Therapy After Injury To The Hand
Therapy After Injury To The Hand
Therapy After Injury To The Hand
Edema Control
Hand edema is the result of a collection of extracellular transudate and
exudate. The presence of proteinladen exudate in the interstitial space
at the site of injury leads to collagen
Figure 1
Table 1
Figure 2
Edema control
Wound management
Passive and active range of motion
Soft-tissue mobilization
Sensory reeducation and desensitization
Work hardening and conditioning
The stages are not necessarily sequential. Multiple stages may be undertaken
evation alone was compared with combined limb elevation and CPM in 16
patients with extremity pathology and
edema.11 A significant decrease in
hand edema was demonstrated following combined treatment.
Wound Management
Many therapists use a three-color
wound classification system to aid in
traumatic wound management and to
evaluate the effect of therapy on healing and function (Table 2) (Figure 4).
The goal is to eliminate black or necrotic tissue to facilitate the rapid progression to red or beefy granulating
wound tissue that is capable of healing
or suitable for grafting. The red wound
is protected until wound closure. Mechanical dbridement with soap and
water, pulsed lavage, frequent dressing
Figure 4
Table 2
Wound Classification by Color
Wound Color
Predominant Physiology
Decrease macrophage
workload. Facilitate
fibroblast migration.
Decrease macrophage
workload. Progress to
red wound.
Surgical or enzymatic
Cleanse with soap and
water, whirlpool treatment, antibiotic application
Clean dressings that
prevent desiccation
Scar Management
Therapy can influence the remodeling phase of wound healing. Hypertrophic scar and keloid both result
from abnormalities in the wound
healing process, resulting in fibroproliferation and disorganized collagen deposition. Keloids differ from
hypertrophic scars in that they extend beyond the zone of the initial
August 2010, Vol 18, No 8
Range of Motion
Therapy involving various combinations of active and passive ROM is
initiated unless there is a specific
contraindication. Early ROM, both
active and passive, decreases the incidence of joint contracture, facilitates
edema reduction, and decreases adhesion formation.17,18 With regard to
flexor tendon protocols, early ROM
leads to earlier recovery of tensile
strength and better tendon nutrition
than do protocols that immobilize
Figure 5
tendons.19 Early passive motion protocols were advocated by both Duran and Kleinert for the treatment of
flexor tendon repairs in zone II.20 In
a randomized clinical trial, Bulstrode
et al21 demonstrated improved early
motion in patients with extensor tendon injuries following two different
protocols that encouraged early active and passive ROM versus ROM
begun at 4 weeks.
Following tendon repair, passive
ROM may encourage tendon gliding, but it also has the potential for
placing a repaired structure at risk
for rupture. Aggressive passive motion should be avoided in patients
with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) because of the potential for increased inflammation and
edema.22 For these patients, active
motion may be preferred because it
may place less stress on the extremity
than does passive motion. Numerous
protocols for the management of
both surgically and nonsurgically
treated distal radius fractures advocate early passive and active ROM
of the fingers or wrist.23 A systematic review confirmed improved outcomes after early mobilization following extra-articular metacarpal and
phalangeal fractures.24
Splinting provides pain relief, protects
the extremity from additional trauma,
corrects or prevents deformity, facili-
Figure 6
Figure 7
Desensitization and
Sensory Reeducation
Depending on the nature of the injury,
a patient may benefit from therapy that
is specifically directed at sensory reed-
Soft-tissue Mobilization
Shortening of the soft tissue occurs
as a result of collagen cross-linking
and adaptation to muscle fiber resting length coincident with the decreased demand for joint motion.31
For example, maintenance of metacarpal joints in full extension results
in shortening of the true and accessory collateral ligaments. In patients
with spasticity and diminished joint
ROM, muscle tendon units shorten
to produce fixed contractures.
Soft-tissue mobilization (STM) of tissue planes relative to one another is believed to promote joint ROM, reduce
tissue stress, and stimulate lubrication
and nutrition. However, additional
research is required to determine
whether STM improves therapeutic
outcomes.32,33 STM techniques are
believed to optimize these factors
during the healing process, minimize
adhesions between adjacent tissue
planes, and decrease adaptive shortening.
The clinical effects of STM include
decreased fluid stasis, increased extensibility of shortened tissues, improved
blood flow, and proprioceptive awareness at the treatment site. The goals of
STM are to improve ROM and softtissue flexibility and to decrease pain.
Gliding, that is, the movement of tendons within their sheaths or muscles
within fascial compartments, is impeded by adhesions.
Strengthening protocols are initiated
following healing of the wound and
any repaired structures as well as
successful pain control. The goals of
strengthening include improved grip,
tip pinch, key pinch, and function.
Older patients with decreased grip
strength (<40 lb) report dissatisfaction with health-related quality of
life and function compared with patients with better grip strength (>60
lb).34 This reduction in grip strength
may be linked to sarcopenia and generalized frailty, which is common in
older patients. For patients with sarcopenia, therapeutic interventions that
improve muscle mass and strength may
prevent the onset of chronic disorders
that negatively affect health-related
quality of life.
The scope of a strengthening program depends on the nature of the
injury, status of the soft tissue, level
of pain, and biomechanics of the
fracture fixation and/or soft-tissue
repair. Strengthening protocols are
graduated, with progressive loading
and resistance; both eccentric and
concentric muscle contractions are
used. Strengthening or maintenance
of muscle tone is incorporated into
most active-motion protocols. Increasing muscle strength often improves ROM, facilitates lysis of adhesions, and improves excursion.
