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Author: Homer
Edition: 10
Language: English
In the spring of 1862 I was induced, at the request of some personal friends, to print, for private
circulation only, a small volume of "Translations of Poems Ancient and Modern," in which was
included the first Book of the Iliad. The opinions expressed by some competent judges of the
degree of success which had attended this "attempt to infuse into an almost literal English
version something of the spirit, as well as the simplicity, of the great original," [Footnote:
Introduction to unpublished volume.] were sufficiently favourable to encourage me to continue
the work which I had begun. It has afforded me, in the intervals of more urgent business, an
unfailing, and constantly increasing source of interest; and it is not without a feeling of regret at
the completion of my task, and a sincere diffidence as to its success, that I venture to submit the
result of my labour to the ordeal of public criticism.
Various causes, irrespective of any demerits of the work itself, forbid me to anticipate for this
translation any extensive popularity. First, I fear that the taste for, and appreciation of, Classical
Literature, are greatly on the decline; next, those who have kept up their classical studies, and
are able to read and enjoy the original, will hardly take an interest in a mere translation; while
the English reader, unacquainted with Greek, will naturally prefer the harmonious versification
and polished brilliancy of Pope's translation; with which, as a happy adaptation of the Homeric
story to the spirit of English poetry, I have not the presumption to enter into competition. But,
admirable as it is, Pope's Iliad can hardly be said to be Homer's Iliad; and there may be some
who, having lost the familiarity with the original language which they once possessed, may, if I
have at all succeeded in my attempt, have recalled to their minds a faint echo of the strains
which delighted their earlier days, and may recognize some slight trace of the original perfume.
Numerous as have been the translators of the Iliad, or of parts of it, the metres which have
been selected have been almost as various: the ordinary couplet in rhyme, the Spenserian
stanza, the Trochaic or Ballad metre, all have had their partisans, even to that "pestilent heresy"
of the so-called English Hexameter; a metre wholly repugnant to the genius of our language;
which can only be pressed into the service by a violation of every rule of prosody; and of which,
notwithstanding my respect for the eminent men who have attempted to naturalize it, I could
never read ten lines without being irresistibly reminded of Canning's
I have adopted, not without hesitation, the Latin, rather than the Greek, nomenclature for the
Heathen Deities. I have been induced to do so from the manifest incongruity of confounding the
two; and from the fact that though English readers may be familiar with the names of Zeus, or
Aphrodite, or even Poseidon, those of Hera, or Ares, or Hephaestus, or Leto, would hardly
convey to them a definite signification.
It has been my aim throughout to produce a translation and not a paraphrase; not indeed such
a translation as would satisfy, with regard to each word, the rigid requirements of accurate
scholarship; but such as would fairly and honestly give the sense and spirit of every passage, and
of every line; omitting nothing, and expanding nothing; and adhering, as closely as our language
will allow, ever to every epithet which is capable of being translated, and which has, in the
particular passage, anything of a special and distinctive character. Of the many deficiencies in
my execution of this intention, I am but too conscious; whether I have been in any degree
successful, must be left to the impartial decision of such of the Public as may honour this work
with their perusal.
The favourable reception which has been given to the first Editions of this work, far exceeding
my most sanguine hopes, affords a gratifying proof how far, in my preface, I had overrated the
extent to which the taste for, and appreciation of, Classical Literature had declined. It will not, I
hope, be thought extraordinary that some errors and inaccuracies should have found their way
into a translation executed, I must admit, somewhat hastily, and with less of the "limae labor"
than I should have bestowed upon it, had I ventured to anticipate for it so extensive a
circulation. My thanks, therefore, are due to those critics, who, either publicly or privately, have
called my attention to passages in which the sense of the Author has been either incorrectly or
imperfectly rendered. All of these I have examined, and have availed myself of several of the
suggestions offered for their correction; and a careful revision of the whole work, and renewed
comparison with the original, have enabled me to discover other defects, the removal of which
will, I hope, render the present Edition, especially in the eyes of Classical Scholars, somewhat
more worthy of the favour which has been accorded to its predecessors.
