Reference manual

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1.6.0 by Sebastian Funk, a day ago,,

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Authors: Sam Abbott [aut] , Joel Hellewell [aut] , Katharine Sherratt [aut] , Katelyn Gostic [aut] , Joe Hickson [aut] , Hamada S. Badr [aut] , Michael DeWitt [aut] , James M. Azam [aut] , Robin Thompson [ctb] , Sophie Meakin [ctb] , James Munday [ctb] , Nikos Bosse [ctb] , Paul Mee [ctb] , Peter Ellis [ctb] , Pietro Monticone [ctb] , Lloyd Chapman [ctb] , Andrew Johnson [ctb] , Kaitlyn Johnson [ctb] , EpiForecasts [aut] , Sebastian Funk [aut, cre]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports checkmate, cli, data.table, futile.logger, ggplot2, lifecycle, lubridate, methods, patchwork, posterior, purrr, R.utils, Rcpp, rlang, rstan, rstantools, runner, scales, stats, truncnorm, utils

Suggests cmdstanr, covr, future, future.apply, here, knitr, precommit, progressr, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat, usethis, withr

Linking to BH, Rcpp, RcppEigen, RcppParallel, rstan, StanHeaders

System requirements: GNU make C++17

See at CRAN