Usually means: Ancient Persian king, Achaemenid dynasty.
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We found 15 dictionaries that define the word Xerxes:

General dictionaries General (10 matching dictionaries)
  1. Xerxes: Collins English Dictionary
  2. Xerxes: Wordnik
  3. Xerxes: Wiktionary
  4. Xerxes, xerxes:
  5. Xerxes: Online Etymology Dictionary
  6. Xerxes (Sasanian prince), Xerxes (TV series), Xerxes (disambiguation), Xerxes (film), Xerxes (graphic novel), Xerxes (name), Xerxes (opera), Xerxes (prince), Xerxes: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  7. Xerxes: Dictionary/thesaurus
  8. Xerxes: Who2
  9. Xerxes: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898)

Art dictionaries Art (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Beading Glossary (No longer online)

Business dictionaries Business (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Derivatives (No longer online)

Computing dictionaries Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Xerxes (System Shock 2), Xerxes: Encyclopedia

Science dictionaries Science (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Xerxes (c 519-465 BC): Archaeology Wordsmith

Slang dictionaries Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. xerxes: Urban Dictionary

Definitions from Wiktionary (Xerxes)

noun:  (historical) Xerxes I, a Persian king of the Achaemenid dynasty who reigned 485-465 BC.
noun:  (historical) Xerxes II, a Persian king who ruled for 45 days in 424 BC before being assassinated.
noun:  A male given name from Old Persian mainly applied to historical and fictional characters.





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great persian king

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