In the war of Troy, the Greeks having sacked some of the neighbouring towns, and taken from
thence two beautiful captives, Chryseis and Briseis, allotted the first to Agamemnon, and the
last to Achilles. Chryses, the father of Chryseis, and priest of Apollo, comes to the Grecian camp
to ransom her; with which the action of the poem opens, in the tenth year of the siege. The
priest being refused, and insolently dismissed by Agamemnon, entreats for vengeance from his
god, who inflicts a pestilence on the Greeks. Achilles calls a council, and encourages Calchas to
declare the cause of it, who attributes it to the refusal of Chryseis. The King being obliged to
send back his captive, enters into a furious contest with Achilles, which Nestor pacifies;
however, as he had the absolute command of the army, he seizes on Briseis in revenge. Achilles
in discontent withdraws himself and his forces from the test of the Greeks; and complaining to
Thetis, she supplicates Jupiter to render them sensible of the wrong done to her son, by giving
victory to the Trojans. Jupiter granting her suit, incenses Juno, between whom the debate runs
high, till they are reconciled by the address of Vulcan.
The time of two-and-twenty days is taken up in this book; nine during the plague, one in the
council and quarrel of the Princes, and twelve for Jupiter's stay among the Ethiopians, at whose
return Thetis prefers her petition. The scene lies in the Grecian camp, then changes to Chrysa,
and lastly to Olympus.
Cease, then, these broils, and draw not thus thy sword;
In words, indeed, assail him as thou wilt.
Hath lopp'd both leaf and bark, and now 'tis borne
She sat, and while her left hand clasp'd his knees,
Such strength and pow'r, that Greeks may learn how much
That thou shouldst know, nor God nor man shall hear
Incensed the public mind; and bawling loud, [1] With scurril words, he thus address'd the King:
The armies being ready to engage, a single combat is agreed upon, between Menelaus and Paris
(by the intervention of Hector) for the determination of the war. Iris is sent to call Helen to
behold the fight. She leads her to the walls of Troy, where Priam sat with his counsellors,
observing the Grecian leaders on the plain below, to whom Helen gives an account of the chief
of them. The kings on either part take the solemn oath for the conditions of the combat. The
duel ensues, wherein Paris being overcome, is snatched away in a cloud by Venus, and
transported to his apartment. She then calls Helen from the walls, and brings the lovers
together. Agamemnon, on the part of the Grecians, demands the restoration of Helen, and the
performance of the articles.
The three-and-twentieth day still continues throughout this book. The scene is sometimes in
the field before Troy, and sometimes in Troy itself.
Else for the ills that thou hast wrought the state,
The Gods deliberate in council concerning the Trojan war: they agree upon the continuation of
it, and Jupiter sends down Minerva to break the truce. She persuades Pandarus to aim an arrow
at Menelaus, who is wounded, but cured by Machaon. In the mean time some of the Trojan
troops attack the Greeks. Agamemnon is distinguished in all the parts of a good general; he
reviews the troops, and exhorts the leaders, some by praises, and others by reproofs. Nestor is
particularly celebrated for his military discipline. The battle joins, and great numbers are slain on
both sides.
The same day continues through this, as through the last book; as it does also through the two
following, and almost to the end of the seventh book. The scene is wholly in the field before
Diomed, assisted by Pallas, performs wonders in this day's battle. Pandarus wounds him with an
arrow, but the goddess cures him, enables him to discern gods from mortals, and prohibits him
from contending with any of the former, excepting Venus. AEneas joins Pandarus to oppose
him, Pandarus is killed, and AEneas in great danger but for the assistance of Venus; who, as she
is removing her son from the fight, is wounded on the hand by Diomed. Apollo seconds her in
his rescue, and, at length, carries off AEneas to Troy, where he is healed in the temple of
Pergamus. Mars rallies the Trojans, and assists Hector to make a stand. In the mean time AEneas
is restored to the field, and they overthrow several of the Greeks; among the rest Tlepolemus is
slain by Sarpedon. Juno and Minerva descend to resist Mars; the latter incites Diomed to go
against that god; he wounds him, and sends him groaning to heaven.
