Q: I've only got one, good sunny window, which is where I try to grow all my houseplants. Are there any plants that would do OK in other darker parts of the house?
A: There sure are. They're primarily foliage plants (few or no blooms) that are native to tree under-stories in tropical or subtropical regions.
A lot of plants are fine even in light that's too low to read in, but Harrisburg houses in winter also pose the problem of dry air as well. So we're looking at some of the toughest customers for those northern windows, low-light corners and really anymore that's more than 6 to 8 feet away from a window. Office settings with fluorescent lighting also qualify as low light.
I can think of four good and readily-available foliage plants worth taking a look at: Chinese evergreens, cast iron plants, dumbcanes (Dieffenbachia) and peace lilies (one of the few that will put out a few blooms in low light).
For something a little different, check out the ZZ plant, which has succulent leaves that climb up the stems like a ladder.
Calatheas have colorful variegated leaves and do reasonably well in low light, and pothos and philodendrons are a couple of good foliage trailers for low light. Ivies and many ferns are others worth trying in less-than-ideal light.