the Output location for the resulting
values. By default, the Output location uses the cell reference location or range of the cells that are currently selected in the
w orksheet.
To select the direction in w hich the resulting data is to flow into the w orksheet:
fills the cells dow n. Each tag creates a new column of data based on time, from oldest time on top to most recent time on
fills the cells to the right. Each tag creates a new row of data based on time, from oldest time on the left to most recent
time on the right.
Type Select the type of data trend or aggregate calculation you w ant to perform:
Not Good
Standard Deviation
Note: For each calculation type, except Actual, the Period/Unit and Start time/End time is required. The calculation type
Actual uses Max number of points instead.
Period Select the Period (number of Units) you w ant to use to calculate interpolated data or aggregate values.
The Period and the associated Unit value define the period w ithin the Start time/End time, during w hich you w ant to
retrieve data. For example, if Start time is 1:00 PM and End time 2:00 PM, and the Period/Unit is 21 minutes, types other
than Actual w ill return data or aggregate values at 1:00 PM, 1:21 PM, and 1:42 PM Data is not provided past 2:00 PM
Note: The Period/Units cannot be longer than the Start time/End time interval you select.
Units Select the Units (of measure) you w ant to associate w ith the Period:
Start time The Start time and the End time define the interval w ithin w hich you w ant to retrieve data values.
Enter the Start time to indicate at w hat time you w ant to begin the query.
Click to set Start time and End time using the Set Time Range dialog box.
Note: You can also use the Relative Time format to define the time.
End time Enter the End time to indicate at w hat time you w ant to end the query.
Click to set Start time and End time using the Set Time Range dialog box.
Note: You can also use the Relative Time format to define the time.
Stepped Select this option to choose w hether data is displayed as steps or as an interpolated slope:
On Stepped data display
Off Interpolated data display
Database Use the stepped setting defined in the data source
Note: If the data source has no stepped setting defined, data w ill be displayed as interpolated.
Enable Filtering Opens the Filter tab from w hich you can retrieve data that satisfies a filter condition. This option is unavailable
for aggregate calculations or S95 Tag Aliases. Filtering is not supported for on-demand calculations.
Note: Filter conditions are saved as strings. It is not possible to have a cell reference that triggers a formula w hen changed.
Max. number of points For the Actual Type selection only, specify the maximum number of data points you w ant to return to
the w orksheet. If you specify a larger number of points, more time may be required to retrieve the values from the database
server. (Blanks are returned to any extra cells).
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Settings Click to open the Settings dialog box, w here you can define settings for the current Process Data Add-in function. Once
defined, these settings are stored w ithin the function you are performing.
The Settings dialog box contains up to four tabs:
Data Source
Settings Dialog Box Format Tab
Note: The Aggregate tab appears only w hen you select Settings from the Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box.
Use S95 Tag Aliases Check this box to use S95 Tag Aliases, rather than tags
See Also
Relative Time
Trend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box Filter Tab
45 / 79
T rend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box Filter T ab
The Filter tab allow s you to set specific criteria for the data that is retrieved. The Filter tab is available w hen Enable filtering is
checked on the Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box. You can only use the filter feature w ith interpolated and actual calculation
types on trend data. The Filter tab is unavailable for aggregate data. Filtering is not supported for on-demand calculations.
Tag Enter a tag name or click to use the Refedit control to select a tag name directly from an Excel w orksheet. The
function w ill use the tag name as the tags value in conditions.
Note: For actual calculation types a tag name cannot be selected from the w orksheet. The tag name used in the Filter tab
must be the same as the tag name in the Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box. The Actual type does not support filtering for
multiple tags.
Operator Enter a mathematical operator or click the Operator box to select from a list of operators.
Value Enter an appropriate value for the tag or click to use the Refedit control to select a tag value directly from an
Excel w orksheet.
The condition is displayed in the format Tagname Operator Value. You cannot manually enter conditions. To manually enter
filter conditions see, ATGetFltData function.
Filter conditions are saved as strings. It is not possible to have a cell reference that triggers a formula w hen changed.
Localized decimal separators are not supported in the Add-In; you must use the "." character.
See Also
Retrieving Filtered Trend Data
46 / 79
Values at T imes Dialog Box
The Values at Times dialog box allow s you to retrieve tag values at the selected times.
Settings Click Settings to:
Define the Process Data database server you w ant to use as the data source or the Tag direction for the current function
using the Data Source tab of the Settings dialog box.
Note: If the data source (or server) name includes a hyphen (-), enclose the data source (or server) name in braces. For
example, {server-name}.
Indicate w hich values you w ant to return to the w orksheet for the current function using the Output tab of the Settings
dialog box.
Tags Enter the Tag name.
Click to open the Aspen Tag Brow ser to drag a tag name.
Enter a cell reference location or range from the w orksheet.
Output location Enter a cell reference location or range from the w orksheet to indicate the Output location for the resulting
values. This field initially displays the cell reference location or range of the cells that are currently selected in the w orksheet.
Select the direction in w hich the resulting data is to flow into the w orksheet:
fills the cells dow n. Each tag creates a new column of data.
fills the cells to the right. Each tag creates a new row of data.
Times Set the times (or time) at w hich to retrieve the tag values:
Enter the time.
Note: You can also use the Relative Time format to define the time.
Click to select a time using the Set Time dialog box.
Enter a cell reference location or range containing times from the w orksheet. The range must be either one row only or one
column only (tw o-dimensional arrays are not supported).
W hen using the Values at Times function to retrieve a value for a tag in a specific point in time in Process Data Add-in, you
now have tw o choices of values w hen using Process Data Add-in: Interpolated or Actual.
Type Select the Type of tag values you w ant to retrieve from the database to return to the w orksheet. You can choose one of
tw o types of values:
Use S95 Tag Aliases Check this box to use S95 Tag Aliases, rather than tags
See Also
Settings Dialog Box Data Source Tab
Settings Dialog Box Output Tab
Using Process Explorer Tools
Entering Data for the Add-In
Set Time Range Dialog Box
47 / 79
Options Dialog Box
The Options dialog box allow s you to customize many of the standard features of the Process Data Add-in.
