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8.1.3 • Public • Published


Compile LWC HTML template for consumption at runtime.


yarn add --dev @lwc/template-compiler


import { compile } from '@lwc/template-compiler';

const filename = 'component.html';
const options = {};
const { code, warnings } = compile(
        <h1>Hello World!</h1>

for (let warning of warnings) {




Compile a LWC template to javascript source code consumable by the engine.

import { compile } from '@lwc/template-compiler';
const { code, warnings } = compile(`<template><h1>Hello World!</h1></template>`, {});


  • source (string, required) - the HTML template source to compile.
  • filename (string, required) - the source filename with extension.
  • options (object, required) - the options to used to compile the HTML template source.


  • name (type: string, optional, undefined by default) - name of the component, e.g. foo in x/foo.

  • namespace (type: string, optional, undefined by default) - namespace of the component, e.g. x in x/foo.

  • experimentalComputedMemberExpression (boolean, optional, false by default) - set to true to enable computed member expression in the template, eg: {list[0].name}.

  • experimentalComplexExpressions (boolean, optional, false by default) - set to true to enable use of (a subset of) JavaScript expressions in place of template bindings.

  • experimentalDynamicDirective (boolean, optional, false by default) - set to true to allow the usage of lwc:dynamic directives in the template.

  • enableDynamicComponents (boolean, optional, false by default) - set to true to enable lwc:is directive in the template.

  • preserveHtmlComments (boolean, optional, false by default) - set to true to disable the default behavior of stripping HTML comments.

  • enableStaticContentOptimization (boolean, optional, true by default) - set to false to disable static content optimizations.

  • enableLwcSpread (boolean, optional, true by default) - Deprecated. Ignored by template-compiler. lwc:spread is always enabled.

  • customRendererConfig (CustomRendererConfig, optional) - specifies a configuration to use to match elements. Matched elements will get a custom renderer hook in the generated template.

  • instrumentation (InstrumentationObject, optional) - instrumentation object to gather metrics and non-error logs for internal use. See the @lwc/errors package for details on the interface.

  • disableSyntheticShadowSupport (type: boolean, default: false) - Set to true if synthetic shadow DOM support is not needed, which can result in smaller/faster output.

    • Example 1: Config to match <use> elements under the svg namespace and have href attribute set.

          customRendererConfig: {
              directives: [],
              elements: [
                      tagName: 'use',
                      namespace: 'https://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
                      attributes: ['href']
    • Example 2: Config to match <script> elements regardless of the attribute set. Note: When attributes is not specified, attribute matching is skipped.

          customRendererConfig: {
              directives: [],
              elements: [
                      tagName: 'script'
  • apiVersion (type: number, optional) - API version to associate with the compiled template.

Return: The method returns an object with the following fields:

  • code (string) - the compiled template.
  • warnings (array) - the list of warnings produced when compiling the template. Each warning has the following fields:
    • message (string) - the warning message.
    • level (string) - the severity of the warning: info, warning, error.
    • start (number) - the start index in the source code producing the warning.
    • length (number) - the character length in the source code producing the warning.



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