The first battle continues through this book. The scene is the same as in the former.
The shaft that just hath reach'd him; for ev'n now
The gods having left the field, the Grecians prevail. Helenus, the chief augur of Troy, commands
Hector to return to the city, in order to appoint a solemn procession of the Queen and the
Trojan matrons to the temple of Minerva, to entreat her to remove Diomed from the fight. The
battle relaxing during the absence of Hector, Glaucus and Diomed have an interview between
the two armies; where, coming to the knowledge of the friendship and hospitality past between
their ancestors, they make exchange of their arms. Hector, having performed the orders of
Helenus, prevailed upon Paris to return to the battle, and taken a tender leave of his wife
Andromache, hastens again to the field.
The scene is first in the field of battle, between the rivers Simois and Scamander, and then
changes to Troy.
The Gods had left the field, and o'er the plain
The battle renewing with double ardour upon the return of Hector, Minerva is under
apprehensions for the Greeks. Apollo, seeing her descend from Olympus, joins her near the
Scaean gate. They agree to put off the general engagement for that day, and incite Hector to
challenge the Greeks to a single combat. Nine of the princes accepting the challenge, the lot is
cast, and falls upon Ajax. These heroes, after several attacks, are parted by the night. The
Trojans calling a council, Antenor proposes the delivery of Helen to the Greeks, to which Paris
will not consent, but offers to restore them her riches. Priam sends a herald to make this offer,
and to demand a truce for burning the dead, the last of which only is agreed to by Agamemnon.
When the funerals are performed, the Greeks, pursuant to the advice of Nestor, erect a
fortification to protect their fleet and camp, flanked with towers, and defended by a ditch and
palisades. Neptune testifies his jealousy at this work, but is pacified by a promise from Jupiter.
Both armies pass the night in feasting, but Jupiter disheartens the Trojans with thunder and
other signs of his wrath.
The three-and-twentieth day ends with the duel of Hector and Ajax; the next day the truce is
agreed: another is taken up in the funeral rites of the slain; and one more in building the
fortification before the ships; so that somewhat above three days is employed in this book. The
scene lies wholly in the field.
From all the plain will draw; and, from the ships
Jupiter assembles a council of the deities, and threatens them with the pains of Tartarus, if they
assist either side: Minerva only obtains of him that she may direct the Greeks by her counsels.
The armies join battle; Jupiter on Mount Ida weighs in his balances the fates of both, and
affrights the Greeks with his thunders and lightnings. Nestor alone continues in the field in great
danger; Diomed relieves him; whose exploits, and those of Hector, are excellently described.
Juno endeavours to animate Neptune to the assistance of the Greeks, but in vain. The acts of
Teucer, who is at length wounded by Hector, and carried off. Juno and Minerva prepare to aid
the Grecians, but are restrained by Iris, sent from Jupiter. The night puts an end to the battle.
Hector continues in the field, (the Greeks being driven to their fortifications before the ships,)
and gives orders to keep the watch all night in the camp, to prevent the enemy from re-
embarking and escaping by flight. They kindle fires through all the field, and pass the night
under arms.
The time of seven-and-twenty days is employed from the opening of the poem to the end of
this book. The scene here (except of the celestial machines) lies in the field toward the sea-
Mounted the Trojan scale, and rose to Heav'n. [2] Then loud he bade the volleying thunder peal
Agamemnon, after the last day's defeat, proposes to the Greeks to quit the siege, and return to
their country. Diomed opposes this, and Nestor seconds him, praising his wisdom and
resolution. He orders the guard to be strengthened, and a council summoned to deliberate what
meabures were to be followed in this emergency. Agamemnon pursues this advice, and Nestor
farther prevails upon him to send ambassadors to Achilles in order to move him to a
reconciliation. Ulysses and Ajax are make choice of, who are accompanied by old Phoenix. They
make, each of them, very moving and pressing speeches, but are rejected with roughness by
Achilles, who notwithstanding retains Phoenix in his tent. The ambassadors return
unsuccessfully to the camp, and the troops betake themselves to sleep.