Note: The options are global features that update the standard options for all of the Aspen Add-ins installed on your system.
For example, w hen you change a standard option w ithin the Process Data Add-in, you are actually changing that option for all of
the Aspen Add-ins that are in use.
The Options dialog box contains four tabs:
Data Source
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Options Dialog Box General T ab
The General tab allow s you to set controls for sizing the output data on the w orksheet
Formula Creation:
Automatically size output if one cell is selected Check this box to allow the dialog to expand the output range on the
w orksheet to accommodate the output. The direction of the output is defined according to the Fill cells option in the Output
If this setting is checked, enter the top left cell location of the desired output range in the Output location in a related dialog
box and the range is expanded automatically.
Warn if selected range is too small to fit data area Check this box if you w ant to receive a w arning w hen the required
output range is different in size or shape from the Output Location you selected in a related dialog box.
If the box is blank or if you check Don't ask me again on the Output Location Mismatch dialog box, your output is placed in
the output range you selected.
Warn before overwriting sheet contents Check this box if you w ant to receive a w arning w hen you select an output
range on the w orksheet and text or formulas, either partially or fully, already fill the output range.
If the box is blank or if you check Don't ask me again on the Overwrite Warning dialog box, you do not receive a w arning
and your output data immediately overw rites the existing data.
See Also
Options Dialog Box Output Tab
Entering Data for the Add-in
Output Location Mismatch Dialog Box
Overw rite Warning Dialog Box
49 / 79
Options Dialog Box Data Source T ab
The Data Source tab allow s you to select the data source (server) for the Process Data Add-in.
Server Select the database server you w ant to use as a data source from the list of available servers. The Process Data Add-in
can use data from the InfoPlus.21, CIM/21, Setcim, PI, PHD, and RDBMS databases. The default value for the server is <Any>,
w hich searches the list of data sources for the first instance of the specified tag.
Note: If the data source (or server) name includes a hyphen (-), enclose the data source (or server) name in braces. For
example, {server-name}.
Use IP.21 Process Browser Server If you are using the Process Data Add-In on an Aspen IP.21 Process Brow ser client, check
this box to retrieve data via the IP.21 Process Brow ser server.
WebServer Specify the HTTP address of the Aspen IP.21 Process Brow ser server (as HTTP:https://<Server> ) and click Set.
S95 WebServer Specify the HTTP address of the S95 Web Server (as HTTP:https://<Server> ) and click Set.
Tip: The S95 WebServer can exist independently of the IP.21 Process Brow ser server. If you do not need to resolve S95 tag
aliases, you do not have to specify an S95 WebServer.
You can click the Settings button on related dialog boxes to change these options for the current function using the Data
Source tab of the Settings dialog box.
The Process Data Add-In on a Aspen IP.21 Process Brow ser-only client cannot w rite to InfoPlus.21 v2.5.1 or SetCim
W hen used w ith a BPC data source, Aspen Process Explorer supports only the BPC default class and the BPC Tag Alias class.
Custom and other classes w ill not resolve.
See Also
Settings Dialog Box Data Source Tab
50 / 79
Options Dialog Box Output T ab
The Output tab allow s you to define the options for w riting output data to the w orksheet:
W hich direction the output data flow s on the w orksheet
W hich output values are show n on the w orksheet
W hich quality values are show n on the w orksheet
These options apply to all of the Process Data Add-in functions, w ith the exception of the Attribute Values function, w hich does
not use the Show quality options.
Note: You can click the Settings button on related dialog boxes to change the Fill Cells, Show , and Show Quality options for the
current function using the Data Source tab of the Settings dialog box.
Field Definitions
Fill cells Select the standard direction (data orientation) in w hich the resulting data is to flow into the w orksheet for all
new functions:
Down Click to w rite data dow n in columns, from the starting cell of the Output location specified in the function. The
button is displayed.
For example, if cell A3 is entered as the starting Output location on the w orksheet, the first value is returned to cell A3 and
subsequent values for that tag for later times are returned to cells A4, A5 and so on. Refer to the related dialog box
description for specific information that describes how the data orientation performs in the function.
Right Click to w rite data in across in row s, from the starting cell of the Output location specified in the function. The
button is displayed.
For example, if cell A3 is entered as the starting Output location on the w orksheet, the first value is returned to cell A3 and
subsequent values for that tag for later times are returned to cells B3, C3 and so on. Refer to the related dialog box
description for specific information that describes how the data orientation performs in the function.
Note: You can click and to change the data orientation for the output of the current function.
Show Check w hich values you w ant to display on the w orksheet. For example, check Server to show the server name on
the w orksheet, or check Time to show the time value on the report, and so on.
Tag Name Displays the tag name.
Server Displays the name of the data source.
Map Displays the map used.
Time Displays the time.
Value Displays value.
Note: For Aggregate values, the Value column header in the w orksheet displays the aggregate period. For example,
the column header for a fifteen-minute aggregate period is displayed as 15m.
Show quality Define w hich quality values you w ant to display on the w orksheet:
Note: The Show quality settings do not apply to the Attribute Values function.
Level Check to display the quality Level. A quality Level is a value inferred from the quality Status. Based on the quality
status of a data value, the quality level indicates w hether the data is good, bad or suspect. This allow s you to determine
w hich values you can use in the w orksheet or in the calculations.
If you check Level, select the format in w hich you w ant this value listed:
As a number This returns a number that corresponds to the Level values; good, bad and suspect. For more
information, see your System Administrator.
As text In this case, the Level value displays: "Good", "Bad" and "Suspect."
Status Check to display the quality Status. The Status acts as a qualifier on a data value and is recorded in the database.
For example, w hen a value reaches its Low_Low_Limit , the value receives a status qualifier of bad. A value w ithin its
acceptable limit range receives a status value of good. The quality Status is a helpful tool for troubleshooting purposes
since it allow s you to know the reason a process value is considered good, bad or suspect.
