Accounting Information System (Chapter 3)
Accounting Information System (Chapter 3)
Accounting Information System (Chapter 3)
6th edition
James A. Hall
g g
Ê x oad issues pe taining to business ethics
Ê Ethical issues elated to the use of info mation
Ê Distinguish between management f aud and
employee f aud
Ê Common types of f aud schemes
Ê Key featu es of SAS 78 / COSO inte nal cont ol
f amewo
Ê Objects and application of physical cont ols
{hy should we be conce ned about ethics in
the business wo ld?
Ê Ethics a e needed when conflicts a iseȄthe
need to choose
Ê In business, conflicts may a ise between:
Ê employees
Ê management
Ê staeholde s
Ê Litigation
x involves finding the answe s to two
Ê How do manage s decide on what is ight in
conducting thei business?
Ê Once manage s have ecognized what is ight, how do
they achieve it?
conce ns the social impact of compute technology (ha dwa e,
softwa e, and telecommunications).
Ê ÿ
d false statement o
disclosu e
Ê d a fact must be substantial in
inducing someone to act
must exist
Ê ñhe mis ep esentation must have esulted in
a upon info mation, which
caused someone to act
Ê ñhe mis ep esentation must have caused
Ê Loss due to f aud equal to 6% of evenuesȄ
app oximately $660 billion
Ê Loss by position within the company:
1. Cont ol envi onment
2. Ris assessment
3. Info mation and communication
4. onito ing
5. Cont ol activities
Ê Integ ity and ethics of management
Ê O ganizational st uctu e
Ê Role of the boa d of di ecto s and the audit
Ê anagementǯs policies and philosophy
Ê Delegation of esponsibility and autho ity
Ê Pe fo mance evaluation measu es
Ê Exte nal influencesȄ egulato y agencies
Ê Policies and p actices managing human
esou ces
Ê Identify, analyze and manage iss elevant to
financial epo ting:
Ê changes in exte nal envi onment
Ê isy fo eign ma ets
Ê significant and apid g owth that st ain inte nal
cont ols
Ê new p oduct lines
Ê est uctu ing, downsizing
Ê changes in accounting policies
Ê ñhe AIS should p oduce high quality info mation
Ê identifies and eco ds all
t ansactions
Ê p ovides info mation in app op iate detail to
pe mit p ope classification and financial epo ting
Ê measu es the financial value of t ansactions
Ê accu ately eco ds t ansactions
Ê Audito s must obtain sufficient nowledge of the IS to
unde stand:
Ê the classes of t ansactions that a e mate ial
Ê how these t ansactions a e initiated [input]
Ê the associated accounting eco ds and accounts used in
p ocessing [input]
Ê the t ansaction p ocessing steps involved f om the
initiation of a t ansaction to its inclusion in the financial
statements [p ocess]
Ê the financial epo ting p ocess used to compile financial
statements, disclosu es, and estimates [output]
g+ $
Ê ñhe ules a e often embedded within compute
p og ams.
Ê EDI/JIñ: automated e-o de ing of invento y without
human inte vention
Ê A compute p og am may pe fo m many tass that a e
deemed incompatible.
Ê ñhus the c ucial need to sepa ate p og am development,
p og am ope ations, and p og am maintenance.
Ê ñhe ability to assess competent employees becomes
mo e challenging due to the g eate technical
nowledge equi ed.
Ê ledge accounts and sometimes sou ce documents a e
ept magnetically
Ê no audit t ail is eadily appa ent
Ê Data consolidation exposes the o ganization to compute
f aud and excessive losses f om disaste .
Ê {hen tass a e pe fo med by the compute athe than
manually, the need fo an independent chec is not
necessa y.
Ê Howeve , the p og ams themselves a e checed.