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*C06206838 a for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206838 Pnited States Senate - eae ‘WASHINGTON, DC 20810 * CaSPERTOR GEEAL . (b)(3) CIAAct April 24, 2008 "Inspector General John L., Helgerson Office of the Inspector General (B)(8) ClAAct Original Headquarters Building Central Intelligence Agency By Facsimile & Courier Dear Inspector General Helgetson: We are deeply concerned about thé allegations reported in the April 23" ‘Washingion Post atic. entitled Detainees Allege Being Drugged, Questioned regarding the alleged use of drugs on detainees to-faciitate interrogations. They are the most recent ‘tva series of allegations relating to the abuse and mistreatment of detainees in United States custody. Although such conduct is prohibited by US. law and international treaties and inconsistent with our national: values; some similar allegations have since been confirmed by public reports. ‘AS with other types of.abuse, thé forced:admtinistration of mind-altering drugs to facilitate interrogation appears to have been authorized by the:legal analysis of Jolin Yoo, then a lawyer in the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel; His memorandum authorizing such abuse-reportedly overtumed a decades-old U.S. ban.on-the.use of mind- altering drugs to facilitate interrogation. President Bush recently-confirmied in an interview with ABC News'that the Administration's overall interrogation policy was discussed by Cabinet level national secutity officials, and.that the President himself was aware’ of these discussions. : ‘The allegations reported in the Washington Post article-warrant a thorough investigation by the Inspectors Genéral ofthc’ Department of Defense-and the Central Intelligence Agency. Investigation of alleged abuse-and mistreatment of detainées is ‘squarely within the purview of the Inspector General's office. Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206838 He“06206838 ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06208838, COPY ‘Only by identifying and reforming policies and practices that violate United + States law and international treaties and are inconsistent with our national values can-we ‘strengthen the interational coalitions we need to fight terrorism, decrease:the success of terrorists’ recruitment efforts, and restore America’s standing in the world.. Thorough investigations are an important step in that process. Carl Levin’ Chairman. ‘Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senate Armed Service Committee Chuck Hage ‘Senior Member Senate Select Intelligence Committee Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06200838©06206839 Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206839 “@ COPY ce petsye) CIAAct (b)(3) CIAAct— 15 Nay 2008 ‘The Honorable Joseph.R. Biden, Jr. Chairman Conmittee on Foreign Relations . Dirksen Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Mr. Chairman: I write to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 24, 2008, concerning allegations in the press regarding the use of drugs with detainees to facilitate interrogations. Please be advised’ that my staff and I have been consulting with our counterparts from the Office of + Inspector General of the Department of Defense and that we will be coordinating our-efforts to look into this matter. An original of this letter is also being sent to Senators Levin and Hagel. Thank you for your interest in the work of our Agency and the Office of Inapector General. ‘Sincerely, (by6) oop ermeige ‘con Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206839.C06206839 Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206839 a COCté‘t«‘CS:S*CSCPY as 6 25 : (b)(3) ClAAct ‘The Honorable Carl Levin Chairman Conmittee on Armed Services Russell Senate Office Building United States Senate : Washington, D.C. 20510-0001 Dear Mr. Chairman: write to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 24, 2008, concerning allegations in the press regarding the use of drugs with detainees to facilitate interrogations. i Please be advised that my staff and I have been consulting with our counterparts from the Office-of Ingpector General of the Department ‘of Defense and that we will be coordinating our efforts to look into this matter. An original of this letter is also being sent to Senators Biden and Hagel... Thank you for your interest in the work of our Agency and the Office of Inspector General. Sincerely, (0x6) ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 0620683906206839 ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206839 . o | iin Gace ‘ (b)(3) ciaact| The Honorable Chuck Hagel Senior Menber Select Committee on Intelligence Hart Senate Office Building United States senate Washington, D.C. 20510-0001. Dear Senator Hagel: I write to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 24, 2008, concerning allegations in the press regarding the use of drugs with.detainees to facilitate interrogations. : Please be advised that my staff and I have been consulting with our counterparts from the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Defense and that we will be coordinating our efforts to look into this matter. An original of this letter is also being sent to Senators Levin and Biden. Thank you for your interest in the work of our Agency and the Office of Inspector General. Sincerely, |Oe eee ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO6206839 © (by3) CIAAct COPY (Ee EE ee eae Sre/front Office/External Correspondence /Biden,ievin, Hagel. Letter of May 2008. 7 Biden - i zevin —| (b)(3) ClAAct Hagel ~ : Distribution: 7 : Orig’ - Each Addressee = OCA, = 01 Chrono - FO Subject. file. - DIG - 016 Ho = OfG-CounseT AIG/INV Hee HH Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206839.| | | | C06206840 Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06206840 (b)(3) CIAAct (©)(3) CIAAct (o)(7\(c) | (by(8) CIAAct | To (y7Xe) (b\3) a ie p_(b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) CIAAct ii Pe oe : (ovr) 'b)(3) cmhoce” KE sof Drugs To | (®(3) ‘220081159 AM Subject Fo: Alogatonof Use of Drs To Fate (b)(3) CIAAct; = V7e) (b)(3) ClAAct, (b)(7\(e) gto records Ihave seen, and information | have been ld, CA didnot eauest a anion ‘OLC (whether from John Yoo oranyone else)| (b)(3) CIAACt (0X3) ClAAct (oxic) ‘on the legality ofthe use of mind attering drugs to enhance interrogations Receive an.oninion on the issue: from ~~] (0x76) To, (b)(3) CIAAct. {b7)(c) cance a a (b)(3) CIAAG? pave Foy gn as asad") (b)(3) CIAAct —_ve20r2008 04:28: (6)(3) c1aact (bX7)C) a ch (b)(3) CIAAct Serene ey (b)(3) CIAACE i eure | To) (b){3) CIAAet co (b)(7)(c) | carat 10 PAL Subject gation ofthe Use of Droge ToraceTaNe Interrogations} (b)(3) CIAAct fN7)(0)~ q| __Let me do some research and advise. (b)(3) ciaAct | (b)(3) CIAAct (0X70) -—prenet (3) CIAAct {b)(3) CLAAct SRCRET//20330820~ (b)(7)(c) Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 06206840C0620 6840 Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 CO6206840 (xS)CIAAeL—— —acrosaocse _ COPY (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(7)(0) To ‘Office of nepector General = aa aay Subject (b)(3) CIAAct ‘06/20/2008 03:01 r()(3) CIAACt (b)(7)(e) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(7e) (rama jand you are filing in for him for the remainder of the month. | amaternpling 16 prepare: resparse1o a fetter of concern. rom three US Senators inducing ‘Chuck Hagel, a SSC! member to 1G John Helgerson. An identical letter was sent to the DoD IG. “The concer that was expressed by thie senators appears to'be drawn fram an article rom the Washington Post, dated 22 April 2008, Detainees Alege Being Drugged Questioned: That article quoted a former detainee from Guantanamo Bay who claimed to have been subjected to “mind altering drugs” to enhance interrogations. The letier broacly cites that "the forced. administration of mind-altering drugs to facitate interrogation appears to have been authorized by the egal analysts of John Yoo" formerly an oficial at the ‘Office of Legal Counsel. | nave prepared a draft response for a majorty ofthe other issues that were cited inthe senators” letter - ‘38 they pertain to CIA - (and regardless of what the separate DoD response wile.) What | woulctike to Gite for the completeness of this draft letter is that: CIA didnot request an opinion on the legaity ofthe use ‘of mind altering drugs to enhance interrogations - and correspondingly - did not receive an opinion on the issue fromOLC. ‘Are you able to assert, based on the records you have seen, that the Agency did not make a request for ‘suet an OLC opinion and did not receive an opinion that relates to such an issue? Feel free to contact me ifyourhave any questions on this request. Thanks, (b)(3) CIAAct (oy(7\(0) Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06206840606206841 Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06206841, a (b)(3) ClAAct 7 . 