If you check Status, select the format in w hich you w ant this value listed:
As a number See your System Administrator for numerical Status values.
As text See your system administrator for text Status values.
See Also
Settings Dialog Box Output Tab
51 / 79
Options Dialog Box Format T ab
The Format tab allow s you to specify w hether the date and time values that are returned to the w orksheet are formatted using
the W indow s system date and time settings or the current Excel w orksheet settings.
Format cells that contain date-time values with Windows date and time settings Check to format the date and time values
that are returned to the w orksheet using the W indow s system date and time settings. Format other values using general Excel
For example, if you select date and time to be returned as a result in the w orksheet and this option is checked, the column or row
of cells containing the date and time result are formatted using the W indow s system date and time settings.
If checked, all other cell formatting in the range of cells occupied by the function is removed.
If unchecked, the current formatting on the w orksheet is not changed. If you do not select this option, date and time values
are returned as a number that you can format using Excel. For example, 36167.4583 for 11:00 AM on January 7, 1999.
Show ***** instead of blank for non-existent data Select this check box to show asterisks (*****) in cells containing no
returned data. Clear this check box to show nothing in cells containing no returned data.
Values As Strings W hen this check box is selected, values are returned to the w orksheet as strings. This is the default setting.
Clear this check box to return raw values.
Note: Clear this checkbox to view data using localized (non-US English) formats.
See Also
Formatting the Date and Time
52 / 79
Settings Dialog Box
The Settings dialog box, activated by the Settings button on some dialog boxes, allow s you to define settings for the current
Process Data Add-in function. Once defined, these settings are stored w ithin the function you are performing.
The Settings dialog box contains up to four tabs:
Data Source
Note: The Aggregate tab appears only w hen you select Settings from the Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box.
53 / 79
Settings Dialog Box Data Source T ab
The Data Source tab allow s you to define the follow ing settings for the current function:
Data source (server) settings.
Note: If the data source (or server) name includes a hyphen (-), enclose the data source (or server) name in braces. For
example, {server-name}.
The direction in w hich the output data is to flow into the w orksheet
See Also
Options Dialog Box Data Source Tab
54 / 79
Settings Dialog Box Output T ab
The Output tab allow s you to configure settings for w riting the current function output data to the w orksheet. The settings you
configure here determine w hich values are show n on the w orksheet for output and quality.
Note: These options apply to all of the Process Data Add-in functions, w ith the exception of the Attribute Values function, w hich
does not use the Show quality options.
Dialog Box Elements
Set as Default Click to save the current settings as the standard option for the Process Data Add-in. Set as Default
changes the value set up in the Output tab of the Settings dialog box.
Show Check w hich values you w ant to display on the w orksheet. For example, check Server to show the data source
name on the w orksheet, check Time to show the time value on the report, and so on.
Tag Name Displays the tag name.
Server Displays the name of the data source.
Map Displays the map used.
Time Displays the time.
Value Displays value.
Note: For Aggregate values, the Value column header in the w orksheet displays the aggregate period. For example,
the column header for a fifteen-minute aggregate period is displayed as 15m.
Show quality Define w hich quality values you w ant to display on the w orksheet:
Note: The Show quality settings do not apply to the Attribute Values function.
Level Check to list the quality Level. A quality Level is a value inferred from the quality status. Based on the quality
status of a data value, the quality level indicates w hether the data is good, bad or suspect. This allow s you to determine
w hich values you can use in the w orksheet or in the calculations.
If you check Level, select the format in w hich you w ant this value listed:
As a number This returns a number that corresponds to the Level values; good, bad and suspect. For more
information, see your System Administrator.
As text In this case, the Level value displays: "Good", "Bad," and "Suspect."
Status Check to list the quality Status. The Status acts as a qualifier on a data value and is recorded in the database. For
example, w hen a value reaches its Low Limit, the value receives a status qualifier of bad. A value w ithin its acceptable limit
range receives a status value of good. The quality Status is a helpful tool for troubleshooting purposes since it allow s you
to know the reason a process value is considered good, bad or suspect.
If you check Status, select the format in w hich you w ant this value listed:
As a number See your System Administrator for numerical Status values.
As text your system administrator for text Status values.
See Also
Options Dialog Box Output Tab
55 / 79
Settings Dialog Box Format T ab
Use the Format tab to alter the appearance of data placed in the w orksheet.
Show single times row/column show s only one row or column of times for all tags in the w orksheet. Clear the checkbox
to show a row or column of times for each tag in the w orksheet.
Paste data only provides data w ithout formula.
Show data in descending time order arranges Trend/Aggregate data in descending time order. Clear the check box to
arrange retrieved data in ascending time order.
Retrieve data in descending time order applies only to actual data. Select the check box to retrieve data w ithin the
specified time range in descending time order. Clear the check box to retrieve data in ascending time order. For example,
selecting a start time of 4:00, an end time of 5:00 and 10 max. number of points from the Trend Data dialog box w ill
retrieve the last 10 values in the range.
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Settings Dialog Box Aggregation T ab
The Aggregation Tab allow s you to define the aggregation calculation method and start option for the current function.
Note: The Aggregation tab is available only w hen you select Settings from the Trend/Aggregate Data dialog box.
Method Select the calculation Method you w ant to use:
Integral The Integral method calculates aggregate values from the integral of a plotted trend line w hich connects data
points betw een the start time and end time of each period. If Actual data for the specified time span is not available in
history, the trend is interpolated from data before the start time and after the end time.
Time For InfoPlus.21, the Time aggregate method is ignored and the Integral method is used.
For CIM/21, the Time method calculates aggregate values from tag values interpolated at evenly spaced steps in time.
The time interval betw een interpolated tag values is selected by the Step value in this dialog. The time span of each
period must be evenly divisible by the step interval betw een interpolated tag values. For example, a 7 minute
interpolation step is incompatible w ith 1 hour periods because one hour does not contain a w hole number of 7 minute
steps. If no actual data is available for the requested time span, interpolation is based on data before the start time and
after the end time.