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
can be used for patients who are unable to initiate muscle contractions
to generate sufficient force. Exercises
that incorporate functional activities
of daily living have been shown to
improve ROM and strength generation in young patients after hand injury.35
The Jamar Hand Dynamometer
(Asimow Engineering, Los Angeles,
CA) is the most commonly used instrument to measure grip strength.
Multiple studies have confirmed its
validity and reproducibility.36 Repeated measurements of grip, key
pinch, and tip pinch provide objective measures of improvement in
both strength and function.
Paraffin Therapy
weak evidence of short-term increases in ROM in patients who underwent wrist CPM following the removal of external fixators to manage
distal radius fractures.23 A third Cochrane review that evaluated the efficacy of various motion modalities
for the management of flexor tendon
injuries concluded that there was
insufficient evidence to identify the
most effective rehabilitation strategy.45
High-voltage Pulsed
Galvanic Stimulation
High-voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation (HVPGS) involves the use of a
pulsed direct current applied at high
voltage; these are usually twin pulses
of short duration. HVPGS can be
used to decrease edema and accelerate wound healing. Basic science investigations have demonstrated that
pulsed current therapy is associated
with increased migration of neutrophils, macrophages, and fibroblasts.
One study demonstrated improved
collagen production and wound tensile strength compared with controls
following HVPGS.46 Evidence from
several randomized controlled trials
indicates that these effects accelerate
wound healing in vivo.47
Edema reduction following HVPGS
is thought to be the result of a decrease
in microvascular permeability after
electrical stimulation.48 Griffin et al9
demonstrated a clinically significant
decrease in edema in patients who
received HVPGS after distal radius
fractures compared with control patients who did not receive HVPGS.
This decrease in edema was similar to that produced by intermittent pneumatic compression.9 Cheing
et al49 demonstrated decreased swelling and improved ROM with pulsed
electromagnetic fields plus cold therapy (ie, ice) after distal radius fractures compared with sham pulsed
electromagnetic fields without ice.
Neuromuscular Electrical
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
(NMES) is achieved by passing an electrical impulse from a device through
electrodes placed on the skin over targeted muscles. Individual muscle bellies
or muscle groups are stimulated to produce contraction with a pulsating alternating current. NMES selectively stimulates large muscle fibers and can be
used to decrease edema, slow disuse atrophy associated with reinnervated
muscles, retrain muscles following tendon transfer, and facilitate tendon gliding after tendon repair or tenolysis.
NMES decreases edema by producing
muscle contractions that promote increased circulation and improved lymphatic drainage.50
Transcutaneous Electrical
Nerve Stimulation
A transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation (TENS) unit emits a lowfrequency pulsed current that interrupts painful sensations with electrical impulses. TENS units are used to
manage pain in multiple anatomic
locations. Hand therapists use TENS
units primarily for the management
of acute and chronic pain in the upper extremity. Patients may use the
units at the therapists office or at
home. TENS sessions typically last
30 to 40 minutes and are performed
up to four times per day.
The evidence for the efficacy of
TENS is mixed. Most studies provide
inconclusive evidence because of the
lack of statistical power. However, a
few adequately powered studies have
been designed to assess the effectiveness of TENS in the management of
chronic and acute pain.51
Johnson and Martinson51 performed a meta-analysis including 38
randomized controlled trials to evaluate the efficacy of electrical nerve
stimulation for the relief of chronic
pain. A significant decrease in rest
August 2010, Vol 18, No 8
Phonophoresis and
Phonophoresis and iontophoresis involve transdermal delivery of lowdose medication. Phonophoresis uses
ultrasound to increase skin permeability and enhance delivery of topically applied medications. Typical
medications used for phonophoresis
include salicylates, lidocaine, hydrocortisone, and dexamethasone. Iontophoresis uses a low-voltage direct
galvanic current to transfer topically
applied ions into target tissue. Polarized substances are more easily transferred through tissue with iontophoresis. Common ions used for
iontophoresis and phonophoresis include dexamethasone, saline, salicylates, and lidocaine. Both techniques
may be used for pain, inflammation,
and the prevention of scar formation.
Although both phonophoresis and
iontophoresis have been shown to effectively increase tissue penetration
of steroids,53,54 the results of clinical
trials have been less convincing. A
systematic review of the literature
concluded that there was insufficient
evidence to recommend iontophoresis for the treatment of inflammatory
musculoskeletal conditions.55
cant role in the ability of the therapist to help the patient successfully
move through the therapy protocol
at the appropriate rate so as to facilitate healing without compromising
the repair.
Therapy after hand injury can be divided into sequential steps, with the
goal of leading patients from injury
to recovery. In the early phases, hand
therapy addresses edema control and
wound management. Depending on
the injury, both passive and active
ROM protocols may be initiated in
these early phases. STM begins after
the wound is healed; it is used to facilitate musculotendinous motion.
Sensory reeducation and desensitization are integral throughout the rehabilitation process following nerve
injury. Strengthening, work conditioning, and work hardening make
up the final stage of rehabilitation.
Although rigorous scientific validation of specific indications is lacking,
there is uniformity of utilization of
therapy for many indications (eg,
tendon repair, chronic pain) and immense variation for other conditions.
Patient education as well as communication between therapists and
surgeons is critical for successful rehabilitation. Close coordination between surgeons and therapists specially trained in the care and
management of upper extremity disorders enables patients to progress as
rapidly as is appropriate, with the
goal of earlier recovery and maximized return of function.
Evidence-based Medicine: Levels of
evidence are described in the table of
contents. In this article, reference 56 is
a level I study. References 9, 24, 32,