Reference manual

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1.39.4 by Philip Leifeld, 2 months ago

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Authors: Philip Leifeld [aut, cre] , Claudia Zucca [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports methods, stats, httr

Suggests broom, coda, ggplot2, huxtable, knitr, rmarkdown, sandwich, systemfit, testthat, lmtest

Enhances AER, alpaca, betareg, Bergm, bife, biglm, brglm, brms, btergm, dynlm, eha, ergm, feisr, fGarch, fixest, forecast, gamlss, gamlss.inf, gee, glmmTMB, gmm, gnm, h2o, latentnet, lfe, lme4, logitr, lqmm, maxLik, metaSEM, mfx, mhurdle, miceadds, mlogit, MuMIn, nlme, nnet, oglmx, ordinal, pglm, plm, relevent, remify, remstats, remstimate, rms, robust, simex, spatialreg, spdep, speedglm, survival, truncreg, VGAM

System requirements: pandoc (>= 1.12.3) suggested for using wordreg function; LaTeX packages tikz, booktabs, dcolumn, rotating, thumbpdf, longtable, paralist for the vignette

Imported by BayesPostEst, MplusAutomation, R2MLwiN, ardl.nardl, bizicount, bruceR, causalSLSE, ergmito, ghypernet, greybox, midasr, panelvar, qte, sfaR.

Suggested by feisr, glmmTMB, logitr, mixl, mlogit, momentfit, pder, plm, rem, texPreview.

Enhanced by estimatr, ivx.

See at CRAN