Value The Value method calculates aggregate statistics from the Actual values in history betw een the start time and end
time of each period. If history contains no data for a period, all of the statistics for that period are zero.
Step CIM/21 requires a Step w hich specifies the frequency of data sampling used w ith the Time aggregate method. For
example, if you sample data every minute, the trend of that data has a "stepped" appearance, because the value changes every
minute, but remains flat betw een values.
See Also
Performing Trend and Aggregate Calculations
Trend/Aggregate Data Dialog Box
Settings Dialog Box Output Tab
57 / 79
Set T ime Range Dialog Box
The Set Time Range dialog box allow s you to define the time range w ithin w hich you w ant to query.
Caution: If you do not specify a time range, Process Data w ill retrieve data using the current time on the computer.
Start time - Enter or edit the Start time (date and time).
The date can be set using the drop-dow n calendar:
Click the dow n arrow to set the date using the calendar. W hen the calendar is displayed:
Month - Click the arrow s pointing to the left or right to set the month. The name of the month is displayed in the center-
Day - Click the date on the calendar to select the day. The day is highlighted w hen selected. The current date is circled in
Click to set the Start time to the current time.
End time - Enter or edit the End time (date and time).
The date can be set using the drop-dow n calendar as described above.
Click to set the End time value to the current time.
(Time span) - Enter or edit the Time span to set a standard interval betw een the Start time and the End time. The
Start time or End time is adjusted according to the Time span.
Lock span - Click the checkbox to lock the Time span.
W hen the Time span is locked and the Start time or End time is changed, the other time is automatically adjusted to
conform to the specified Time span. For example, if the Time span is set to 0 2:00:00 (2 hours) and the End time of the time
range is set to 6:50:00 AM, the Start time automatically adjusts tw o hours to 4:50:00 AM
Click the marked checkbox to unlock the Time span. You cannot edit the Time span w hen locked.
You can also use the Relative Time format to define Start and End times.
You can click the right mouse button to use the context menu to enter Start time and End time.
W hen a tw o digit year is entered, the century assumed is determined by the user's regional settings set in the Regional and
Language Option applet in the W indow s Control Panel.
See Also
Relative Time Strings
58 / 79
Aspen T imeline Control
The Aspen Timeline control allow s you to set start and end times for data show n on the w orksheet. For additional, detailed
information, click Help on the Aspen Timeline control.
Note: You can click the right mouse w hile on the w orksheet to select the Aspen Timeline from the context menu.
For procedural information, see Using the Aspen Timeline.
Apply Click to apply the current timeline settings.
Field Definitions:
Start time/End time Type or edit the Start time and/or the End time.
You can click the right mouse button to use the context menu to edit the relative time, set the time to the current time, or
zero the time values.
You can also use the Relative Time format to define the time.
Set time Click to set the start and end times using the Set Time Range dialog box.
Click or to change the End time:
W hen the clock is yellow , click to change the End time to the current time.
W hen the clock is w hite, click to freeze the End time.
(Span) Enter or edit the Span (time span) to define an interval (5 minutes, 2 hours) that is subtracted from the End time
to determine the Start time. For example, if the Span is set to 0 2:00:00 (2 hours) and the End time of the time range is
6:50:00 AM then the Start time w ill automatically adjust tw o hours to 4:50:00 AM
If you increase or decrease the Span, equal time increments are added or subtracted from both the Start time and End time.
indicates the Span is locked and the span cannot be changed. Click to unlock the span.
indicates the span is unlocked and the span can be changed. Click to lock the span.
Time slider scroll bar Click to the right or left of the Time slider to move the Time slider forw ard or backw ard in time.
Time slider Drag the Time slider to the right or left. This allow s you to stop at a particular point in time. The Span does not
Update mode Use this option to update the Start time and End time on the w orksheets.
Manual Click to update the Start time and End time on the w orksheet manually w hen you click Apply.
Automatic Click to automatically update Start time and End time on the w orksheet based on the selected Timeline update
frequency. The updates stop w hen you close the Aspen Timeline control.
To modify the timeline update frequency, you can click on the right mouse button on the Time slider. Then select Properties
and select the desired update frequency.
Note: The Automatic update is not recommended for large array sizes, w here the amount of time required to update the
w orksheet matches or exceeds the Automatic update frequency.
See Also
Using the Aspen Timeline Control
Relative Time Strings
59 / 79
Process Data Add-in Functions
The Process Data Add-in allow s you to construct data functions that retrieve and compute data using Aspen-provided formulas
and provide the results in an Excel w orksheet. The Process Data Add-in can use data from the InfoPlus.21, CIM/21, and Setcim
Note: The Process Data Add-in functions can be used w ith Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
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Using Process Data Add-in Functions in Visual Basic
You can use the Process Data Add-in data functions w ith Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), instead of the Excel w orksheet. See
the Process Data Add-in Functions.
Sub ProcessDataExample()
Dim vServer As Variant
Dim vTag As Variant
Dim iDisplaySettings As long
Dim vResult As Variant
Note: Refer to the related Excel application documentation and to the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language
documentation for additional, detailed information.
61 / 79
AT GetCurrVal
Note: Each of the arguments for AtGetCurrVal is listed below w ith its data type (in parenthesis), definition, and usage:
sTag - (variant) An expression that represents a valid tag name or an Excel reference defining one or more tags. Enclose a
tag name that could be interpreted as a cell reference in double quotes.
sServer - (variant) An expression that represents a valid configured server name. An empty string indicates any server
configured in the server list. This argument is ignored if Server is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag. (see
below .)
sMap - (variant) An expression that represents a valid map. An empty string or "fixed" indicates the default map. This
argument is ignored if Map is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag.
(see below .)
nDSetting - (long) Numeric expression that controls the elements to be returned in the array. Sum of the constant values
(see below )
nOrientation - (integer) Numeric expression that defines the orientation of the output of the tag data in the array. Zero (0)
= vertical; 1 = horizontal
nTagDirection - (integer) Numeric expression that defines the direction to read tag information from a cell reference. Zero
(0) = tag information is read on the w orksheet horizontally, one tag per row .
