Reference manual

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2.1.0 by Cecile Proust-Lima, a year ago

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Authors: Cecile Proust-Lima [aut, cre] , Viviane Philipps [aut] , Amadou Diakite [ctb] , Benoit Liquet [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2.0) license

Imports nlme, survival, parallel, mvtnorm, randtoolbox, marqLevAlg, doParallel, numDeriv

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, lattice, NormPsy

Imported by DynForest, FlexVarJM, NormPsy, SlaPMEG, nlive, pencal.

Depended on by JLPM.

Suggested by latrend.

See at CRAN