Pe Dept Rewards Policy

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Haverstock School PE Department

Welling School
PE Department
Rewards and Sanctions
Rewards and Sanctions

As one of the 10 outcomes of high quality PE and School sport- ‘Pupils tend to
develop better attitudes to learning and a desire to improve when their
achievements are celebrated and rewarded. ……there is a consistent approach
to celebrating and rewarding pupils’ achievements in school sport……… clear
criteria for rewarding both improved attitudes and increased progress or special
achievements in school sport, and make sure that they are applied consistently.’
(High Quality PE and Sport for Young People (DfES/DCMS 2004)

Welling School Physical Education Rewards

We value all the effort, commitment and achievement of all students at Welling
School and as a consequence, we will reward students in a number of ways;
• Through the sending of postcards- see below

Postcards will be sent to students who their teachers believed and made
significant improvement in their PE lessons- through ability and achievement,
commitment, organisation or behaviour. These will be sent home every couple
of weeks and at the end of a unit of work.
• Through the giving of Certificates-

Certificates are generally given out for performance and participation in

tournaments, matches and other events, football matches, sports day, inter
tutor group competitions.

• Through the whole school rewards system

Students can also be given special Reward- bronze, silver or gold which is
directly entered into eportal.

These will be given at KS3 for attitude to learning and answering the
appropriate questions. At KS4 a second reward scheme will run alongside the
whole school system. Rewards will be given for:

1) Coursework deadlines (PE GCSE completing work set / coursework). The

work must be of a good standard (FFT min) to prevent any rushing of work just
to meet the deadline.
2) Attitude to learning

Welling School Sport Rewards

Welling School also understands the value of participation in school teams-
representing the school in the local community and beyond. Students commit
themselves to training, after school and weekend games. As a consequence, we
feel that it is important that all students who are regular committed members of
school teams should be recognized and celebrated. These students will be given
a ‘special tie’ or pin badge which they are allowed to wear instead of the school
tie. The pin badge is pinned onto a school jumper or blazer.

Welling School elite sporting students


We want to celebrate the sporting achievements of our most talented students

by dedicating a notice board to them. Our elite students are asked to contribute
a photo and some information about themselves and their achievements.

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