One (1) = tag information is read on the w orksheet vertically, one tag per column.
(see below )
The values for the nDSetting argument are the sum of the follow ing constant values.
Note: Each constant name is listed w ith its numeric value (in parenthesis) and description.
atTagName - (1) Specify the tag name.
atServerName - (2) Specify/display the server name for the tag.
atMap - (4) Specify/display the map for the tag.
atTime - (8) Specify the time/read the time.
atValue - (16) Read/w rite the value.
atQLevel - (32) Display the quality level (as a number).
atQLevelText - (64) Display the quality level as text (requires atQLevel to be selected).
atQStatus - (128) Read/W rite the quality status (as a number).
atQStatusText - (256) Read/W rite the quality status as text (requires at Qstatus to be selected).
You can define tags by entering them in the w orksheet and by passing the cell range as the tag argument. In this case, a tag is
defined as one or more sets of "tag name, server and map," w here server and map are optional.
The data orientation (row or column) for a tag is dependent on the nTagDirection selected. For example, if you w ant to read the
tag information in row s, specify:
One column range assumes only tag name is defined. The server and map default to the Server and Map specified in the
Tw o column range assumes tag name and server are defined.
Three column range assumes tag name, server and map are defined. Cells left blank are considered to be the default.
For instance:
1 Tag name
or 2 Tag name Server
or 3 Tag name Server Map
or 4 Tag name Map
If you specify the nTagDirection in columns (vertically,) the tags are read as follow s:
or or or
1 Tag name Tag name Tag name Tag name
2 Server Server
3 Map Map
The nDSetting argument is the sum of values that specify the data to be displayed. For example, to display the Tag, Server, and
Status as text:
Assign nDSetting = atTagName + atServerName + atQStatus + atQStatusText
nDSetting = 1 + 8 + 128 + 256
nDSetting = 393
62 / 79
63 / 79
AT GetT imeVal
Note: Each argument for ATGetTimeVal is listed w ith its data type (in parenthesis), definition and usage.
sTag - (variant) An expression that represents a valid tag name or an Excel reference that defines one or more tags.
Enclose a tag name that may be interpreted as a cell reference in double quotes.
sServer - (variant) An expression that represents a valid configured server name. An empty string indicates any server
configured in the server list. This argument is ignored if Server is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag (see
below .)
sMap - (variant) An expression that represents a valid map. An empty string or "fixed" indicates the default map. This
argument is ignored if Map is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag.
sTime - (variant) An expression that represents a valid date/time or an Excel reference that defines one or more date/time
entries. Times can be represented as either absolute or Relative Time, (*-2h) (see below .)
nDSetting - (integer) Numeric expression that controls the elements to be returned in the array. Sum of the constant
values. See ATGetCurrVal for the values of the nDSetting argument.
nOrientation - (integer) Numeric expression that defines the orientation of the output of the tag data in the array. Zero (0)
= vertical; 1 = horizontal
nTagDirection - (integer) Numeric expression that defines the direction to read tag information from a cell reference. Zero
(0) = tag information is read on the w orksheet horizontally, one tag per row . One (1) = tag information is read on the
w orksheet vertically, one tag per column.
See ATGetCurrVal for more information about the nTagDirection argument.
nType - (integer) Numeric expression how the data is to be retrieved. If TRUE (1) then if there is NO value at the exact time
requested, then the first value before the time is returned. If FALSE (0) and there is NO value at the exact time requested,
then the value returned is interpolated betw een the value before and the value after the requested time. 0 is stepped =
FALSE and 1 is stepped = TRUE.
sAlias - (variant) Treat the entered Tag name as an S95 Tag Alias.
The values for sTime must be either one row only or one column only (tw o-dimensional arrays are not supported).
The nDSetting argument is the sum of the follow ing contant values.
Note: Each nDSetting constant is listed below w ith its numeric value(in parenthesis) and description.
atTagName - (1) Specify the tag name.
atServerName - (2) Specify/display the server name for the tag.
atMap - (4) Specify/display the map for the tag.
atTime - (8) Specify the time/read the time.
atValue - (16) Read/w rite the value.
For example, to display the Tag, Server, Map and Result:
Assign nDSetting = atTagName + atServerName + atMap
nDSetting = 1 + 2 + 4
nDSetting = 7
64 / 79
AT GetAttrVal
Note: This function does not return the Quality status or Quality level.
Note: Each argument for ATGetAttrVal is listed w ith its data type (in parenthesis), definition and usage.
sTag (variant) An expression representing a valid tag name or an Excel reference that defines one or more tags. Enclose
a tag name that could be interpreted as a cell reference in double quotes.
sServer (variant) An expression that represents a valid configured server name. An empty string indicates any server
configured in the server list. This argument is ignored if Server is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag (see
below .)
sMap (variant) An expression that represents a valid map. An empty string or "fixed" indicates the default map. This
argument is ignored if Map is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag.
sAttribute (variant) An expression that represents a valid tag attribute or an Excel reference that defines one or more tag
attributes. Enclose an attribute name that may be interpreted as a cell reference in double quotes (see below ).
nDSetting (integer) Numeric expression that controls the elements to be returned in the array. Sum of the constant
values (see below ).
nOrientation (integer) Numeric expression that defines the orientation of the output of the tag data in the array. Zero (0)
= vertical; 1 = horizontal.
nTagDirection (integer) Numeric expression that defines the direction to read tag information from a cell reference. Zero
(0) = tag information is read on the w orksheet horizontally, one tag per row . One (1) = tag information is read on the
w orksheet vertically, one tag per column.
See ATGetCurrVal for more information about the nTagDirection argument.
The values for sAttribute must be either one row only or one column only (tw o-dimensional arrays are not supported).
The nDSetting argument is the sum of the follow ing contant values.
