50 Signs of The Day of Judgment
50 Signs of The Day of Judgment
50 Signs of The Day of Judgment
33. The emergence of the Beast from the Earth, carrying the Staff of Moses and the
Seal of Solomon, who will speak to the people, telling them they did not believe with
certainty in the Divine Signs.
34. A major war between the Muslims (including Jews and Christians who truly
believe in Jesus after his return) led by the Imam Mahdi, and the Jews plus other
non-Muslims led by the Antichrist.
35. Jesus will kill the Antichrist at the gate of Ludd (Lod in present-day Israel, site of
an airport and a major Israeli military base).
36. A time of great peace and serenity during and after the remaining lifetime of
37. Wealth will come so abundant that it will become difficult to find someone to
accept charity.
38. Arabia will become a land of gardens and rivers.
39. Society will then decay.
40. The buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daws will again sway in
circumambulation (tawaf) around the idol Dhul-Khulsah.
41. A great fire in the Hijaz, seen by the inhabitants of Busra.
42. Three major armies will sink into the earth: one in the east, one in the west, one
in Arabia.
43. An Abyssinian leader with thin shins will destroy the Kabah.
44. The huge cloud of smoke.
45. The sun will rise from the west (its place of setting).
46. A gentle wind which will take the souls of the believers.
47. There is no-one left on the earth saying, "Allah, Allah" or "There is no god except
48. Eventually the Day of Judgment is established upon the worst of the people, who
copulate like donkeys in public.
49. The blowing in the Trumpet by the Angel Israfil, upon which everyone will faint
except as Allah wills.
50. The second blowing in the Trumpet, upon which everyone will be restore to life.