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Engineering And Technology - Other Courses And Institutes

1. Major Branches of Engineering

2. Dual Degree Programmes of IITs
3. Post-B.Sc.-B.Tech Courses
4. B.E/B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering
5. Regional Engineering Colleges
6. Technological Universities
7. Institutions Outside the University System
8. Distance Learning Courses
9. Specialised B.E./B.Tech. Courses
10. Specialisations in M.E./M.Tech. Courses
11. State-wise Common Entrance Tests

The world engineering derived from the Latin word ingeniare means to design or to create. Although
the New Oxford Dictionary of English (1999) denes engineering as the branch of science and technology
concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines and structures and technology as the
application of scientic knowledge for practical purpose, especially in industry, to-day it is no longer
possible to draw any such dividing line. This perhaps has prompted the use of the nomenclatures Bachelor of
Technology (B.Tech) and Master of Technology (M.Tech) along with the traditional ones, namely, Bachelor of

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Engineering (B.E) and Master of Engineering (M.E). The names of colleges and institutions also include such
terms as engineering technology and engineering and technology. Whatever may be the nomenclature
of the awards or the names of institutions, they encompass both engineering and technology.
Engineering education in India has a long tradition, the beginning of which goes back to the year 1847. In
that year was establishes the Thomason College of Civil Engineering at Roorkee, later to become the
Roorkee University (1949), the rst engineering university in the country. This was followed by the
establishment of the College of Engineering in Pune in 1854 which is still in existence. The Civil Engineering
College in Howrah came up in 1856 to impart training to the engineering personnel of the PWD. The rst
degree examination in civil engineering was held in 1864. In 1921, it was renamed the Bengal engineering
College, which was accorded the deemed university status in 1992. In Mumbai, Victoria jubilee
Technological Institute (now Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute) was set up in 1887.
Another landmark in the history of engineering education was the establishment of the National Council of
Education (Calcutta) in 1908 in the wake of nationalist movement of 1905-06. It established the nucleus of
an institution for imparting education in engineering and technology which in 1919, developed into the
College of Engineering and Technology. The College, through a State Act, became the jadavpur University in
1955, a unitary university now consisting of Faculties of Arts, Science, and Engineering and Technology.
In 1909 was established the Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore which owes its existence to the vision
and municence of the late J.N.Tata. It oers only postgraduate and research programmes. In 1958, it was
accorded the deemed university status. Besides engineering colleges, separate colleges of technology, such
as, College of Textile Technology, Serampore, West Bengal (1908), Government Central Textile Institute,
Kanpur (1914), Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur (1921) University Department of Chemical
Technology, University of Bombay (1934) which now enjoys autonomous status, and Laxminarayan Institute
of Technology (1942) were also established in the pre-independent days.
It was only after Independence that engineering and technological education got a great boost. The
development of technical education has been one of the major achievements of the post-Independence
period. The creation of the All-India Council of Technical Education in 1945, and the Report of the Scientic
Manpower Committee (1947) has a far reaching inuence in this development. The reports of the
Engineering Personnel Committee (1956), and the Committee for Postgraduate Engineering Education and
Research (1961) gave an impetus to higher level technical education.
The growth of educational facilities has been phenomenal during the last decade. The outturn of graduates
in engineering doubled within a span of 10 years from about 30,000 in 1987 to 60,000 in 1996. During the
same period, the outturn of polytechnic diploma holders increased from 56,560 to 95,283. A comprehensive
account of the progress of technical education since Independence is available in the book Technical
Education in Independent India (1947-1997) published by the All India Council of Technical Education in
Part-Time Programmes
Many universities now oer part-time programmes generally of four-year duration in dierent branches of
engineering and technology. The programmes are open to working diploma holders or diploma holders
having working experience for specied periods. Admissions are made through separate entrance tests.
Part-time M.E/M.Tech programmes (ve semesters) are also oered by a number of institutions.

Career Opportunities
Though there is a glut o graduates in some branches of engineering and technology leading to
unemployment, the eld continues to oer reasonable rewarding career opportunities to the brighter ones.
What should, however be noted is that, the standard and reputation of institutions in which the candidates

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study have a great bearing of their success in the employment market. Products of colleges and institutions
which survive on the basis of year-to-year recognition because of their inability to conform to the norms
specied by the AICTE in respect of workshops, laboratories, libraries, equipment and qualied teachers,
are certainly at a disadvantage in the highly competitive job market.
But choosing the right institution and branch of study having good career potentials are often, beyond the
control of individuals. Those who want to enter the job market without entering the portals of engineering
colleges can opt for the Special Class Railway Apprentices' Examination conducted annually by the Union
Public Service Commission. The eligibility requirement is a pass in 10+2 examination with Mathematics and
Physics or Chemistry. Successful completion of the apprenticeship leads to the absorption in the Indian
Railway Services of Mechanical Engineers. The Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education
operates the National Schemes of Apprenticeship Training among others, for engineering graduates. The
Scheme, however, does not guarantee any employment after completion of the training.
Both the Central and State governments continue to be the major employers of engineers particularly in
such branches as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronics Engineering. As regards the Central
Government, the Union Public Service Commission conducts an annual Engineering Services Examination
for recruitment to the Group A Services and posts in various technical departments and establishments. The
Services fall into four categories, viz., Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
The eligibility requirement is a degree in engineering or Associate Memberships of professional institutions
which are recognised by the UPSC as equivalent to engineering degree. Holders of M.Sc degrees or its
equivalent with Wireless Communications, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as special
subjects of study, are acceptable only for certain services and posts.
The near demise of public sector industries, which at one point of time used to absorb a large number of
engineering graduates, has considerably shrunken the scope of employment in this sector. Though the
corresponding growth in the private sector is not very encouraging, it is still the best bet for engineers
seeking lucrative careers.
Since it is the age of specialisation, acquisition of a postgraduate degree (M.E/M.Tech) preferably in newly
emerging areas would go a long way in ensuring a satisfying career. For example, the Department of Atomic
Energy (DAE) oers excellent career opportunities for motivated engineering postgraduates in its dierent
units including Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd., and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
(Kalpakkam). The activities of the Department being multi-disciplinary in nature, it needs post-graduates in
several engineering branches. The Training School of the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (Mumbai-400085)
organises annual Orientation Courses for Engineering Graduates and Science Postgraduates (OCES) and
Engineering Postgraduates (OCEP) of ve-month duration. On successful completion of the course,
candidates are appointed in any of the units of the DAE as Scientic Ocers grossing about Rs.15,000.00
per month.
Teaching and research careers are no less rewarding. With the proliferation of engineering colleges and
technological institutions, postgraduates and doctoral degree holders can join the teaching profession. The
profession also provides learning opportunities to enrich one's knowledge base. The major scientic
establishments, other than the DAE, such as the Council of Scientic and Industrial Research, Indian Space
Research Organisation, Defence Research and Development Organisation with their vast network of
research establishments oer research careers in many front line areas of engineering and technology.
Last but not the least, engineers and technologists have the option to migrate to management profession
and Civil Services. Both in the prestigious management schools and civil services, there is now a visible
presence of engineers and technologists. Needless to mention that successful careers in the eld demand
that engineers and technologists must be computer-savy.

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