Current Account
Current Account
Current Account
EBL offers a wide range of products and services designed to make banking easier and to match each and every customer's requirements. This account is non-interest bearing account. We are offering various flexible payment methods to allow customers to distribute money directly to others. There is no limit for withdrawal and deposit in this account. We provide internet user login for this account incase of single signatory. EBL's Current Account offers you various benefits and flexibility. Free Cheque books Free monthly statement Unlimited Withdrawal Extended Banking Hour 365 days banking All the branches of EBL is connected through ABBS (Anywhere Bank Branch Service) which enables you to withdraw and deposit cash from any of the branches. ATM cum Debit card in association with SCT.
Required documents for deposits: Minimum Balances for accounts may vary across branches.
For Sole Proprietorship: Registration Certificate Tax Certificate Citizenship Certificated Proprietor 2 PP size photos
For Partnership Account: Partnership Agreement deed Firm Registration Certificate Tax Certificate Citizenship Certificate of Partners 2 PP size photos of partners
Limited Company Account: Registration Certificate Memorandum & Articles of Assocation Name, Address of directors & Office Bearers of the Limited Company with copy Citizenship Certificate
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Name & Signatures of the Persons Authorised to Operate an account Operation Commencement Certificate (for Public Ltd. Co.) Resolution of Board of Directors regarding opening & conduct of an account Tax Certificate
Club Society & Association Account: Registration Certificate List of Office Bearers Resolution Regarding Opening & Conduct of Account Name & Signature of the persons authorized to operate the account
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The corporate/institutions may approach the bank to open a single account where contribution of each staffs is being managed separately. Otherwise, separate accounts may be opened in the name of each individual staff. Cheque book is not allowed in such accounts Account operation will be done by the authorized signatories designated by the employer. Minimum Balance Zero.
Borrowing Facility: Beneficiary may borrow up to 90% of their total deposit only after having proper recommendation from the employer. Such borrowing will attract an interest rate of 1.5% higher than the rate for deposit. Target Customer: Corporate/institutions contributing fund on monthly intervals to the provident fund of its staff Individuals having monthly savings for retirement plan
The account opening form can be collected from the branch or downloaded by clicking here. The duly filled account opening form along with the relevant document can be submitted at the branch near you. EBL's Saving Account offers you various benefits
Free Cheque books. Minimum Balance of NPR 500/- to open saving account in any branches. Free Statement on demand. Unlimited withdrawal. Evening counter facility 365 days banking
Required documents for deposits: Minimum Balances for accounts NPR 500/-. For personal accounts: Citizenship Certificate or Passport 2 PP size photos - All EBL branches are now connected by ABBS.
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Free statement on demand Free ATM card Extended banking hours Unlimited withdrawal ABBS facilities (Anywhere Bank Branch Service) 365 days banking Required documents for deposits: Minimum Balances for accounts may vary across branches.
For personal accounts: Citizenship Certificate or Passport 2 PP size photos - All EBL branches are now connected by ABBS.
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Features of Product: The bank would provide the facility of automatic transfer of balance from saving account to FDR. In case the customer withdraws the amount from this account then it will be treated as under .- First, the balance available upto Rs. 50,000/- in the account would be utilized; - For further needs, withdrawal will be allowed from Fixed Deposit in the multiples of Rs. 25,000/as per the requirement of the customer. Interest rate offer
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A special savings scheme for minors, who have attained 10 years of age but not crossed 16 yrs, can read & write, can open this Savings account in their own name singly. No cheque book will be issued to this Account holder; however the minor is allowed to withdraw money from his/her account using ATM card or through withdrawal slip.
Features: Minimum Balance Interest Rate Cheque Book/Overdraft ATM Card Any other charges : Rs.100.00 : On daily balance and quarterly payment : Not allowed : Allowed (free of cost : No
Withdrawal : Through ATM Card or Withdrawal Slip(Minor to be present at the Bank's counter to affix his/her signature to withdraw through Withdrawal Slip).
Documents Required: Birth Certificate/School Certificate of minor (showing evidence of age) Photograph of minor
Citizenship & Photograph of Guardian (Gaurdian signature is mandatory in Account opening Form).
Others: Minor Operated Accounts can be converted to full-fledged (Normal) Saving Account on minor attaining the age of 16 years (Citizenship certificate or any other documents evidencing the proof of age to be submitted for this purpose)
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EBL Supreme Account Scheme has offered its customer for Higher interest rate in Fixed Deposit Account as well as Higher Interest rate on Saving Account. The Customer who open a fixed Depoit Account under Supreme Account are eligible to open a saving account up to 5.00% p.a and the interest on saving account is calculate on daily closing balance. The interest offered on Supreme Fixed Deposit Account and Supreme Saving Account is as under Interest Rate Offered in Supreme Fixed Deposit Account Interest : Attractive Rate Cheque book and Debit Card is provided against Supreme Saving Account.
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Loan /Overdraft facility against FD :- Allowed up to 90% of the deposit amount. Interest Against Supreme FD:- 10% or +2.00% above the deposit rate on actual usage.
If any depositor desires to withdraw the deposit before maturity, bank may at its discretion, repay the deposit with upto date interest at the rate applicable to the period for which deposit remained with the bank less penalty. Compounded interest is to be paid on the deposit upto the completed quarter and for further broken period interest will be calculated at the applicable rate on principal plus interest upto the completed quarter. Overdue Deposit The bank may at its discretion, allow interest on overdue deposit from the date of maturity provided the deposit is renewed from the date of its maturity for at least 15 days from the date of presentation. Loan/overdraft Allowed at 2% over deposit rate. For further details contact the branch The account opening form can be collected from the branch or downloaded by clicking here. The duly filled account opening form along with the relevant document can be submitted at the branch near you. Required documents for deposits: Minimum Balances for accounts may vary across branches. For personal accounts: Citizenship Certificate or Passport 2 PP size photos - All EBL branches are now connected by ABBS
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SN 1 2 3 4
Period 3 yr 2 yr 3 yr 2 yr
Maturity Value 8,848.00 8,848.00 29,029.00 29,029.00 height in ft. height in mt.
