Isobutanol NMR, A simple molecule

  1. 3D structure (pdb)
  2. Lewis Dot structure
  3. Predict H-1 spectrum
  4. Review H-1 NMR (gif spectrum (6KB), Nuts spectrum (258KB), Nuts FID (130KB))
    1. Splitting
    2. Integration
  5. COSY 2D NMR (gif spectrum (4KB), Nuts spectrum (2052KB)
  6. C-13 NMR (gif spectrum (5KB), Nuts spectrum(514KB) Nuts FID (258KB))
  7. Hetcor 2D NMR (gif spectrum (4KB) , Nuts spectrum (518KB))

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This page is maintained by
Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

Please send any comments, corrections, or suggestions to [email protected].

This page has been accessed times since 9/30/96 .
Last Updated Saturday, September 28, 1996 9:12:03 PM