Reference manual

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install.packages("psborrow2") by Matt Secrest, 5 months ago,

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Authors: Matt Secrest [aut, cre] , Isaac Gravestock [aut] , Craig Gower-Page [ctb] , Manoj Khanal [ctb] , Mingyang Shan [ctb] , Kexin Jin [ctb] , Zhi Yang [ctb] , Genentech , Inc. [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License 2.0 license

Imports checkmate, glue, methods, graphics, posterior, generics, Matrix, mvtnorm, future, simsurv

Suggests cmdstanr, survival, flexsurv, testthat, usethis, vdiffr, tibble, xml2, knitr, rmarkdown, bayesplot, matrixcalc, WeightIt, MatchIt, BayesPPD, ggsurvfit, gbm, ggplot2, cobalt, table1, gt, gtsummary

System requirements: cmdstan

See at CRAN