Reference manual

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2019.10-1 by Paul Gilbert, 5 years ago

Browse source code at

Authors: Ravi Varadhan [aut, cph, trl] , Paul Gilbert [aut, cre] , Marcos Raydan [ctb] (with co-authors , wrote original algorithms in fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB package.) , JM Martinez [ctb] (with co-authors , wrote original algorithms in fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB package.) , EG Birgin [ctb] (with co-authors , wrote original algorithms in fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB package.) , W LaCruz [ctb] (with co-authors , wrote original algorithms in fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB package.)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports stats, quadprog

Suggests setRNG, survival, Hmisc, numDeriv

Imported by BinOrdNonNor, CatDyn, DSBayes, LifeHist, RPANDA, SimCorrMix, SimMultiCorrData, aftgee, antitrust, calibrar, coxrt, dQTG.seq, glinvci, ktsolve, maczic, mixAR, mlfit, mlt, orsk, pcts, pim, reReg, spef.

Depended on by BinNonNor, GNE, NPCD, PoisBinNonNor, PoisBinOrdNonNor, PoisNonNor, RobPer, bunching, mederrRank, mvord.

Suggested by ROI.plugin.optimx, SemiEstimate, cxr, metafor, momentuHMM, optimx, simsurv, trade.

See at CRAN