This book, and the next following, take up the space of one night, which is the twenty-seventh
from the beginning of the poem. The scene lies on the sea-shore, the station of the Grecian
Ev'n from the day when thou, great King, didst bear
And loud their boast that nought shall stay their hands,
There slept th' old man, and waited for the morn.
Upon the refusal of Achilles to return to the army, the distress of Agamemnon is described in
the most lively manner. He takes no rest that night, but passes through the camp, awaking the
leaders, and contriving all possible methods for the public safety. Menelaus, Nestor, Ulysses,
and Diomed, are employed in raising the rest of the captains. They call a council of war, and
determine to send scouts into the enemy's camp, to learn their posture, and discover their
intentions. Diomed undertakes the hazardous enterprise, and makes choice of Ulysses for his
companion. In their passage they surprise Dolon, whom Hector had sent on a like design to the
camp of the Grecians. From him they are informed of the situation of the Trojans and auxiliary
forces, and particularly of Rhesus, and the Thracians, who were lately arrived. They pass on with
success; kill Rhesus with several of his officers, and seize the famous horses of that prince, with
which they return in triumph to the camp.
The same night continues; the scene lies in the two camps.
"See, from the camp where some one this way comes,
Where lie the rest? and where are plac'd their guards?
Agamemnon, having armed himself, leads the Grecians to battle; Hector prepares the Trojans
to receive them; while Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, give the signals of war. Agamemnon bears all
before him; and Hector is commanded by Jupiter (who sends Iris for that purpose) to decline the
engagement, till the king should be wounded, and retire from the field. He then makes a great
slaughter of the enemy; Ulysses and Diomed put a stop to him for a time; but the latter, being
wounded by Paris, is obliged to desert his companion, who is encompassed by the Trojans,
wounded, and in the utmost danger, till Menelaus and Ajax rescue him. Hector comes against
Ajax, but that hero alone opposes multitudes and rallies the Greeks. In the meantime Machaon,
in the other wing of the army, is pierced with an arrow by Paris, and carried from the fight in
Nestor's chariot. Achilles (who overlooked the action from his ship) sends Patroclus to inquire
which of the Greeks was wounded in that manner. Nestor entertains him in his tent with an
account of the accidents of the day, and a long recital of some former wars which he had
remembered, tending to put Patroclus upon persuading Achilles to fight for his countrymen, or
at least to permit him to do it clad in Achilles' armour. Patroclus in his return meets Eurypylus
also wounded, and assists in that distress.
This book opens with the eight-and-twentieth day of the poem; and the same day, with its
various actions and adventures, is extended through the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth,
fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, and part of the eighteenth books. The scene lies in the field
near the monument of Ilus.
And breaks their bones with ease, and with strong teeth
But when the wound was dry, and stanch'd the blood,
Keen anguish then Atrides' might subdued.
With foam their chests were fleck'd, with dust their flanks, As from the field their wounded Lord
they bore:
Thy doom was nigh; but thee thy God hath sav'd,
"Such were the old man's words; but thou hast let
Stream'd the dark blood; yet firm was still his soul.
The Greeks having retired into their entrenchments, Hector attempts to force them; but it
proving impossible to pass the ditch, Polydamas advises to quit their chariots, and manage the
attack on foot. The Trojans follow his counsel, and having divided their army into five bodies of
foot, begin the assault. But upon the signal of an eagle with a serpent in his talons, which
appeared on the left hand of the Trojans, Polydamas endeavours to withdraw them again. This
Hector opposes, and continues the attack; in which, after many actions, Sarpedon makes the
first breach in the wall: Hector also, casting a stone of a vast size, forces open one of the gates,
and enters at the head of his troops, who victoriously pursue the Grecians even to their ships.
Hard by; nor yet could reach them with his voice;
But Jove, who will'd not that his son should fall
Neptune, concerned for the loss of the Grecians, upon seeing the fortification forced by Hector
(who had entered the gate near the station of the Ajaces), assumes the shape of Calchas, and
inspires those heroes to oppose him; then, in the form of one of the generals, encourages the
other Greeks who had retired to their vessels. The Ajaces form their troops into a close phalanx,
and put a stop to Hector and the Trojans. Several deeds of valour are performed; Meriones,
losing his spear in the encounter, repairs to seek another at the tent of Idomeneus; this
occasions a conversation between these two warriors, who return together to the battle.
