CUDA Programming On Nvidia Gpus: Mike Giles

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CUDA programming on NVIDIA GPUs

Mike Giles
[email protected]

Oxford University Mathematical Institute Oxford-Man Institute for Quantitative Finance Oxford eResearch Centre

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hardware view software view CUDA programming

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Hardware view
At the top-level, there is a PCIe graphics card with a many-core GPU sitting inside a standard PC/server with one or two multicore CPUs:




graphics card
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Hardware view
At the GPU level: basic building block is a multiprocessor with 8 cores 8192 registers (16384 on newest chips) 16KB of shared memory 8KB cache for constants held in graphics memory 8KB cache for textures held in graphics memory different chips have different numbers of these: product multiprocessors bandwidth cost 8800 GT 14 58GB/s 100 9800 GT 14 58GB/s 100 9800 GX2 32 128GB/s 250
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Hardware view
Key hardware feature is that the 8 cores in a multiprocessor are SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) cores: all cores execute the same instructions simultaneously, but with different data similar to vector computing on CRAY supercomputers minimum of 4 threads per core, so end up with a minimum of 32 threads all doing the same thing at (almost) the same time natural for graphics processing and much scientic computing SIMD is also a natural choice for massively multicore to simplify each core

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Software view
At the top level, we have a master process which runs on the CPU and performs the following steps: 1. initialises card 2. allocates memory in host and on device 3. copies data from host to device memory 4. launches multiple copies of execution kernel on device 5. copies data from device memory to host 6. repeats 2-4 as needed 7. de-allocates all memory and terminates

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Software view
At a lower level, within the GPU: each copy of the execution kernel executes on one of the multiprocessors if the number of copies exceeds the number of multiprocessors, then more than one will run at a time on each multiprocessor if there are enough registers and shared memory, and the others will wait in a queue and execute later all threads within one copy can access local shared memory but cant see what the other copies are doing (even if they are on the same multiprocessor) there are no guarantees on the order in which the copies will execute
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CUDA programming
CUDA is NVIDIAs program development environment: based on C with some extensions FORTRAN support coming in near future multicore x86 back-end also coming soon to make CUDA code portable may evolve into proposed OpenCL standard which may be supported also by AMD/ATI lots of example code and good documentation 2-4 week learning curve for those with experience of OpenMP and MPI programming growing user community active on NVIDIA forums

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CUDA programming
At the host code level, there are library routines for: memory allocation on graphics card data transfer to/from graphics memory constants texture arrays (useful for lookup tables) ordinary data error-checking timing There is also a special syntax for launching multiple copies of the kernel process on the GPU.

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CUDA programming
In its simplest form it looks like: where
gridDim is the number of copies of the kernel (the grid size) blockDim is the number of threads within each copy (the block size) args is a limited number of arguments, usually mainly pointers to arrays in graphics memory

kernel_routine <<< gridDim, blockDim >>> (args);

The more general form allows gridDim and blockDim to be 2D or 3D to simplify application programs
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CUDA programming
At the lower level, when one copy of the kernel is started on a multiprocessor it is executed by a number of threads, each of which knows about: some variables passed as arguments pointers to arrays in device memory (also arguments) constants held in device memory uninitialised shared memory and private registers/local variables some special variables: gridDim size (or dimensions) of grid of blocks blockIdx index (or 2D/3D indices)of block blockDim size (or dimensions) of each block threadIdx index (or 2D/3D indices) of thread
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CUDA programming
The kernel code involves operations such as: read from/write to arrays in device memory write to/read from arrays in shared memory read constants use a texture array for a lookup table perform integer and oating point operations on data held in registers The reading and writing is done implicitly data is automatically read into a register when needed for an operation, and is automatically written when there is an assignment.

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CUDA programming
Simple Monte Carlo example: simplest possible example involves the calculation of a large number of paths each path calculation is completely independent of the others each should have its own set of random numbers still waiting for NVIDIA to develop a random number generation library so just set all of them to 0.3
path_calc calculates the paths and portfolio calculates the portfolio value, which is then written into a device array

The host code copies the results back and averages them
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CUDA programming
Monte Carlo LIBOR application: ideal because it is trivially parallel each path calculation is independent of the others timings in seconds for 96,000 paths, with 1500 blocks each with 64 threads, so one thread per path executed 5 blocks at a time on each multiprocessor, so 40 active threads per core remember: CUDA results are for single precision time original code (VS C++) 26.9 CUDA code (8800GTX) 0.2

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CUDA multithreading
Lots of active threads is the key to high performance: no context switching; each thread has its own registers, which limits the number of active threads threads execute in warps of 32 threads per multiprocessor (4 per core) execution alternates between active warps, with warps becoming temporarily inactive when waiting for data

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CUDA multithreading
for each thread, one operation completes long before the next starts avoids the complexity of pipeline overlaps which can limit the performance of modern processors

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memory access from device memory has a delay of 400-600 cycles; with 40 threads this is equivalent to 10-15 operations and can be managed by the compiler
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CUDA programming
What have I not discussed: memory transfer coalescence: bandwidth to device memory is maximised by a half-warp of 16 threads loading 16 contiguous floats or ints with correct alignment this is often the most important/tedious aspect of getting good performance use of shared-memory essential for PDE applications to minimise the amount of data loaded from device memory use of textures rather specialised, Ive used them only for a random-access lookup table to avoid penalty of non-coalesced transfers

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CUDA programming
Finite difference application: recently started work on simple 3D nite difference applications Jacobi iteration for discrete Laplace equation CG iteration for discrete Laplace equation ADI time-marching conceptually straightforward for someone who is used to partitioning grids for MPI implementations each multiprocessor works on a block of the grid threads within each block read data into local shared memory, do the calculations in parallel and write new data back to main device memory

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CUDA programming
3D nite difference implementation: insufcient shared memory to hold whole 3D block, so hold 3 working planes at a time (halo depth of 1, just one Jacobi iteration at a time) key steps in kernel code: load in k = 0 z-plane (inc x and y-halos) loop over all z-planes load k +1 z-plane (over-writing k 2 plane) process k z-plane store new k z-plane
50 speedup relative to Xeon single core, compared to 5 speedup using OpenMP with 8 cores.

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Final words
Will GPUs have real impact? I think theyre the most exciting development since initial development of PVM and Beowulf clusters Have generated a lot of interest/excitement in academia, being used by application scientists, not just computer scientists Potential for 10 100 speedup and improvement in GFLOPS/ and GFLOPS/watt Effectively a personal cluster in a PC under your desk Needs work on tools and libraries to simplify development effort

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Wikipedia overviews of GeForce cards: 8 Series 9 Series NVIDIAs CUDA homepage: home.html Microprocessor Report article: Reprint.pdf LIBOR test code:

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