Note: Each nDSetting constant is listed below w ith its numeric value (in parenthesis) and description.
atTagName (1) Specify the tag name.
atServerName (2) Specify/display the server name for the tag.
atMap (4) Specify/display the map for the tag.
atTime (8) Specify the time/read the time.
atValue (16) Read/w rite the value.
For example, to display the Tag, Server, Map and Result:
Assign nDSetting = atTagName + atServerName + atMap
nDSetting = 1 + 2 + 4
nDSetting = 7
65 / 79
AT GetT rend
ATGetTrend(sTag, sServer, sMap, startTime, endTime, nPoints, period, calculation, nDSetting, nOrientation, nTagDirection)
The ATGetTrend function returns an array containing data over a time span based on the given type of calculation for the tag(s)
Note: Each argument for ATGetTrend is listed below w ith its data type (in parenthesis), definition and usage.
sTag (variant) An expression that represents a valid tag name or an Excel reference that defines one or more tags.
Enclose a tag name that may be interpreted as a cell reference in double quotes.
sServer (variant) An expression that represents a valid configured server name. An empty string indicates any server
configured in the server list. This argument is ignored if Server is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag (see
below .)
sMap (variant) An expression that represents a valid map. An empty string or "fixed" indicates the default map. This
argument is ignored if Map is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag (see below .)
startTime (variant) An expression that represents a valid date/time for the beginning of the time span of interest. Times
can be represented as either absolute or Relative Time, (*-2h), or a cell reference containing a time.
endTime (variant) An expression that represents a valid date/ time for the end of the time span of interest. Times can be
represented as either absolute or Relative Time, (*-2h), or a cell reference containing a time.
nPoints (long) Maximum number of points to be returned in the array. This argument is ignored for all types of calculation
but Actual.
period (string) An expression that represents a valid time period for the calculation. Represented as a Relative Time in the
follow ing format:
day = ##d; hour = ##h; minute = ##m; seconds = ##s,
w here ## is a number
calculation (integer) Numeric expression that represents the type of calculation to be performed in the period. (see
below )
nDSetting (integer) Numeric expression that controls the elements to be returned in the array. Sum of the constant
values. For more information, see nDSetting
nOrientation (integer) Numeric expression that defines the orientation of the output of the tag data in the array. Zero (0)
= vertical; 1 = horizontal
nTagDirection (integer) Numeric expression that defines the direction to read tags from a cell reference. Zero (0) = tag
information is read from the w orksheet horizontally, one tag per row . One (1) = tag information is read from the w orksheet
vertically, one tag per column.
See ATGetCurrVal for more information about the nTagDirection argument.
The values for the calculation argument are listed below by constant name, numeric value (in parenthesis) and description:
atInterpolated (0) The returned array contains values interpolated at evenly spaced time intervals (specified by the
period parameter) for the tag(s).
atActual (1) the returned array contains Actual for the tag(s).
66 / 79
The values for the nDSetting argument are the sum of the following constant values.
Note: Each constant is listed w ith its value (in parenthesis) and description.
atTagName - (1) Specify the tag name.
atServerName - (2) Specify/display the server name for the tag.
atMap - (4) Specify/display the map for the tag.
atTime - (8) Specify the time/read the time.
atValue - (16) Read/w rite the value.
atQLevel - (32) Display the quality level (as a number).
atQLevelText - (64) Display the quality level as text (requires atQLevel to be selected).
atQStatus - (128) Read/W rite the quality status (as a number).
atQStatusText - (256) Read/W rite the quality status as text (requires at Qstatus to be selected).
atSingleTime - (1024) Display a single time for multiple tags. AtSingleTime Does not apply to Actual data.
atFillEmpty - (2048) Display asterisks if data is not found for a given cell.
AtReverseTime - (4096) Display data from most current to oldest.
AtBackRetrieve - (16384) Retrieve data from the most recent date to oldest date.
AtHeadings - (32768) Display headings in the formula.
AtValueAsString - (65536) Display all the values as strings.
67 / 79
AT GetAgg
ATGetAgg(sTag, sServer, sMap, startTime, endTime, period, calculation, aggMethod, aggStep, aggStart, nDSetting, nOrientation,
The ATGetAgg function returns an array containing data over a time span based on the given type of calculation for the tag(s)
Note: Each argument for ATGetAgg is listed below w ith its data type (in parenthesis), definition and usage.
sTag (variant) An expression that represents a valid tag name or an Excel reference that defines one or more tags.
Enclose a tag name that may be interpreted as a cell reference in double quotes.
sServer (variant) An expression that represents a valid configured server name. An empty string indicates any server
configured in the server list. This argument is ignored if Server is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag (see
below .)
sMap (variant) An expression that represents a valid map. An empty string or "fixed" indicates the default map. This
argument is ignored if Map is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag (see below .)
startTime (variant) An expression that represents a valid date/time for the beginning of the time span of interest. Times
can be represented as either absolute or Relative time, (*-2h), or a cell reference containing a time.
endTime (variant) An expression that represents a valid date/ time for the end of the time span of interest. Times can be
represented as either absolute or Relative Time (*-2h), or a cell reference containing a time.
period (string) An expression that represents a valid time period for the calculation. Represented as a Relative Time in the
follow ing format:
day = ##d; hour = ##h; minute = ##m; seconds = ##s,
w here ## is a number.
A blank indicates using the span.
calculation (integer) Numeric expression that represents the type of calculation to be performed in the period(s). Single
constant value
(see below )
aggMethod (integer) Numeric expression that represents the method used to calculate aggregate values. Zero (0) =
Integral method. One (1) = Time method. Tw o (2) = Value method. (see below )
aggStep (string) An expression that specifies the frequency of data sampling for the Time method. Represented as a
Relative time in the follow ing format:
day = ##d; hour = ##h; minute = ##m; seconds = ##s,
w here ## is a number
aggStart (integer) Numeric expression that defines the alignment of periods. Zero (0) = Start of day. One (1) = Start time.
(see below )
nDSetting (integer) Numeric expression that controls the elements to be returned in the array. Sum of the constant
values. See ATGetCurrVal for the values of the nDSetting argument.
nOrientation (integer) Numeric expression that defines the orientation of the output of the tag data w ithin the array.
