1. Balim lives with his family in Taman Indah and has many neighbors, including Encik Janesan and Encik Indi.
2. Encik Janesan and his wife Puan Selvy are teachers who take different forms of transportation to work, while Encik Indi and his wife Puan Indi work and have two children.
3. Balim likes his neighbors because they are helpful and kind, often keeping the neighborhood clean and playing with the children.
1. Balim lives with his family in Taman Indah and has many neighbors, including Encik Janesan and Encik Indi.
2. Encik Janesan and his wife Puan Selvy are teachers who take different forms of transportation to work, while Encik Indi and his wife Puan Indi work and have two children.
3. Balim likes his neighbors because they are helpful and kind, often keeping the neighborhood clean and playing with the children.
1. Balim lives with his family in Taman Indah and has many neighbors, including Encik Janesan and Encik Indi.
2. Encik Janesan and his wife Puan Selvy are teachers who take different forms of transportation to work, while Encik Indi and his wife Puan Indi work and have two children.
3. Balim likes his neighbors because they are helpful and kind, often keeping the neighborhood clean and playing with the children.
1. Balim lives with his family in Taman Indah and has many neighbors, including Encik Janesan and Encik Indi.
2. Encik Janesan and his wife Puan Selvy are teachers who take different forms of transportation to work, while Encik Indi and his wife Puan Indi work and have two children.
3. Balim likes his neighbors because they are helpful and kind, often keeping the neighborhood clean and playing with the children.
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KPLI PRIMARY EDUCATION Lesson Plan Sample 2 Date : 20 th March 2010 (Tuesday) Time: : 9.15 10.15 am (60 min) Year : 5 Kenari Enrolment : 32/32 Teaching Context : Wr!d " #tries Topic: : Wr!d " #tries (#tries a$ut nei%h$urs and &e&!e in the &!ace ne !i'es.) Objectives/Learning otcomes: (y the end " the !essn) &u&i!s shu!d $e a$!e t 1. *ead and understand &hrases) sentences) &ara%ra&hs) and +h!e te,t. #&eci"icatins: a. (-e'e! 1 3.3.1 ) *ead and understand &hrases $y matchin% sim&!e &hrases t &ictures. $. (-e'e! 2 3.3.2) *ead and understand sim&!e sentences $y rearran%in% +rds t cm&!ete sentences c. (-e'e! 3 3.3.3) *ead and understand &ara%ra&hs $y ans+erin% T/. and Wh /uestins. d. -an%ua%e 0ntent: 1rammar item 0n2unctins3 4and5 and 4$ut5 CCTS : 6n"erence ty&e " /uestins 1i'in% reasns/ e!a$ratin% Mra! 7a!ues: : *es&ect and 8umi!ity Previos !no"le#ge : 9u&i!s :n+ h+ t create sentences and &hrases "rm +rds &r'ided. 1 Teaching learning materials : ; stry te,t Wr:sheets Steps / stages Teaching learning strateg$ Langage Content %otes Set &n#ction 10 min Ta!: a$ut ne5s nei%h$urhd and nei%h$urs 6n"rm that &u&i!s are t read a te,t 7ca$u!ary need t intrduce +rds that they are %in% t cme acrss /read in the te,t/stry 3 nei%h$urhd 3 nei%h$ur 3 he!&"u! 3 %arden 3 a!+ays 1. < yu ha'e nei%h$urs= 2. < yu :n+ yur nei%h$urs= 0an yu name them= 3. < they !i'e near$y r "ar a+ay "rm yur huse= e,&ected ans+ers: Yes, Yes, Encik Umar lives next door. No. Ask questions to random ppls. Stage ' Whi!e *eadin% sta%e 25 min <istri$ute te,t 1i'e instructins T d Tas: 1 Whi!e they read) try t ans+er the T/. statements a$ut the Mat in the te,t. 9u&i!s cm&!ete the tas: 1 in Wr:sheet 1 <istri$ute Tas: 2 in +r:sheet 2. 1i'e instructin. *ead si!ent!y the stry a$ut Mat5s nei%h$urs and ans+er $y +ritin% T r . "r each " the statements. 