Reference manual

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0.3.2 by Joe Zhu, 11 days ago,

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Authors: Daniel Sabanés Bové [aut] , Joe Zhu [aut, cre] , Godwin Yung [aut] , Francois Collin [aut] , Julia Dedic [aut] , Jana Stoilova [aut] , F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License 2.0 license

Imports checkmate, cowplot, dplyr, emmeans, formatters, generics, ggplot2, lifecycle, magrittr, mmrm, parallelly, rlang, rtables, stats, tidyr

Depends on tern

Suggests broom, grid, knitr, maditr, Matrix, rmarkdown, testthat, vdiffr, withr

Imported by teal.modules.clinical.

See at CRAN