Leadership - Experiential Learning Reflective Essay and Rubr

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University Honors Program Experiential Learning Reflective Essay for Leadership Write a 1,500 2,000 word reflective essay

y describing your leadership experiential learning project and what you have learned as a result. A committee of University Honors faculty and staff will evaluate your essay to determine if your work and learning has met the requirements of an honors experiential learning project. Reflection: An Overview Reflection is a critical component of experiential learning, leading to higher-level conceptual learning. Your reflective essay should not merely be a summation of activities completed and opinions formed. Rather, it should be thoughtful, integrative, substantive, and well-crafted. It should address your experiences and learning outcomes in a personal, cohesive manner. Whenever possible, provide specific examples from your experiences that support your thoughts. Reflective Essay Tell us what you did, what you learned, and how youre integrating that learning into your life as you move forward. Your essay should clearly demonstrate your proficiency in the leadership competencies (also see Appendix A): Possesses knowledge of various leadership theories and identifies with the characteristics of leadership Ability to exert influence and motivation and enable self and others to meet desired objectives Ability to relate, communicate and work effectively with peers Develops a vision of the future and acknowledges the impact of decisions (as applicable to the individual and affiliated organizations) Here are some questions to help you get started: Background

Provide background on your prior leadership experiences. What previous experience(s) prompted your interest in this leadership experience? What leadership skills did you bring with you? Describe your academic preparation for this leadership experience. What leadership books and/or articles did you read? What leadership theories did you explore? Experience and Learning Show with examples how you have made progress towards meeting at least two of the above leadership competencies. It is important that you tie in tie in information from lectures/readings/research that you completed before or during the experience. Elaborate and reflect on each point, using specific examples or descriptions from your notes/journal to illustrate your points. Go beyond surface impressions as you discuss your learning. Describe your leadership role during the experience. What are/were the most important goals of your role in the experience? What were your measurements/milestones for success and achievement? How was your experience related to your academic development (major, general education competencies, or professional interests)? What academic theories or concepts did you connect to your experiential learning work? How did the leadership theory(ies) that you studied influence your role (decisions, actions, communication, etc.) as a leader? How did you integrate the knowledge of the theory(ies) with the responsibilities of your role? Which leadership theory was best suited for you to utilize in this experience? What communication style was best suited for the group/organization impacted by your work? How were your interactions with peers framed differently from your constituents? How was your communication style received? Provide examples of how you adjusted your leadership to various constituents. Moving Forward How has your leadership philosophy changed as a result of this experience? What new concepts are you taking away from this experience and incorporating into your existing leadership philosophy? How are you integrating your learning into your life as you move forward from the experience? What new skills/abilities were realized? What is your plan of action to improve yourself as a leader in the future? If you engaged in this experience again, what would you do differently? What advice you would give to peers who are preparing for future leadership experiences? How will you share this learning effectively with them?

Experiential Learning Reflective Essay for Leadership, page 2

A key element of any leadership role is ensuring individual and organizational sustainability and growth. As you write your reflective essay and prepare to disseminate your learning, what kind of vision do you have for the project or organization in the future? What decisions were made so that the project or organization can continue to progress after your involvement? Appendix A Leadership Competencies Rubric This rubric is included so you are aware of how proficiency/accomplishment in the leadership thematic area is assessed. Indicator Possesses knowledge of various leadership theories and identifies with the characteristics of leadership Undeveloped Uses and understands one or two theories accurately and consistently. Exhibits knowledge of various leadership theories, but does not adequately connect the theory(ies) to the situation and/or organization. Works independently of others. Does not listen to peers in a group setting. Proficient Exhibits knowledge of one or two theories of leadership and can connect those theories to a situation and/or organization. Can identify and adjust leadership styles based on situation/group. Works well with others to promote cooperation and communication. Listens to peers and organize thoughts. Accurately understands own strengths and challenges as well as those of his/her peers. Uses awareness to motivate others to achieve success. Develops a desired outcome with established strategies and objectives. Understands the impact of a decision or action for an identified constituency, but does not inform future decisions or actions. Accomplished Synthesizes multiple leadership theories to inform strategy to address a situation and/or organization. Integrates aspects of multiple theories into his/her existing leadership philosophy. Works well with others to promote equality in cooperation, contribution and communication. Encourages feedback and compromise among peers. Appropriately leverages individual strengths to remove organizational or operational barriers to success. Uses the desired outcome to guide the establishment of strategies and objectives as a method for decision making and evaluation. Analyzes and articulates the implications of decision or action for an identified constituency and efficiently adjusts future interactions and decisions.

Ability to work with others

Ability to exert influence and motivation and enable self and others to meet desired objectives Develops a vision of the future and acknowledges the impact of decisions (as applicable to the individual and affiliated organizations)

Does not possess an accurate understanding of his/her own strengths and areas of improvement. Has a dream of a desired outcome, but is not coherently linked with strategies and objectives. Acknowledges the impact of a decision or action for an identified constituency, but cannot articulate the ramifications.

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