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period of deposit. Similarly, loan will be allowed to the extent of 90% of deposit with interest rate of 12% p.a.
For Sole Proprietorship: Registration Certificate Tax Certificate Citizenship Certificated Proprietor 2 PP size photos For Partnership Account: Partnership Agreement deed Firm Registration Certificate Tax Certificate Citizenship Certificate of Partners 2 PP size photos of partners Limited Company Account: Registration Certificate Memorandum & Articles of Assocation Name, Address of directors & Office Bearers of the Limited Company with copy Citizenship Certificate Name & Signatures of the Persons Authorised to Operate an account Operation Commencement Certificate (for Public Ltd. Co.) Resolution of Board of Directors regarding opening & conduct of an account Tax Certificate Club Society & Association Account: Registration Certificate List of Office Bearers Resolution Regarding Opening & Conduct of Account Name & Signature of the persons authorized to operate the account - All EBL branches are now connected by ABBS.
Key Features: Target customers will have the following conveniences: Flexibility Allows withdrawal (up to 50% of original deposits, in multiple of Rs.10,000.00 not more than 5 times) even before the maturity, without any penal charge. The Interest on such premature withdrawal will be paid at the rate applicable to the period for which the deposit has remained with the Bank. (int. rate at the time of initial deposit or prevailing rate whichever is lower will be considered). Eligibility: Account can be opened by an individual- singly or jointly, by a minor through his guardian. In case of corporate entities, account will be operated as decided by the competent board of those institutions. More than one account can be opened by a depositor. Minimum Deposit: Rs.1.00 lacs up to Rs.100.00 lacs (in multiple of Rs.1.00 lacs). Interest Rate: As per Normal Fixed Deposit rate. Period: Minimum 1 year to maximum 10 yrs. Payment of Interest/Principal Amount: The amount invested in the scheme shall attract rate of interest prescribed by the Bank on normal Fixed Deposits from time to time. The depositors will get the Principal amount at maturity and Interest amount on quarterly intervals. Borrowing Facility: Depositors may borrow up to 90% of their deposit at interest rate of 1.5% above the deposit rate besides premature withdrawal facili
Maturity Value Paid in lumpsum at the time of maturity. Premature Withdrawal Allowed at 1% lower interest rate than the published deposit rate for the deposited period or prescribed rate (Whichever is lower). Loan Loan available upto 90% of the deposited amount at 2% higher rate than the published deposit rate. Required documents for deposits: Minimum Balances for accounts may vary across branches. For personal accounts: Citizenship Certificate or Passport 2 PP size photos - All EBL branches are now connected by ABBS.
Minimum Deposit: Rs.100.00 (Base Amount, which is the least amount to be deposited every month) or above in its multiples (upto 10 times of base amount). The depositors will have the flexibility in terms of choice of day to deposit within the month. If the installment(i.e. base amount) is not deposited every month the depositor will receive interest at the rate of saving account at the time of payment of the maturity value.
Deposit Period: 6 month to less than 1 year 1 year to 5 years Above 5 years to 10 years
Others: In case of payment before maturity, interest payable in respect of such deposit shall be 1% less than the rate applicable for actual deposit period or at contracted rate, whichever is lower.
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Depositors are allowed to borrow up to 90% of their accumulated deposit at interest rate of 1.5% higher than the rate for deposit.
Late Deposit Charge: In case of late deposit of monthly installment, penal charge of Rs.50 will be levied per installment. Premature Withdrawal: In case of payment before maturity, interest payable in respect of such deposit shall be 1% less than the rate applicable for actual deposit period or at contracted rate, whichever is lower. Borrowing Facility: Depositors may borrow up to 90% of their accumulated deposit at interest rate of 1.5% above the deposit rate besides premature withdrawal facility completely for the benefit of the child.
Those individuals and companies who earns/ get funded in dollars can open USD Account at EBL branches.. Required documents for deposits: Minimum Balances for accounts may vary across branches. For personal accounts: Citizenship Certificate or Passport 2 PP size photos For Sole Proprietorship: Registration Certificate Tax Certificate Citizenship Certificated Proprietor 2 PP size photos For Partnership Account: Partnership Agreement deed Firm Registration Certificate Tax Certificate Citizenship Certificate of Partners 2 PP size photos of partners Limited Company Account: Registration Certificate Memorandum & Articles of Assocation Name, Address of directors & Office Bearers of the Limited Company with copy Citizenship Certificate Name & Signatures of the Persons Authorised to Operate an account Operation Commencement Certificate (for Public Ltd. Co.) Resolution of Board of Directors regarding opening & conduct of an account Tax Certificate Club Society & Association Account: Registration Certificate List of Office Bearers Resolution Regarding Opening & Conduct of Account Name & Signature of the persons authorized to operate the account - All EBL branches are now connected by ABBS.
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Where How
Currency Offered USD, GBP and Euro Minimum Amount 10,000 units in Foreign Currency
Interest Payable : Semi annual Other Benefits : Free monthly statement for savings account by e-mail on request.
Account operation will be done by the authorized signatories designated by the employer. Minimum Balance Zero.
Borrowing Facility: Beneficiary may borrow up to 90% of their total deposit only after having proper recommendation from the employer. Such borrowing will attract an interest rate of 1.5% higher than the rate for deposit. Target Customer: Corporate/institutions contributing fund on monthly intervals to the provident fund of its staff Individuals having monthly savings for retirement plan
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