%cd ..
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from __future__ import annotations
import arviz as az
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random as random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpyro
import numpyro.distributions as dist
from numpyro.infer.initialization import init_to_median
import numpyro_glm.utils.dist as dist_utils
from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS, DiscreteHMCGibbs
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
A parameter value is declared to be not credible, or rejected,
if its entire ROPE lies outside of the 95% highest density interval (HDI) of the posterior distribution of that parameter.
A parameter value is declared to be accepted for practical purposes
if that value's ROPE completely contains the 95% HDI of the posterior of that parameter.
Data are downloaded from JWarmenhoven's implementation.
music_df: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv(
'datasets/background_music.csv', dtype=dict(CondOfSubj='category'))
music_df['CondOfSubj'] = (music_df['CondOfSubj']
{'1': 'Das Kruschke', '2': 'Mozart',
'3': 'Bach', '4': 'Beethoven'}))
# Wrong implementation, still don't understand why it gives wrong results?
def words_recall_in_different_music_genres_model_comparison(
genre: jnp.ndarray, nb_trials: jnp.ndarray, nb_corrects: jnp.ndarray, nb_genres: int):
assert genre.shape[0] == nb_trials.shape[0] == nb_corrects.shape[0]
nb_obs = genre.shape[0]
# We will compare between two models:
# * Model 0 uses condition-specific omega,
# * Model 1 uses the same omega for all conditions.
model_probs = jnp.array([0.5, 0.5])
model = numpyro.sample('model', dist.Categorical(model_probs))
aP = 1.
bP = 1.
# Model 0's omegas.
a = jnp.repeat(aP, nb_genres)
b = jnp.repeat(bP, nb_genres)
omega = numpyro.sample('omega', dist.Beta(a, b))
# Model 1's omega1.
a0 = aP
b0 = bP
# correspond to omega0 in the book.
omega1 = numpyro.sample('omega1', dist.Beta(a0, b0))
# Kappa's prior.
kappa_minus_two = numpyro.sample(
'_kappa-2', dist_utils.gammaDistFromModeStd(20, 20).expand([nb_genres]))
kappa = numpyro.deterministic('kappa', kappa_minus_two + 2)
ome = jnp.where(model == 0, omega, omega1)
aBeta = ome * (kappa - 2) + 1
bBeta = (1 - ome) * (kappa - 2) + 1
# Observations.
with numpyro.plate('obs', nb_obs) as idx:
theta = numpyro.sample(
'theta', dist.Beta(aBeta[genre[idx]], bBeta[genre[idx]]))
'correct', dist.Binomial(nb_trials[idx], theta), obs=nb_corrects[idx])
# Correct implementation.
def words_recall_in_different_music_genres_model_comparison_1(
genre: jnp.ndarray, nb_trials: jnp.ndarray, nb_corrects: jnp.ndarray, nb_genres: int):
assert genre.shape[0] == nb_trials.shape[0] == nb_corrects.shape[0]
nb_obs = genre.shape[0]
# We will compare between two models:
# * Model 0 uses condition-specific omega,
# * Model 1 uses the same omega for all conditions.
model_probs = jnp.array([0.5, 0.5])
model = numpyro.sample('model', dist.Categorical(model_probs))
aP = 1.
bP = 1.
# Model 0's omegas.
a = jnp.c_[jnp.repeat(aP, nb_genres),
[.40 * 125, .50 * 125, .51 * 125, .52 * 125]]
b = jnp.c_[jnp.repeat(bP, nb_genres),
[.60 * 125, .50 * 125, .49 * 125, .48 * 125]]
omega = numpyro.sample('omega', dist.Beta(a[:, model], b[:, model]))
# Model 1's omega1.
a0 = jnp.array([.48 * 500, aP])
b0 = jnp.array([.52 * 500, bP])
# correspond to omega0 in the book.
omega1 = numpyro.sample('omega1', dist.Beta(a0[model], b0[model]))
# Kappa's prior.
kappa_minus_two = numpyro.sample(
'_kappa-2', dist_utils.gammaDistFromModeStd(20, 20).expand([nb_genres]))
kappa = numpyro.deterministic('kappa', kappa_minus_two + 2)
ome = jnp.where(model == 0, omega, omega1)
aBeta = ome * (kappa - 2) + 1
bBeta = (1 - ome) * (kappa - 2) + 1
# Observations.
with numpyro.plate('obs', nb_obs) as idx:
theta = numpyro.sample(
'theta', dist.Beta(aBeta[genre[idx]], bBeta[genre[idx]]))
'correct', dist.Binomial(nb_trials[idx], theta), obs=nb_corrects[idx])
kernel = DiscreteHMCGibbs(
mcmc = MCMC(kernel, num_warmup=1000, num_samples=20000, num_chains=4)
idata = az.from_numpyro(
dims=dict(omega=['genre'], kappa=['genre']))
from itertools import combinations # noqa
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 6))
posterior = idata['posterior']
for (left, right), ax in zip(combinations(music_df['CondOfSubj'].cat.categories, 2),
left_omega = posterior['omega'].sel(genre=left).values
right_omega = posterior['omega'].sel(genre=right).values
diff = left_omega - right_omega
az.plot_posterior(diff, hdi_prob=.95, ref_val=0.0,
point_estimate='mode', ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel(f'$\\omega_{{{left}}} - \\omega_{{{right}}}$')
model_idx = posterior['model'].values.flatten()
sns.lineplot(x=np.indices(model_idx.shape).flatten(), y=model_idx)