Idomeneus signalizes his courage above the rest; he kills Othryoneus, Asius, and Alcathous;
Deiphobus and AEneas march against him, and at length Idomeneus retires. Menelaus wounds
Helenus and kills Peisander. The Trojans are repulsed in the left wing. Hector still keeps his
ground against the Ajaces, till, being galled by the Locrian slingers and archers, Polydamas
advises to call a council of war: Hector approves his advice, but goes first to rally the Trojans;
upbraids Paris, rejoins Polydamas, meets Ajax again, and renews the attack.
The eight-and-twentieth day still continues. The scene is between the Grecian wall and the sea-
Took aim, nor miss'd his mark; the shield's broad orb
Sprang forth, and pierc'd his arm; and from his hand
Whose rage for the battle knows nor stint nor bound?
His father, weeping, walk'd beside the car, [4] Nor vengeance for his slaughter'd son obtain'd.
The good old man had told him that his doom
Both through the hand; but Jove their life hath spar'd.
Nestor, sitting at the table with Machaon, is alarmed with the increasing clamour of the war,
and hastens to Agamemnon; on his way he meets that prince with Diomed and Ulysses, whom
he informs of the extremity of the danger. Agamemnon proposes to make their escape by night,
which Ulysses withstands; to which Diomed adds his advice, that, wounded as they were, they
should go forth and encourage the army with their presence; which advice is pursued. Juno,
seeing the partiality of Jupiter to the Trojans, forms a design to overreach him; she sets off her
charms with the utmost care, and (the more surely to enchant him) obtains the magic girdle of
Venus. She then applies herself to the god of Sleep, and with some difficulty persuades him to
seal the eyes of Jupiter; this done, she goes to Mount Ida, where the god at first sight, is
ravished with her beauty, sinks in her embraces, and is laid asleep. Neptune takes advantage of
his slumber, and succours the Greeks; Hector is struck to the ground with a prodigious stone by
Ajax, and carried off from the battle; several actions succeed; till the Trojans, much distressed,
are obliged to give way; the lesser Ajax signalizes himself in a particular manner.
Where the two belts, the one which bore his shield,
Dropp'd from his hand the spear; the shield and helm
Nor did the rest not aid; their shields' broad orbs
Jupiter, awaking, sees the Trojans repulsed from the trenches, Hector in a swoon, and Neptune
at the head of the Greeks; he is highly incensed at the artifice of Juno, who appeases him by her
submissions; she is then sent to Iris and Apollo. Juno, repairing to the assembly of the gods,
attempts with extraordinary address to incense them against Jupiter; in particular she touches
Mars with a violent resentment; he is ready to take arms, but is prevented by Minerva. Iris and
Apollo obey the orders of Jupiter; Iris commands Neptune to leave the battle, to which, after
much reluctance and passion, he consents. Apollo reinspires Hector with vigour, brings him back
to the battle, marches before him with his aegis, and turns the fortune of the fight. He breaks
down the first part of the Grecian wall; the Trojans rush in, and attempt to fire the first line of
the fleet, but are yet repelled by the greater Ajax with a prodigious slaughter.
Have fall'n, and yet must fall; and vain th' attempt
Patroclus (in pursuance of the request of Nestor in the eleventh book) entreats Achilles to
suffer him to go to the assistance of the Greeks with Achilles' troops and armour. He agrees to
it, but at the same time charges him to content himself with rescuing the fleet, without farther
pursuit of the enemy. The armour, horses, soldiers, and officers of Achilles are described.
