NB: aka Taça Digicel; played at Estadio Municipal, Dili by 14 clubs selected from the 13 districts Grupo A Aileu Cova Lima Dili Leste Viqueque Grupo B Baucau Bobonaro Oecusse Lautém Manufahi Grupo C Ainaro Dili Oeste Ermera Liquiça Manatuto Round 1 [May 8] Dili Leste 2-0 Viqueque [May 9] Aileu - Covalima Baucau - Bobonaro [May 14] Manufahi - Oe-Cusse Dili Oeste - Liquiça [May 15] Ainaro - Manatuto Aileu - Dili Leste Round 2 [May 17] Viqueque 2-0 Covalima Champions: Dili Leste
Sources: https://renovatimor.blogspot.com, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ta%C3%A7a_Digicel
Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Author: Hans Schöggl
Last updated: 7 Sep 2017
(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2011/17
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