Zero (0) = vertical; 1 = horizontal.
nTagDirection (integer) Numeric expression that defines the direction to read tags from a cell reference. Zero (0) = tag
information is read on the w orksheet horizontally, one tag per row . One (1) = tag information is read on the w orksheet
vertically, one tag per column.
See ATGetCurrVal for more information about the nTagDirection argument.
The constant values for the calculation argument are listed below .
Note: Each constant is listed w ith its numeric value (in parenthesis) and description.
atNotGood (8) Calculate the number of seconds for the period minus the number of seconds of good data for Integral or
Time methods, or the number of data points in the period minus the good data points for Actual method.
atGood (9) Calculate the number of seconds of good data for Integral or Time methods, or the number of data points of
good data for Actual method.
atAverage (10) Calculate the sum of good values divided by the number of good values.
atMaximum (11) Find the highest good value for the period.
atMinimum (12) Find the low est good value for the period.
atRange (13) Calculate the maximum good value minus the minimum good value.
atSum (14) Calculate the sum of good values for Actual method. For Integral method, calculate the area under the trend
formed from good values. For Time method, calculate the sum of the good interpolated values multiplied by the interpolation
Note: Both Integral and Time methods calculate a value w ith units that are the product of the tag's units and seconds. The
value may need to be scaled to change seconds to some other time unit.
atStdDev (15) Calculate the square root of the variance.
atVariance (16) Calculate the variance of values for the good values.
The values for the AggMethod argument are listed below .
Note: Each constant is listed w ith its numeric value (in parenthesis) and description.
atIntegralMethod (0) Calculations are based on the integral trend line of data points for each period.
68 / 79
atTimeMethod (1) Calculations are based on interpolated values at evenly spaced time steps (as defined by the aggStep
parameter) for each period. For InfoPlus.21, this method is ignored and the atIntegralMethod is used.
atValueMethod (2) Use the actual values in history for each period.
The values for the aggStart argument are listed below .
Note: Each constant is listed w ith its numeric value (in parenthesis) and description.
atStartOfDay (0) Align the start of the first period so that it is a shole number of periods from the StartOfDay value in the
atStartTime (1) Align the start of the first period to the StartTime argument.
69 / 79
AT GetFltData
ATGetFltData(sTag, sServer, sMap, startTime, endTime, nPoints, period, calculation, nDSetting, nOrientation, nTagDirection)
The ATGetFltData function returns an array containing data over a time span based on the given type of calculation and the filter
condition for the tag(s) specified.
Each argument for ATGetFltData is listed below w ith its data type (in parenthesis), definition and usage.
sTag (variant) An expression that represents a valid tag name or an Excel reference that defines one or more tags.
Enclose a tag name that may be interpreted as a cell reference in double quotes.
sServer (variant) An expression that represents a valid configured server name. An empty string indicates any server
configured in the server list. This argument is ignored if Server is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag (see
sMap (variant) An expression that represents a valid map. An empty string or "fixed" indicates the default map. This
argument is ignored if Map is defined in the w orksheet together w ith the tag (see ATGetTrend.)
startTime (variant) An expression that represents a valid date/time for the beginning of the time span of interest. Times
can be represented as either absolute or Relative Time, (*-2h), or a cell reference containing a time.
endTime (variant) An expression that represents a valid date/ time for the end of the time span of interest. Times can be
represented as either absolute or Relative Time, (*-2h), or a cell reference containing a time.
nPoints (long) Maximum number of points to be returned in the array. This argument is ignored for all types of calculation
but Actual.
period (string) An expression that represents a valid time period for the calculation. Represented as a Relative Time in the
follow ing format:
day = ##d; hour = ##h; minute = ##m; seconds = ##s,
w here ## is a number
calculation (integer) Numeric expression that represents the type of calculation to be performed in the period. (see
below )
condition (string) An expression that represents a valid SQL condition to be used as filter. The format for the condition
includes a space betw een the tag name and operator and betw een the operator and the value. For example, Tagname
Operator Value.
nDSetting (integer) Numeric expression that controls the elements to be returned in the array. Sum of the constant
values. See ATGetCurrVal for the values of the nDSetting argument.
nOrientation (integer) Numeric expression that defines the orientation of the output of the tag data in the array. Zero (0)
= vertical; 1 = horizontal.
nTagDirection (integer) Numeric expression that defines the direction to read tags from a cell reference. Zero (0) = tag
information is read from the w orksheet horizontally, one tag per row . One (1) = tag information is read from the w orksheet
vertically, one tag per column.
See ATGetCurrVal for more information about the nTagDirection argument.
The values for the calculation argument are listed below by constant name, numeric value (in parenthesis) and description:
atInterpolated (0) The returned array contains values interpolated at evenly spaced time intervals (specified by the
period parameter) for the tag(s).
atActual (1) The returned array contains Actual values for the tag(s).
70 / 79
AT UserEntry
Note: Each argument for ATUserEntry is listed below w ith its data type (in parenthesis), definition and usage.
sServer (variant) An expression that represents a valid configured server name. An empty string indicates any server
configured in the server list. This argument is ignored, w hen reading from or w riting to the database, if Server is defined in
the w orksheet together w ith the tag.
nDsetting (integer) Numeric expression that controls the elements to be handled by the read/w rite operations. Sum of
the constant values (see below ).
nOrientation (integer) Numeric expression that defines the orientation of the UserEntry header. Zero (0) = vertical; 1 =
Row/Column headers (integer) List of strings, separated by commas, of headings to be displayed on the array. This
argument is optional. This list replaces the default headings.
The values for the nDSetting argument are listed below .
Note: Each constant is listed w ith its numeric value (in parenthesis) and description.
atTagName (1) Specify the tag name.
atServerName (2) Specify/display the server name for the tag.
atMap (4) Specify/display the map for the tag.
atTime (8) Specify the time/read the time.
atValue (16) Read/w rite the value.
atResult (512) Display the result of the operation.
