When will you get married?
When will you get married?
Find out what age you will get married
Find out what age you will get married

Pick a wedding cake
Pick a wedding dress
Pick a wedding ring
If you had to have a theme, which one would it be?
Pick a honeymoon destination
In your twenties
In your twenties
You are young and carefree. Getting married in your twenties is ideal for you because you most likely want to start a family; or you are taking you chances with your new fling!
In your thirties
In your thirties
You will get married in your thirties. This is the cause of a good, long term relationship. Getting married in your thirties is perfect for you as you might not be ready for marriage as young as your twenties, but you can still take a shot at it while your young.
In your forties or above
In your forties or above
You will get married in your forties-or even older than that! You believe that when you feel the time is right to tie the knot, then you will do it then, no matter what other people say! Good on you!
You might think ready for marriage but in reality, married life might just be a bit boring for somebody like you! You might end up in a very long term relationship but you and your s.o. will just never feel ready to tie the knot completely.