Definitions from Wiktionary (coral fungus)
▸ noun: Any of a group of species within the division Basidiomycota, typically having erect, simple or branched basidiocarps (fruiting bodies) that are formed on the ground, on decaying vegetation, or on dead wood.
▸ Words similar to coral fungus
▸ Usage examples for coral fungus
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▸ Civic discussion about coral fungus (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of coral fungus
▸ Invented words related to coral fungus
▸ noun: Any of a group of species within the division Basidiomycota, typically having erect, simple or branched basidiocarps (fruiting bodies) that are formed on the ground, on decaying vegetation, or on dead wood.
red coral,
honey fungus,
coral reef,
brain coral,
filamentous fungi,
Coral Sea,
▸ Words similar to coral fungus
▸ Usage examples for coral fungus
▸ Idioms related to coral fungus
▸ Civic discussion about coral fungus (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near coral fungus
▸ Rhymes of coral fungus
▸ Invented words related to coral fungus