7 ae eee "DS Castano USTSCHICodewenIPOU Disa Comrie as Decas Gal ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET ‘GiRiECT Ordeal (J) Report to the Department of Justice Concerning Possible Violation of Federal Law Toe ©)(3) CIAACE ohn, Helgreon (b)(3) ClAAct © (B)(3) CIAAct a i > oxa0r2009 a ee aa orticus's. | COMMENTS (NurnBer wach comment to show fram whom Taw | renin | TOS" Maa Gera vse tas rns ces © PA) CIAACt os : = = = iz Bs os a 7 he: it Ha: % ; (b\(3) ClAAct F eer ade eee (b)(3) NatSecAct | 0201 ‘mons Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06206841c06206841 Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06206841 ESRARARSRES, [(ey@) ctaact [Eeeaseseascet| COPY Weahingon DO 5 Tecate i (b)(3) CIAAct ENERAL (b\(3) CIAAct | 29 January 2009 ‘The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Chairman Select Committee on Intelligence United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510-0001 Dear Madam Chairman: (0) This communication responds to a letter of 24 April 2008 from Senator Chuck Hagel regarding the allegations reported in the 22 April 2008 Washington Post article, "Detainees Allege Being Drugged, Questioned." In -that article, an attorney. for Adel al-Nusairi, a former detainee, contends al-Nusairi was subjected to “mind-altering? drugs as a part of an interrogation regimen to extract information from him at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The letter from Senator Hagel stated that the allegations reported in the Washington Post article warranted a thorough investigation by the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense (DoD) and the CIA. (by(1) (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(3) NatSecAct SECRET/FNOFORN Approved for Release: 2015/08/04 C0620684106206841 Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06206841 : “SECREE//NOFORN COPY ‘The Honorable Dianne Feinstein (p)(1) (b)(3) NatSecAct TSH}NEL Legal Tesue. OIG officers have examined whether CIA requested an opinion from the Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) regarding the legality of administering "mind-altering" drugs to facilitate interrogations, as addressed in Senator Hagel's letter. ‘who (b)(3) possesses acc such opinions, informed OIG that CIA did ClAAct hot request an opinion on the legality of the use of xn "mind-altering" drugs to enhance interrogations, and did not i710) receive an opinion on the issue. from. OLC. . 48/48} CIA/OIG Work Related to Detainees. OIG conducted.a comprehensive review of the Agency’s nascent detention and interrogation program covering the period of September 2001 through October 2003. During that period, more than.38,000 pages of relevant documents were reviewed by OIG. Additionally, over 100 Agency officers and contractors were’ interviewed regarding their knowledge of the program, to include isolated allegations ‘of mistreatment or abuse-of detainees. The results of that review were published on 7 May 2004. In the years following that ‘comprehensive review, a variety of specific unrelated detainee abuse allegations have been investigated by O16. 4e}/8P} Currently, OIG is investigating allegations of abuse made by a number of the 16 high value. detainees now at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, regarding aspects of theiz treatment prior to their transfer there. Following receipt of Senator Hagel's letter, OIG investigators have asked specific questions during interviews of Agency personnel in the Guantanamo 16 investigation to determine if they possess Knowledge of the use of "mind-altering" drugs as a part of the interrogation regimen. To date, the responses have been consistently negative to that issue. ‘4S//NF) Statement of the Director of Medical Services. The CIA's Director of Medical Services (DMS) on 29 May 2008 provided a written statement to OIG in response to our questions regarding the alleged administration of drugs to a | (b)(1) (b)(3) NatSecAct 2 SECRET //NOPORN Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 0620684106206841 Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 CO6206841 ‘SEERET//NOFORN COPY ‘The Honorable Dianne Feinstein. (byt) (b\(3) NatSecAct (S+A¥F) ‘The DMS stated that no "mind-altering" drugs were administered as a part of the Agency’s detention program to facilitate interrogations. The DMS notes that the term "mind-altering" drugs is a term of law, treaty, and popular usage, but not a medical term, inasmuch as it does not appear in'any of the standard medical dictionaries. Notwithstanding