The Major Signs (by Age!) That Your Kid Is Becoming a Brat

Not only can Elaine Rose Glickman spot a bratty kid, but she also knows how to stop the bad behavior every step of the way. In her book, Your Kid's a Brat and It's All Your Fault, the mother-turned-author breaks down the warning signs, by age, that parents should be aware of if they want to prevent their little ones from turning into full-blown brats. Whether you're concerned that you might be dealing with a budding brat or are pretty positive that you officially have a spoiled tween, check out Glickman's checklist and add her book to your reading list ASAP for insightful help with what to do — before it's too late.

Toddlers and Preschoolers
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Toddlers and Preschoolers

According to Glickman, as wonderful as very young children are, you can still have a sense of whether their bad habits are age-appropriate, or if it's becoming something more problematic. If your child is developing a few less-than-desirable traits and you find yourself thinking several times a day, "Well, that's what toddlers do; it's a phase and it will pass," then they could already be turning into a budding brat. Check to see if they do the following on a regular basis:

• Your kid bosses other children around
• Your kid whines
• Your kid bites
• Your kid demands treats at the checkout line
• Your kid is mean to the family pet
• Your kid hits you
• Your kid clings
• Your kid refuses to wear anything except for her pajamas
• Your kid is a lousy sleeper
• Your kid is rude to strangers
• Your kid won't share
• Your kid is taking over the house

Ages 5-10
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Ages 5-10

As parents try to foster their children's "unique spark" and nurture their authentic selves, some are actually prohibiting their kids from growing up. Parents who don't let their kids assume greater responsibility, self-reliance, and self-possession as they get older are stunting their child's maturity. "We see a lot of behaviors that you might associate with younger children, but they're still present in these older children," said Glickman. Some to watch out for are:

• Your kid interrupts
• Your kid doesn't listen the first time
• Your kid doesn't say please
• Your kid never says thank you
• Your kid is typically rude to grown-ups
• Your kid lies
• Your kid has a similarly rude best friend
• Your kid won't do their homework
• Your kid is wasteful
• Your kid is a terrible traveller
• Your kid won't take no for an answer

Ages 9-12

Ages 9-12

The only thing harder than raising a bratty tween is dealing with an ungrateful teen. Lay the groundwork for peaceful teenage years by teaching them not only how to share their opinions but, just as importantly, how to do it respectfully. It's essential to recognize the difference between disagreement and defiance. "Respectful disagreement invites conversation and it recognizes that the parent is still the final authority," explained Glickman. Here, some notable personality traits that might serve as signs of brattiness:

• Your kid sasses you
• Your kid won't pitch in
• Your kid is addicted to devices
• Your kid never does anything nice for you
• Your kid doesn't care about his relatives
• Your kid doesn't care about others
• Your kid won't pick up after themselves
• Your kid is often bored
• Your kid curses