Achilles offers a libation for the success of his friend, after which Patroclus leads the Myrmidons
to battle. The Trojans, at the sight of Patroclus in Achilles' armour, taking him for that hero, are
cast into the utmost consternation: he beats them off from the vessels, Hector himself flies,
Sarpedon is killed, though Jupiter was averse to his fate. Several other particulars of the battle
are described; in the heat of which, Patroclus, neglecting the orders of Achilles, pursues the foe
to the walls of Troy; where Apollo repulses and disarms him, Euphorbus wounds him, and
Hector kills him: which concludes the book.
And his left arm grew faint, that long had borne
Stanch' d the dark blood, and fill'd his soul with strength. Glaucus within himself perceiv'd, and
Far from their home and friends? but they from thee
Menelaus, upon the death of Patroclus, defends his body from the enemy; Euphorbus, who
attempts it, is slain. Hector advancing, Menelaus retires; but soon returns with Ajax, and drives
him off. This Glaucus objects to Hector as a flight, who thereupon puts on the armour he had
won from Patroclus, and renews the battle. The Greeks give way, till Ajax rallies them: AEneas
sustains the Trojans. AEneas and Hector attempt the chariot of Achilles, which is borne off by
Automedon. The horses of Achilles deplore the loss of Patroclus; Jupiter covers his body with a
thick darkness; the noble prayer of Ajax on that occasion. Menelaus sends Antilochus to Achilles,
with the news of Patroclus's death: then returns to the fight, where, though attacked with the
utmost fury, he and Meriones, assisted by the Ajaces, bear off the body to the ships.
The time is the evening of the eight-and-twentieth day. The scene lies in the fields before Troy.
The sun shone forth, and all the field was clear;
occasion. Iris appears to Achilles by command of Juno, and orders him to show himself at the
head of the intrenchments. The sight of him turns the fortune of the day, and the body of
Patroclus is carried off by the Greeks. The Trojans call a council, where Hector and Polydamas
disagree in their opinions; but the advice of the former prevails, to remain encamped in the
field. The grief of Achilles over the body of Patroclus.
Thetis goes to the palace of Vulcan, to obtain new arms for her son. The description of the
wonderful works of Vulcan; and, lastly, that noble one of the shield of Achilles.
The latter part of the nine-and-twentieth day, and the night ensuing, take up this book. The
scene is at Achilles' tent on the seashore, from whence it changes to the palace of Vulcan.
Then, though thou love me, seek not from the war
From its own state cut off; but when the sun
Hath set, blaze frequent forth the beacon fires;
They quail'd in spirit; the sleek-skin'd steeds themselves, Conscious of coming ill, bore back the
Thetis brings to her son the armour made by Vulcan. She preserves the body of his friend from
corruption, and commands him to assemble the army, to declare his resentment at an end.
Agamemnon and Achilles are solemnly reconciled: the speeches, presents, and ceremonies on
that occasion. Achilles is with great difficulty persuaded to refrain from the battle till the troops
have refreshed themselves, by the advice of Ulysses. The presents are conveyed to the tent of
Achilles: where Briseis laments over the body of Patroclus. The hero obstinately refuses all
repast, and gives himself up to lamentations for his friend. Minerva descends to strengthen him,
by the order of Jupiter. He arms for the fight; his appearance described. He addresses himself to
his horses, and reproaches them with the death of Patroclus. One of them is miraculously
endued with voice, and inspired to prophesy his fate; but the hero, not astonished by that
prodigy, rushes with fury to the combat.
Now morn in saffron robe, from th' ocean stream
Here let him lie, since Heav'n hath doom'd his fall;
"I pray you, would you show your love, dear friends,
Thro' the clear sky she swoop'd: and while the Greeks
Jupiter, upon Achilles' return to the battle, calls a council of the gods and permits them to assist
either party. The terrors of the combat described when the deities are engaged. Apollo
encourages AEneas to meet Achilles. After a long conversation, these two heroes encounter; but
AEneas is preserved by the assistance of Neptune. Achilles falls upon the rest of the Trojans, and
is upon the point of killing Hector, but Apollo conveys him away in a cloud. Achilles pursues the
Trojans with a great slaughter.
The same day continues. The scene is in the field before Troy.