The nDSetting argument is the sum of values that specify the data to be displayed. For example, to display the Tag, Server,
Map and Result:
Assign nDSetting = atTagName + atServerName + atMap + atResult
nDSetting = 1 + 2 + 4 + 512
nDSetting = 519
71 / 79
AT EntryRead
The ATEntryRead function reads from the database the information defined by the ATUserEntry setup.
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AT EntryWrite
The ATEntryWrite function w rites to the database the information specified by the ATUserEntry setup.
73 / 79
RunT agBrowser
74 / 79
RunT imeLine
75 / 79
Relative T ime Strings
A Relative Time String can contain single characters or other short mnemonics. A Relative Time String can represent a point in time
or relative offsets. Once defined, the system can translate this fixed set of characters appropriately.
A Relative Time String is composed of an anchor and any number of deltas, or simply any number of deltas. A Relative Time String
has the follow ing syntax:
[Anchor] [+/-] [n] [Unit]
(Anchor) (Delta)
An Anchor is any fixed point in time. A Relative Time String does not alw ays contain an Anchor. If an Anchor is not supplied, a
"default anchor" is assumed. The default anchor is often defined by the context of the hosting control or defaults to the current
Anchors can be defined w ith absolute dates, for example, 01-Jan-98, 10/Sep, or Feb-98 12:00. Any string that the operating
system can interpret as a date/time is a valid anchor. Anchors can be a time of day, such as 08:, 10:00, 00:00, w ith the default
day being assumed.
Note: Absolute date strings are interpreted differently among different locale settings. For example, 01/11/98 can be
interpreted as January-11, 1998 on one machine and November 01, 1998 on another machine, depending on the Control Panels
Regional Settings. Do not allow room for ambiguity w hen using absolute date strings as Anchors.
A "special case" Anchor is an integer value in the first position of the string that is less than the number of days in the current
month. For example, 25 is interpreted as the 25 th day of the current month at midnight.
An Anchor can also be one of several anchor "keyw ords" that have special meaning. The keyw ords for an anchor are listed below :
* Current date and time
T Today current day at 12:00 AM
SUN The previous Sunday at 12:00 AM
MON The previous Monday at 12:00 AM
TUE The previous Tuesday at 12:00 AM
WED The previous Wednesday at 12:00 AM
THU The previous Thursday at 12:00 AM
FRI The previous Friday at 12:00 AM
SAT The previous Saturday at 12:00 AM
nDY The nth day of the year at 12:00 AM
nWY The nth Sunday of the year at 12:00 AM
For example:
10/10 4am = October 10 th of the current year at 4:00 AM
Oct 10 4: = October 10 th of the current year at 4:00 AM
T 8:30:45.32 = Today at 8:30:45.32
31W Y/Mon:45 = The Monday prior to the 31 st Sunday of the year at 12:45 AM
18 = The 18 th of the current month at 12:00 AM
18 6: = The 18 th of the current month at 6:00 AM
Although any valid date/time string is acceptable as an anchor, w hat constitutes a valid string changes across different locale
settings. To resolve this, the follow ing month keyw ord names are also provided. These names w ork regardless of the locale
settings selected:
JAN January
FEB February
MAR March
APR April
JUN June
JUL July
AUG August
SEP September
OCT October
NOV November
DEC December
The Delta is an offset that is applied to the anchor. Any number of deltas can be used together in a relative time string. A delta
has the follow ing syntax:
[+/-] [n] [Unit]
[+/-] Denotes w hether to add or subtract the delta. The sign of the delta is optional and defaults to + (plus sign).
[n] The integer number of units in the delta, for example, 3 hours. The number is optional and defaults to 1.
[Unit] The unit keyw ord of the delta. Valid units are listed below :
76 / 79
Y Years
MO Months
D Days
H Hours
M Minutes
S Seconds
U Sub-seconds
The behavior of the Sub-seconds unit (u) changes depending on the precision of the time control. If the time control is set to
millisecond precision, typing -2u subtracts 2 milliseconds, and -200u subtracts 2 tenths of a second. If the control is set to one-
tenth of a second precision, -2u subtracts 2 tenths of a second.
Valid Delimiters
The examples have used different delimiters. A delimiter provides separation betw een the anchor and delta components, and
betw een deltas. In some cases numerals can be used as a means for separation. For instance, 20W YFri does not provide a
means of separation betw een the mnemonic for WeekOfYear (W Y) and Friday (Fri).
In addition, specifying the same string, but in the reverse order, Fri20W Y does allow the various parts of the anchor to be
interpreted using the numeral 20 to separate the mnemonics Fri and W Y.
Valid separators are listed below :
, Comma
; Semi-colon
\ Backslash
/ Forw ard slash
Any integer value
Note: If any of the above delimiter symbols are defined as the time separator in the locale settings or as the sub-second
separator by the application, then that symbol is no longer available as a delimiter.
Examples of Relative Time Strings
The string and its result are listed below :
-2h = Default anchor minus 2 hours
*-2h = Current Time minus 2 hours
T/8h/m = Today at 12am, plus 8 hours, plus 1 minute
25 16h20m = The 25 th of the current month at 12 AM, plus 16 hours, plus 20 minutes
t-1d 16:00 = Today, minus 1 day, at 4:00 PM
MON 8:43 = Last Monday at 8:43 AM
T2d6h-30m = Today at 12 AM, plus 2 days, plus 6 hours, minus 30 minutes
77 / 79
Error Messages
The Process Data Add-in displays the follow ing error messages:
Output Location Mismatch Message Box
Overw rite Warning Message Box
Overw rite Error Message Box
Worksheet Error Messages
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Worksheet Error Messages
The follow ing error messages appear in the w orksheet w hen an error occurs w hile w riting data to, or receiving data from, the
database. For example, if the database server is dow n w hen you try to retrieve data, the error message, "50003 No connect to
server servername" is displayed in the cell of the w orksheet w here the result w ould be contained.
79 / 79