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An EXPERIMENTAL JSX runtime for describing dynamic DOM UIs with Reatom.

Core benefits

  • No extra build step needed; we use plain TSX (JSX), which is currently supported in various tools.
  • Nice integrations with the platform; <div /> returns the real element.
  • Rerender-less architecture with direct reactive bindings, which means extreme performance!
  • Only 1kb runtime script (excluding the tiny core package).
  • Built-in CSS management with a simple API and efficient CSS variables usage.

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You can use @reatom/core instead of the framework, but we highly recommend using the framework to access the maximum features of Reatom.

Terminal window
npm install @reatom/framework @reatom/jsx


"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "preserve",
"jsxImportSource": "@reatom/jsx"


import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig({
esbuild: {
jsxFactory: 'h',
jsxFragment: 'hf',
jsxInject: `import { h, hf } from "@reatom/jsx";`,

Using with different framework.


You can use different JSX pragmas in different files. For example, if you have a React project and want to speedup some of you components, you can write them with reatom/jsx with a couple of simple steps:

  • create a separate package for you Reatom components
  • insert tsconfig.json as described above, you can use extends property, to use your project configurations
  • in every *.tsx file use the following code:
// @jsxRuntime classic
// @jsx h
import { h } from '@reatom/jsx'



Advanced example with dynamic entities you can find here:

Define a component:

import { atom, action } from '@reatom/core'
export const inputAtom = atom('')
const onInput = action((ctx, event) => inputAtom(ctx, event.currentTarget.value))
export const Input = () => <input value={inputAtom} on:input={onInput} />

Render it:

import { connectLogger } from '@reatom/framework'
import { ctx, mount } from '@reatom/jsx'
import { App } from './App'
if (import.meta.env.MODE === 'development') {
mount(document.getElementById('app')!, <App />)

You can create ctx manually and use it to create a scoped render instance with reatomJsx.



This library implements a common TypeScript JSX factory that creates and configures native DOM elements.

By default, props passed to the JSX factory are set as properties. Add attr: prefix to the name to set element attribute instead of property.

For all kinds of properties you can pass a primitive value or an atom with a primitive value.

The children prop specifies the inner content of an element, which can be one of the following:

  • false/null/undefined to render nothing
  • a string or a number to create a text node
  • a native DOM node to insert it as-is
  • an atom or a function returning any option listed above

Handling events


Use on:* props to add event handlers. Passed functions are automatically bound to a relevant Ctx value: on:input={(ctx, event) => setValue(ctx, event.currentTarget.value)}.



For simple AtomMut bindings to the native input you can use model:value syntax, where “value” could be: value, valueAsNumber, checked.

export const inputAtom = atom('')
export const Input = () => <input model:value={inputAtom} />

By the way, you can safely create any needed resources inside a component body, as it calls only once when it created.

export const Input = () => {
export const input = atom('')
return <input model:value={input} />



Object-valued style prop applies styles granularly: style={{top: 0, display: equalsFalseForNow && 'none'}} sets top: 0;.

false, null and undefined style values remove the property. Non-string style values are stringified (we don’t add px to numeric values automatically).


style={atom((ctx) => ctx.spy(bool)
? ({top: 0})
: ({bottom: 0}))}


style={atom((ctx) => ctx.spy(bool)
? ({top: 0; bottom: undefined})
: ({top: undefined; bottom: 0}))}



We have a minimal, intuitive, and efficient styling engine tightly integrated with components. You can set a styles in css prop and all relative css-variables to css:variable-name prop.

The example below is correctly formatted by Prettier and has syntax highlighting provided by the ‘vscode-styled-components’ extension

export const HeaderInput = ({ size = 0 }) => {
const input = atom('')
const size = atom((ctx) => ctx.spy(input).length)
return (
font-size: calc(1em + var(--size) * 0.1em);

Under the hood, it will create a unique class name and will be converted to this code:

export const HeaderInput = ({ size = 0 }) => {
const input = atom('')
const size = atom((ctx) => ctx.spy(input).length)
return (
font-size: calc(1em + var(--size) * 0.1em);
style={atom((ctx) => ({
'--size': ctx.spy(size),



Components in @reatom/jsx are just functions returning JSX elements. They neither have state nor any lifecycle associated with them. Because component instantiation boils down into function calls, features like $spread are not supported in them.

You can put an atom with a list of other elements as a children of an element to archive rendering of a dynamic list. But be note that you can’t put a as children a few atoms with a list and other elements, as the fragment is not supported to replace itself.

You should know that when you create a component which uses some atoms, it creates a subscription to those atoms immediately. The subscription will disposed only after you will put the elements to the mounted node and if it will be unused after some condition rendering. Do not put the same elements as a children to other elements a few times! Recreate them with a component instead.



In Reatom, there is no concept of “rerender” like React. Instead, we have a special $spread prop that can be used to spread props reactively.

$spread={atom((ctx) => (ctx.spy(valid)
? { disabled: true, readonly: true }
: { disabled: false, readonly: false }))}



To create elements with names within the SVG namespace, you should prepend svg: to the tag name:

const anSvgElement = (
<svg:path d="???" />

If you need to use SVG as a string, you can choose from these options:

Option 1:

const SvgIcon = (props: {svg: string}) => {
const svgEl = new DOMParser()
.parseFromString(props.svg, 'image/svg+xml')
.item(0) as SVGElement
return svgEl

Option 2:

const SvgIcon = (props: {svg: string}) => {
return (



The ref property is used to create and track references to DOM elements, allowing actions to be performed when these elements are mounted and unmounted.

<button ref={(ctx: Ctx, el: HTMLButtonElement) => {
return (ctx: Ctx, el: HTMLButtonElement) => el.blur()

Mounting and unmounting functions are called in order from child to parent.

<div ref={(ctx: Ctx, el: HTMLDivElement) => {
console.log('mount', 'parent')
return () => console.log('unmount', 'parent')
<span ref={(ctx: Ctx, el: HTMLSpanElement) => {
console.log('mount', 'child')
return () => console.log('unmount', 'child')

When this code is executed, the console will display the following result:

mount child
mount parent
unmount child
unmount parent



To type your custom component props accepting general HTML attributes, for example for a div element, you should extend JSX.HTMLAttributes. However, if you want to define props for a specific HTML element you should use it name in the type name, like in the code below.

import { type JSX } from '@reatom/jsx'
export interface InputProps extends JSX.InputHTMLAttributes {
defaultValue?: string
export const Input = ({ defaultValue, ...props }: InputProps) => {
props.value ??= defaultValue
return <input {...props} />

To type an event handler you have a few options, see below.

export const Form = () => {
const handleSubmit = action((ctx, event: Event) => {
const handleInput: JSX.InputEventHandler = action((ctx, event) => {
event.currentTarget.valueAsNumber // HTMLInputElement.valueAsNumber: number
const handleSelect: JSX.EventHandler<HTMLSelectElement> = action((ctx, event) => {
event.currentTarget.value // HTMLSelectElement.value: string
return (
<form on:submit={handleSubmit}>
<input on:input={handleInput} />
<select on:input={handleSelect} />



These limitations will be fixed in the feature

  • No DOM-less SSR (requires a DOM API implementation like linkedom to be provided)
  • No keyed lists support
  • A component should have no more than one root element. If this interferes with the layout, you can wrap the parent elements in another element with the style display: "contents":
<div style={'display: "contents";'}>
<div class="parent-1">
<div class="parent-2">