Thy doom was nigh, but thee thy God hath sav'd,
The Trojans fly before Achilles, some towards the town, others to the river Scamander; he falls
upon the latter with great slaughter, takes twelve captives alive, to sacrifice to the shade of
Patroclus; and kills Lycaon and Asteropaeus. Scamander attacks him with all his waves; Neptune
and Pallas assist the hero; Simois joins Scamander; at length Vulcan, by the instigation of Juno,
almost dries up the river. This combat ended, the other gods engage each other. Meanwhile
Achilles continues the slaughter, and drives the rest into Troy; Agenor only makes a stand, and is
conveyed away in a cloud by Apollo: who (to delude Achilles) takes upon him Agenor's shape,
and while he pursues him in that disguise, gives the Trojans an opportunity of retiring into their
The same day continues. The scene is on the banks and in the stream of Scamander.
Slain with the sword; the stream ran red with blood.
"How canst thou dare, thou saucy minx, to stand [7] Oppos'd to me, too great for thine assault,
Despite thy bow? though Jove hath giv'n thee pow'r
She said; and with the left hand both the wrists
The Trojans being safe within the walls, Hector only stays to oppose Achilles. Priam is struck at
his approach, and tries to persuade his son to re-enter the town. Hecuba joins his entreaties, but
in vain. Hector consults within himself what measures to take; but, at the advance of Achilles,
his resolution fails him, and he flies: Achilles pursues him thrice round the walls of Troy. The
gods debate concerning the fate of Hector; at length Minerva descends to the aid of Achilles.
She deludes Hector in the shape of Deiphobus; he stands the combat, and is slain. Achilles drags
the dead body at his chariot, in the sight of Priam and Hecuba. Their lamentations, tears, and
despair. Their cries reach the ears of Andromache, who, ignorant of this, was retired into the
inner part of the palace; she mounts up to the walls, and beholds her dead husband. She
swoons at the spectacle. Her excess of grief and lamentation.
The thirtieth day still continues. The scene lies under the walls, and on the battlements of Troy.
Have then thy will, and draw not back thy hand."
But when she reach'd the tow'r, where stood the crowd,
May drive him from their feast with blows and taunts,
Achilles and the Myrmidons do honour to the body of Patroclus. After the funeral feast he
retires to the sea-shore, where, falling asleep, the ghost of his friend appears to him, and
demands the rites of burial: the next morning the soldiers are sent with mules and waggons to
fetch wood for the pyre. The funeral procession, and the offering their hair to the dead. Achilles
sacrifices several animals, and lastly, twelve Trojan captives, at the pile; then sets fire to it. He
pays libations to the winds, which (at the instance of Iris) rise, and raise the flame. When the
pile has burned all night, they gather the bones, place them in an urn of gold, and raise the
tomb. Achilles institutes the funeral games: the chariot-race, the fight of the caestus, the
wrestling, the footrace, the single combat, the discus, the shooting with arrows, the darting the
javelin: the various descriptions of which, and the various success of the several antagonists,
make the greatest part of the book.
In this book ends the thirtieth day: the night following, the ghost of Patroclus appears to
Achilles: the one-and-thirtieth day is employed in felling the timber for the pile; the two-and-
thirtieth in burning it; and the three-and-thirtieth in the games. The scene is generally on the
But when the Greeks had come where lay their ships
Thrice round the dead they drove their sleek-skinn'd steeds, Mourning, with hearts by Thetis
Then urge with voice and whip, and slack his rein,
There thou mayst pass; but here, thou wilt but cause
Alone o'ercame me; as in number more, [8] And grudging more my triumph, since remain'd,
The gods deliberate about the redemption of Hector's body. Jupiter sends Thetis to Achilles to
dispose him for the restoring it, and Iris to Priam, to encourage him to go in person, and treat
for it. The old king, notwithstanding the remonstrances of his queen, makes ready for the
journey, to which he is encouraged by an omen from Jupiter. He sets forth in his chariot, with a
waggon loaded with presents, under the charge of Idaeus the herald. Mercury descends in the
shape of a young man, and conducts him to the pavilion of Achilles. Their conversation on the
way* Priam finds Achilles at his table, casts himself at his feet, and begs for the body of his son;
Achilles, moved with compassion, grants his request, detains him one night in his tent, and the
next morning sends him home with the body; the Trojans run out to meet him. The lamentation
of Andromache, Hecuba, and Helen, with the solemnities of the funeral.