the absence of clinical acceptance of that term, the DMS cites that no "mind-altering" drugs were administered to facilitate interrogations and debriefings because no medications of any kind were used for that purpose. The DMS adds that he has no knowledge or information that any CIA officer or contractor outside of his office has procured and/or administered such drugs to detainees since September 2001. (U)_ We have coordinated our investigative effort with the DoD Inspector’ General, but pursued our work separately. I trust you will find this information responsive to the concern Senator Hagel raised. In the event you have further questions, please feel free to contact me- Sincerely, (by(6) Jobp/l. Helgersén Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06206841_: 6206841 Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06206841 ‘The Honorable Dianne Feinstein (b)(3) ClAAct Distribution: Original - Addressee 1 = oca 1- Ie chrono 1 - Counsel to IG 1 = ENV Chrono —— So 1 - BW subject File (b)(3) CIAAct a SECRED//NOPORN Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 CO6206841ee roved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206843 gaaacurrnre (b)(3) CIAAct_ fae) NatSecAct copy_$ AA NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INFORMATION Sa BSE. BE BEER hey) (b)(3) NatSecAct ‘eA 6 oa | Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206843, 3 RS AESLASBASBASBASBASB606206843 Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206843 : Aeron HE a ox) . (0)(3) NatSechct COPY (b)(3) CIAAct . 15 Way 2008 ‘MEMORANDUM. FOR: Director. of Medical Services FROM: John L. Helgerson Inspector General. suBgECT: (J Request: for. Information 1. (U/#eve}_ In a letter to the CIA Inspector Géneral dated 24 April 2008, Senators Joseph Biden, Carl Levin and. Chuck Hagel expressed concern, about allegations cited in a 22 April 2008 Washington Post article entitled Detainees Alleged Being Drugged, Questioned. This article (copy attached) focused on allegations made by a detainee, who was captured in 2002 and ultimately moved to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This detainee, now free in Saudi Arabia, claimed he waa drugged before his interrogations. Senatore Biden, Levin and Hagel aaked that the CIA and Department of Defense Inspectors. General “investigate this matter. 2. +48} To establioh the facta that will enable the Office of Inspector General (O16) to decide how to, respond to the senators, we ask: that“you provide the OIG with a description of the types of drugs ‘that your practitioners hhave administered to detainees along with a corresponding ‘explanation of the circumstances and reasons for the use of such drugs. ‘This should be a general description, not a list of specific detainees and the drugs they were administered. While’ the letteé noted above specifically mentions "mind altering drugs," please include in your response any drugs provided to detainees for any purpose. 3. (@s wr} _In.describing OMS’s use of drugs with detainees, please display the information in three categories; (1) “mind altering” drugs, if any; (2) drugs (b)(1) (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(3) NatSecAct 7 — © (b)(1) _t ()(3) NatSecAct Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206843cube as Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO6206843 FORE ee *(b)(3) NatSecAct COPY SUBJECT: (U) . Request for Information other than “mind altering" drugs used in connection with interrogations, if any, and (3). drugs used for purposes unrelated to interrogations, if any. (U//P0US} . Please respond to this requeet by 6 une 2008 eee 8 fa (eer see Thank-you for your assistanc (b)(3) CIAAct — (our) Oe [ (06) oF L. Helgeyéon Attachment: As stated eee (b)(1)——_____~ (b)(3) NatSecAct Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206843,¢06206843 Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206843 di (bx) (b)(3) NatSecAct : COPY SUBJECT:’ (0) :Request for Information ~ (b)(3) CiAAct Bistribution: Orig, Copy 1 - Addressee, w/att Copy 2 - IG Chrono, w/att Copy 3 = INV. chrono w/att rorieenes| | pvc (oy (b)(3) NatSecAct Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206843,A Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C062068- clot helene Ts} (Nry7203s0s20- vt) (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(3) CIAAct — | copy_3_ NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INFORMATION ABW WS BVASGA|GBGA |] 6 ; 6 6 é 6 4 , 6 s é s é 3) Nat latSecAct, aL