How to contribute

How to contribute#

It is our goal, within the OSSCAR project, to foster a community in which novel interactive and educational content is developed and shared in a manner which reflects the fundamental principles of Open Science (a nice summary of these principles is given at this page).

If you wish to contribute a notebook, the easiest way to proceed is to open a pull request on the main repository.

The first step is to create a personal fork of the osscar-org/quantum-mechanics repository.

After having forked the main OSSCAR repo, you can then clone your fork. To do so, navigate to the desired directory on your local machine and run:

git clone

Then you can develop your notebook in the appropriate section. For now, only notebooks falling within the existing categories (band theory, quantum mechanics, etc.) will be accepted as contributions to the project.

After doing this, go ahead and open a pull request, and we will review your notebook and iterate until it is ready to be published. Prior to opening a pull request, please format the notebook so as to adhere to the standardised structure which has been implemented in the existing notebooks (sub-sections for goals, tasks and solutions, a visualization section and legend). Information and guidance is provided in this sample notebook. The design choices for this standardized notebook template were made so as to simultaneously maximize the educational efficacy of the notebooks, whilst observing the guiding principles of Open Science.

If you have any other questions regarding contribution of content don’t hesitate to contact a member of the team.