9u&i!s attem&t Tas: 1 Whi!e readin% 2in the &arts " sentences t%ether. 9u&i!s attem&t Tas: 2 Te,t cntains a n. " cn2unctins. 2 Stage 2 9st *eadin% sta%e 20 min Activity 1 ;"ter cm&!etin% Tas:s 1 and 2 % thru%h the e,ercise +ith the c!ass. 9u&i!s read statements and ans+ers a!ud. ;s: &u&i!s +hy ans+ers are chsen. 1uide &u&i!s +ith ri%ht ans+ers. ;s: Wh /uestins as a +ay t %et &u&i!s %i'e the crrect ans+ers r t cn"irm the ans+ers. Activity 2 Tas: 3 ;s: &u&i!s t cm&!ete tas: 3. .rm sim&!e sentences and /uestins $y arran%in% +rds/ &hrases .cus n the use " cn2unctins (and) $ut) etc) 9r'ide e,am&!es "r &u&i!s as a %uide. 6nstructin Let us see !o "ets all t!e ansers correct. >>. #lease read num$er 1 aloud. *e"er t Tas:s 1 and 2 ?,am&!es " Wh /uestins: %!o lives at 2&2 'ln (u!i$$a! )* %!ere does En (at live* %!at do t!ey do durin" +estive occasions* ,!is is ,ask ) -earran"e all t!e sentences or questions in .talics. Tas: 3 *e"er t +r:sheet 3 Tas: 3 < nt &r'ide &u&i!s +ith the ans+ers t /uic:!y ;s: Wh /uestins T %et &u&i!s t reca!! detai!s) and &r$e t e!a$rate ans+ers This is a +ritin% acti'ity. .aci!itate as &u&i!s attem&t this e,ercise. Closre 5 min Ta!: a$ut +hy +e need t ha'e %d nei%h$urs. 9r'ide instances +hat shu!d ne d +hen : A nei"!$our is sick, !at ould you do normally* visit !im You are cele$ratin" a $irt!day party. %!at ould you +eel i+ your nei"!$ours do not come to your !ouse durin" /ari -aya* %!y* Etc. %!at do you t!ink you s!ould do !en your nei"!$our is sick* .+ my nei"!$our +alls sick . ould "o and visit !im0send !im to a clinic. Mmm 3 (ea#ing Text My @ei%h$urs My name is 8a!im. 6 !i'e +ith my "ami!y in Taman 6ndah. We ha'e many nei%h$urs. 6 +u!d !i:e t te!! yu a$ut t+ " ur nei%h$urs. An the ri%ht " ur huse !i'es ?nci: 1anesan. 8e is a teacher at a near$y #ecndary #c!. 8is +i"e) 9uan #e!'y is a!s a teacher) $ut she teaches at a 9rimary #ch!. 8e %es t sch! n a mtr$i:e $ut his +i"e dri'es a car t +r:. An ur !e"t is ?nci: ;ndi:. 8e is married t 9uan 6ndi%. They are "rm #ara+a:. ?nci: ;ndi: +r:s as a c!er: at a $:sh& in t+n. 9uan 6ndi% des nt +r:) and she is a huse+i"e. ?nci: ;ndi:) !i:e 9uan #e!'y) dri'es t +r:. ?nci: 1anesan and 9uan #e!'y has three chi!dren. They are Maniam) #e!'am and 0itra. They a!! % t my sch!. ?nci: ;ndi: and 9uan 6ndi% ha'e t+ chi!dren) they are <a'id and #hasha. <a'id is in secndary sch! $ut #hasha %es t the same &rimary sch! as 6 d. We are c!assmates. 6 !i:e my nei%h$urs $ecause they are he!&"u! and :ind. They "ten he!& us t :ee& the nei%h$urhd c!ean. The nei%h$urs5 chi!dren and 6 usua!!y &!ay t%ether in the near$y &!ay%rund. We "ten ha'e 'isits "rm them. ?,ercise 6 Mar: the "!!+in% statements +ith a T (T*B?) r . (.;-#?). 1. 8a!im !i'es +ith his "ami!y in Taman 6ndah. >>>>. 2. 8a!im des nt !i:e his nei%h$urs. >>>>. 3. 8a!im des nt ha'e many nei%h$urs. >>>>. C. ?nci: ;ndi: is married t 9uan 6ndi%. >>>>. 5. 9uan #e!'y rides the mtr$i:e t sch!. >>>>. 6. #e!'am and 0itra are 9uan #e!'y5s chi!dren . >>>>. D. 8a!im !i:es his nei%h$urs $ecause they are he!&"u!. >>>>. ?,ercise 66 Ein the "!!+in% &hrases r sentences usin% ;@< r (BT. 1. Mr 1anesan is my nei%h$r. Mr ;ndi: is my nei%h$r. 2. Mr ;ndi: dri'es t +r:. 9n #e!'am dri'es t sch!. 3. My nei%h$urs are he!&"u!. My nei%h$urs are :ind. C. Mr 1anesan %es t +r: n a mtr$i:e. 9uan #e!'y %es t sch! $y car. 5. 6 usua!!y &!ay in the &!ay%rund. 0itra usua!!y &!ays in the &!ay%rund. C
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