BEM eE MRE Da aes ved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206844C06206844 (by(6) (b)(t) pve Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206844 i , COPY’ MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Medical Services b)(3) CIAAct Assistant Inspector General (oyi7Xe) for Investigations sUBgECT: (U) Request for Information REFERENCE: (0) Memo for D/OMS fr TG, dtd 15 May 08, Same Subject 1. _(U/AP68S). ‘This _is a follow-up to the memorandum that Inspector General (1G) John Helgerson sent to you last week pertaining to a request by three US Senators to investigate the use of drugs ‘in connection with the interrogation of detainees in terrorist-related matters. on Priday, 16 Nav. ddbn and T met with the Department of Defense 1G, ‘and his team to discuss a reaponse to the senators’ request. Our two offices have agreed to’ conduct ‘separate but parallel inquiries and to use a common approach in our respective investigations. 2. fa PRP) Given this agreement, we will yequire int addition to that which the 1¢ (b)(3) NatSecActequested in his original memorandum: Please provide the following: * Your definition of the ter "mind-altering drugs" and the types of drugs that would be covered in that definition; © What specific "mind-altering" drugs and quantities of those druge (if any) has the Office of Medical Services (OMS) made available to Agency officers or sites involved with detainees since September 2001; © Any OMS knowledge or information that a CIA officer or contractor outside OMS has procured and/or, administered such drugs to detainees since September 2001; and (b)(3) NatSecAct (oy (b)(3) NatSecAct Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO6206844Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206844 cror—erer|_prononst¢t20——o— (b)(1) (b)(3) NatSecAct C06206844 COPY SUBJECT: (U) Request for Information * A citation of any authorization OMS has received from ‘the Department of Justice or others to purchase and/or administer. such drugs to, detainees, regardless of whether this authorization has been used. 3. _{0/rove) You may incorporate thie: additional (b)(3) ClAAct information with your response to John’s original reques' (b)(7)(c). Again, the point of contact on this matter is! sist Thank you for your continuing assistance. 3) CAA wa ee (bY(3) CIAAct | (bN7Ne) i} (b)(3) NatSecAct | (byt) sopesenst| —_(Noromep7zossusz0— Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 606206844,eee Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206845 NOPORN? MR i Be * (BY3) CIAAct teha) NatSecAct COPY 29 May 2008 (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) CIAAct MEMORANDUM FOR: Inspector General _(b)(7){c) FROM: igector of Medical Services/ps SUBIEK () Response to Request, for Information REFERENCE: 2B. [(0)(3) CIAAct 1. _(u//#080) This menorandum responds to your requests for information regarding the adninistration of medications during the rendition, interrogation and detention of detainees in the ‘custody of the CIA singe Septenber 2001. The responses below are sequenced to the questions in References A and B. (by(4) Ref.’ A, Questiona 1 4 2 : (b)(3) NatSecact™"5 ™ is) hie} OMS officers did not administer medications of any kind to facilitate interrogations in the High Value Detainee (CIc/RDG) program. We are also not aware of any instance of adninistration of medications to facilitate interrogation of a CIA detainee in any other program or site. ReE. A, Question 3 *3t In the course of medical caré of detainees during ‘their rendition, interrogation and detention, many detainees received medications to treat conditions arising either prior to or during their detention, when medically indicated. Health care providers prescribed from many classes of medications, to ensure the wellbeing of those in CIA custody. Analgesics, both narcotic and non-narcotic, were administered for ain relief, with the type and amount of medication used termined strict; elinical circumstance. Oral, topical and injectable antibictics were prescribed for treatment of infections. Antacids, laxatives and antidiarrheals were administered for a variety of gastrointestinal .complaints. ical, products were provided for treatment of skin conditions. detainees were provided with vitamins, and in some cases, other nutritional supplements on request.’ Over time, detainees were allowed to, request and receive nonprescription analgesice, Cold and cough ‘preparations, antacids and non-medicinal skin moisturizers without prior medical consultation. C (b)(3) NatSecAct ‘TOR-SEERET| /NOEORN// MR (BE EH LY ZO (on) J-7 (b)(3) NatSecAct ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206845co 6206845 Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206845 ae TOp-eeexb}(1) Mower 77uR (b)(3) NatSecAct COPY SUBJECT: (0) Response to Request for Information . 4. (S/T. Medical ‘treatment. of detainees during the. course of CIA custody also included psychiatric problens. in consultation with a mental health provider and with the detainee’s, consent, several detainees ‘received treatuent with antidepressant medication during their detention by CIA. Similarly, with medical consultation and-infoxned Consent, detainees’ received nonprescription medication to assist with sleep on request... No ‘such administrations occurred interrogations. "No detainee received a course of treatment with a psychoactive medication without prior consultation and the detainees ongoing knowledge and consent. 5. become | BE (by\1) (b)(3) NatSecAct ingtances where detainees received si with their knowledge and cooperation for agitation or anxiety. Ref. B, Question 1 6. (U/7FOB0)_ You enquire as to our definition of *mind- altering drugs”. This is a term of law, treaty, and popular usage, but not a medical term. Indeed, ‘the term does not appear in any of the standard medicai dictionaries. Absent a clear definition, we can nevertheless state, per para, 2 above, that no wnind altering" druge were administered to facilitate interrogation because no medications of any Kind were used for that purpose. Our remaining responses to Ref. B will instead refer to psychoactive medications (acting primarily on the central nervous system to alter, mood, perception, consciousness or behavior) ; Ref. B, Question 2 7 - (b)(1) (b)(3) NatSecAct z BOP SERB! (yy) ‘OBO (b)(3) NatSecAct Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206845,coezuees ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06208845 : aaa sect MOBORL AR sopra) ee (b)(3) NatSecAct COPY SUBJECT: . (0) “Response to Request for Information | (b)(1) (b){3) NatSecAct ts Soetoro eee coe oe eee ONS has, ‘upon an individual officer's request, issued Ambien, a sleep inducing medication, ‘to officers for use during travel to and from the sites. Those issuances are logged in the OMS dispensary. = Ref. B, Question 3 A 18. OMS. has no knowledge or information that a CIA officer dr contractor outside OMS hac procured and/or Sdniniatered druge co detainees since Repteuber 2001. Ref. B, Question 4 - 31 (U//Poue) OMS did not’ require nor has it received authorization from the Department of Justice or others specifically for the purposes of purchasing and administering medications to detainees. OMS purchases controlled substances under the authorization provided through its DEA license. Medications were administered when clinically indicated, as in other healthcare settings, consistent with general standards of medical care and in accordance with the DCI Guidelines on Confinement Conditions for Detainees. (b)(3) CIAAct (bM7)(C) —POP-GHERET| jRepertt77/m (b)(4) (b)(3) NatSecAct Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06206845Seaneese Approved eres Top-speret) joan fer - COPY SUBJECT: (U) Response to Request for Information (b)(3) CIAAct Distribution: . Original - 1 - D/oMs 1 7 Gg Cum 4 TOR-SECKET, (NORORM AMR. (b)(4) (b)(3) NatSecAct Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO620684506296852 Wwe) Mire __ Action ‘Action Number ae status (b)(3) ClAAct Closed Title : (b(3) CIAAct Draft 1G Letter to tree Senators Regarding Alegations Drugs Were Used for inferogation ‘Action Type ‘Secondary Number Information Genatee Date (OS cwrrcr ee Original Request NA ‘Task Instructions: 1 Seit On Date Person 09/19/2008 (b)(3) CIAAct ‘Organization “Component External Due Date Internal Duo Date Lead roars oo Lora rors ation [Respoase ron (IG) Cae “soe ae Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852fae aa Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 5 “SEGRE (b)(3) CIAAct— secre Page 2082 Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852. aoe Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 ana Banas (b)(3) CIAAct *opM) CIAACt : ; nas eo SoS Eg eT WS UE er HOI Ta Repse BONG risen Cota) [SB DAT Comba Cimon (b)(3) CIAAct oro ON) Claret : [Teacation / Summary Rogaved for Peds and Pity Actions) "OTE: Ail eorrespandarice sent fo BIGIA miist be sent via ADB/OWA and DO/GIA ROUETO heey NONODNCUR REASON = cs | sowie SE Senne | (p)(3) CIAAct feat Tae (ee —_ I Oo) (b)(3) CIAAct son Tne bl (b)(3) CIAAct [Bex (b)(3) CIAAct Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852C06296852 Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 ‘WS Cinsiael Non USEC Coicved°GLTDtse Conia New ie Deas les eoproprid) ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET (b)(3) CIAAct SS5STOSS) "DRAFT IG Letier to Three Senators Regarding Alegatons Drugs Were Used for interrogation Gey T (b)(3) CIAAct J} (by3) ClAAct al (BN) CIAAct (b)(3) ClAACt tf" ona2008 (B)3) CIAActom mae (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct ‘COMMENTS tunte ea conentt show tan ten totem Drow i ces can stereo) -The Office of inspector General requests CTC {and ODNCS concurrence with alia OIG hes Stated to inform Senators Hagel, Biden, and Levin ofthe results of the O1G's investigation Into sioators hat sug wer ed fr terogmion purposes, The investigation found no. Fanrogatone caro: the ler ‘or debriefings, ‘The saree being coorited wth Joe Rizzo and (3) ClAAct (by(5) is. hs. FORM g 49 ussmevous nr enoxe Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO629685206296852 sae Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 —osenee (b)(3) NatSecAct (by) CAA] to NS) CIA ena (b)() CIAAct (09105/2008 06:51 PM. bee Subject Re: Fw: Letters to Three Senators (0y(3) ClAAcit" .@ THis message has boon rpg to. | “Thanks for the note. Given the importance ofthis issue, | would suggest that even though the request is for OONCS concurrence, we provide a courtesy copy for the ODCIA and ODDCIA as well ~ this issue nay yet arise again in dealings wth the Hill, As auch, request this be routed in hard copy fr D/NCS an exectuive mu parallel copies attached for DDCIA and DCIA information (same (b)(3) NatSecAct Work for you? (b)(3) CIAAct are act ace, [—(b)(3) CIAACK] (byx(3) one, cs (b)(3) CIAAct <2 cy TCALGL| an (b)(3) ClAact (DB) CIAACt —cunect "Fw Lote io Toe Senators (b)(3) CIAAct TIA 1G, in response to a letter signed by three senators, conducted an investigation into whether CIA used “mind-altering crugs” 28 par of its interrogation program. Their investigation concludes CIA did Rot. The IG is preparing letters back tothe three senators and seeks coordination on the letter by OGC, ‘OMS, and NCS. GIA IG will coordinate directly wilh OMS, and asked me to faciitate coordination with ‘OGC and NCS. | have sent the below note up to the CTCIFO (which has shared i with OCA) for OGC ‘coord. Whatis the best way to obtain NCS coordination? YI, the particular detainee who made the allegation wes never in CIA's program. nor did we ‘ender him. Thus, there is litle CLA information on the particular detainee. Even so, the senators asked tigatien contin ne the DOD IG and the CIA IG both to conduct investigations. The DOD IG invest ‘to conduct investigations. tay CIRRS ee es 080572008 05:12 PM = te “ (b)(3) CIAAct 472008 62 PM subject Cains To THe Senate _sbenet~ Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO6296852C06296852 Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 (b)(3) CIAAct a (UiFBUS} Per our conversation today, advance thanks for your efforts to coordinate this draft letter with the Senior Deputy General Counsel as well as appropriate components within NCS. This is one of three identical letiers that are being prepared for Senators Chuck Hagelin his position as Senior Member. ‘SCI; Gatl Levin as Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee; and Joseph Biden as Chairman, 7 ‘Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The frst paragraph of the draf letter explains the issue that has, prompted this response to the senators. | : - (oxy (b)(3) NatSecAct (U/FOUO} Since | wil be on leave for the next wo weeks, please respond td | Ces ine Shatin eensedi, tx clean evew wae (B)(3) CIAAct ‘ascomplshed with lon 24 Auguet 2008 ——(by(3) CLAAct (by(S) ClAAct (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) CIAAct DD. esertoxong doc Approved for Release: 2015/08/01 CO6296852ee ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 ~ (by). (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (by(5) aa Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO6296852——C06296852 ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852——_(b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(5) ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 COB296852———C06296852.. Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 606296852 “Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct {b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(5)C06296852 ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 “Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296852 (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (by5)C06296852- “Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO6296852 ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 CO6296852 (y(t) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(5)ncuoes ones Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 Conzocas é (Ka) CHA | TSECRETHNOFORN— {US Cnn en USSCUCadeweGU Dem Carino teva Ga apa ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SREcron3l”"(U) Report to the Department of Justice Concerning Possible Violation of Federal Law ROW John L. Helgerson P*(by(3) C1aact (0x3) CIAAcE™ ]"™ [(o)(3) CIAAct —_[_ewsore008 TO te eopnnon om ous) ‘cmrau's | COMMENTS Mba: ex commet to show tory when ‘mcovee | romcco | TETHS”| to wham. Oem sw acs colon ier coor conn) © 96R——(5y(3) CIMACT fia. (b)(3) CIAAct Fm g4Q wsemevous O20 pe Eamions: 1015/05/01 C06296854 Approved for Relea: (b)(3) NatSecAct"06296854 ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296854 (Conta tigence Agency Wading DC a (b)(3) CIAAct 29 January 2009 ‘The Honorable John Kerry Chairman Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510-0001 Dear Mr. Chairman: article, "Detainees Allege Being Drugged, Questioned." tn that article, an attorney for Adel al-Nusairi, a former detainee, contends al-Nusairi was subjected to quind-altering* drugs as part of an interrogation regimen to gxtract information from him at Guantanamo Bay, Cubas the Jetter from Senator Biden stated that the allegations yepoxted in the Washington Post article warranted a thorough investigation by the tnepectors General of the Departnent ot Defense (DoD) and the CIA. in the period since 9/11, the CIA office of Inspector Sengral has reviewed comprehensively the Agency's handling Of detainees. We undertook additional investigative work in response to Senator Biden's letter. In all of these efforts, we have found no evidence or reason to believe that sae, iigency at any time has employed the use of any drugs to facilitate interrogations. Me have coordinated our investigative effort with the en inepector General, but pursued our work separately. tT trust you will find this information responsive to the Concern Senator Biden raised. Sincerely, (b)(6) ogfn b. Helgérson ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/01 C06296854c06296855" Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 COs296855, 'b)(3) CIAAct | -SEGRETHNOFORN- ‘Casco Non USISCICoscneraiRGUDis Conroe tases (x opp) ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET [SARE Grae (Uy Report to the Department of Justice Concerning Possible Violation of Federal Law ROW John L. Helgerson (b)(3) CIAAct on i | [ es 01130/2009 FTO" omer eopann om ‘maim | romaree | METALS |r whem. Orwe 1, OCA —(0)(3) CIAAct z 1 (b)(3) CIAAct eae \o201 forrone ‘Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06296855 a secReTiNeronN— (b)(3) NatSecActeeeeenaa ey Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 CO5206855 Cental iteligence Agency Washingon 36 0805 aon 29 January 2009 The Honorable Carl Levin Chairman Committee on Armed Services United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510-0001 Dear Mr. Chairman: This communication responds to your letter of 24 April 2008 regarding the allegations reported in the 22 April 2008 Washington Post axticle, "Detainees Allege Being Dragged, Questioned." In that article, an attorney for Adel al- Nusairi, a former detainee, contends al-Musairi was subjected to "mind-altering" drugs as a part of an dnterrogation regimen to extract information fron him at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In the period since 9/11, the CIA Office of Inspector General has reviewed comprehensively the Agency's handling Of detainees. We undertook additional investigative work in response to your letter. In all of these efforts, we have found no evidence or reason to believe that the Agency at any time has employed the use of any drugs to facilitate interrogations. We have coordinated our investigative effort with the Department of Defense Inspector General, but pursued our work separately. I trust you will find’ this information responsive to the concern you raised. Sincerely, (b\(6) So EL. Helgevson Approved for Release: 2015/05/04 C06296855
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