The time of twelve days is employed in this book, while the body of Hector lies in the tent of
Achilles. And as many more are spent in the truce allowed for his interment. The scene is partly
in Achilles' camp, and partly in Troy.
"On him, old man, nor dogs nor birds have fed,
The text of the original leaves it somewhat in doubt whether the anger of the Greeks were
directed against Thersites or Agamemnon. I believe the preponderance of authority, ancient and
modern, is in favour of the former interpretation; but the latter is not without the support of
some eminent scholars, and after much consideration I have been induced to adopt it. The
original represents the Greeks as filled with anger _and resentment_ against _some one._
Thersites was an object of general contempt, but he had done nothing to excite those feelings:
indeed, apart from the offensiveness of his tone, the public sympathy was with him; for the
army was deeply dissatisfied, and resented the conduct of Agamemnon against Achilles, mainly
perhaps because they had ceased to be enriched with the plunder of his successful forays (see i.
202, and ix. 387). This dissatisfaction and resentment are referred to by Neptune (xiii. 126), and
by Agamemnon himself (xiv. 55). They had lately manifested themselves in the alacrity with
which the whole army had caught at the insidious suggestion of abandoning the war; and, just
before the second assembly, Thersites avails himself of the general feeling, constituting himself
the representative of a popular grievance, to vent his personal spite against Agamemnon.
Ulysses saw how dangerous such a display might be at such a moment; and artfully assuming
(line 281) that the feeling was confined to Thersites alone (though in his subsequent speech, line
335, he admits and excuses the general discontent), he proceeds to cut short its expression by
summary chastisement. Thereupon the fickle multitude, "despite their anger" (against
Agamemnon), cannot refrain from laughing at the signal discomfiture of their self-constituted
This view is very fully set forth in a note on the passage appended to a translation of the Iliad by
Mr. Barter, published in 1859, but which I have only seen since the publication of this work.
Milton, in the corresponding passage at the close of the 4th Book of 'Paradise Lost,' reverses
the sign, and represents the scale of the vanquished as "flying up" and "kicking the beam."
This comparison does not afford a very accurate criterion of the "space interposed," which
cannot be estimated without knowing the total distance within which the faster was to outstrip
the slower team.
This passage would seem to be the result of an oversight on the part of the Poet; who,
apparently, had forgotten that Pylasmenes, "the Paphlagonian Chief," had himself been killed by
Menelaus, some time before the death of his son See Book V., l. 656.
somewhat curtailed the list of these ladies, which in the original extends over ten lines of
names only. In doing so, I have followed the example of Virgil, who represents the same ladies
[G. 4. 336] in attendance on Cyrene; and has not only reduced the list, but added some slight
touches illustrating their occupations and private history: a liberty permissible to an imitator,
but not to a translator.]
L. 151. Chthizos, yesterday. But either the word must have a more extended signification than is
usually given to it, or Homer must here have fallen into an error; for two complete nights and
one day, that on which Patroclus met his death, had intervened since the visit of Ajax and
Ulysses to the tent of Achilles. See also l. 215.
L. 547. The terms made use of in this line, and in 481, may appear somewhat coarse, as
addressed by one Goddess to another: but I assure the English reader that in this passage
especially I have greatly softened down the expression of the original; a literal translation of
which, however forcible, would shock even the least fastidious critic. It must, indeed, be
admitted that the mode in which "the white-armed Goddess" proceeds to execute her threat is
hardly more dignified than the language, in which it is conveyed, is refined.
Line 737.--They being two, while I was only one. Such I
believe to be the true interpretation of this passage, which, however, is one of admitted
difficulty. According to our modern notions, it is not very evident what advantage two men in a
car would have over one in another; nor what would be gained by the division of labour which
assigned the reins to one and the whip to the other; but such, from line 740-741, appears to
have been the view taken by Homer.
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