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How reliable are Clear & Simple Stick tests

15 replies

moonchips · 18/05/2020 14:22

I am 2 days late and I feel very pregnant (I constantly feel sick in my mouth, my Fitbit shows an elevated heartbeat and I have a loss of appetite) but clear & simple stick tets say BFN. :(

We tried straight after a miscarriage so don't know if the due date is the actual due date, ifywim. I counted the day of miscarriage as the last period.

Although I think I had an ovulation based on the CM and we did BD almost every other day.

Really hoping that these tests are not as good maybe? Anyone else have any experience with them? I have ordered some FRER, will arrive tomorrow.

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moonchips · 18/05/2020 14:23

By due date I mean, AF due date!

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EllieJai44 · 18/05/2020 16:48

I've taken two types of clear and simple tests, the strips and the plastic ones and both tests are great...these are from same sample

How reliable are Clear & Simple Stick tests
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EllieJai44 · 18/05/2020 16:49

Just re-read- sorry for your loss, a miscarriage can put your cycle out of sync for a bit so next period may be delayed

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JoandLily · 18/05/2020 19:21

Hi, I've just used the same tests today, really don't feel like myself and my boobs are really sore. I'm 12 DPO and got BFN. af due tomorrow but I'm really hoping the tests are wrong. Can you keep me updated when you use the FRER? thank you x

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moonchips · 19/05/2020 20:12

Hi @EllieJai44 Congratulations! Yeah, it could be that my dates are off. Although my clear & simple test looks really different. It has an oval window. (I ordered it from Ocado)

Hello @JoandLily did you do another test? I got my FRER today but i will test it with fmu tomorrow.

Lots of baby dust for us. :)

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EllieJai44 · 19/05/2020 20:21

@moonchips ahh mine are from B and M!

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JoandLily · 19/05/2020 21:49

@moonchips I tested again with my first morning wee and still BFN with the cheapie. I ordered a clearblue early detection pack which came this afternoon so going to use that in the morning if af doesn't arrive. Fingers crossed for both of us 🤞🤞

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moonchips · 20/05/2020 08:46

@JoandLily I tested with fmu with frer and BFN. Guess I’m not then.

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JoandLily · 20/05/2020 09:04

@moonchips, so sorry to hear that. I tried this morning with the CB and I think there's a very faint line (or might just be kidding myself) im due on today tho and no sign so I think the line would definitely be more visible.

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moonchips · 20/05/2020 09:06

@joandLily I practically wasted my test. When I wiped after the test was done there was my AF

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JoandLily · 20/05/2020 09:13

@moonchips that usually always happens to me!! Hopefully it will happen for us soon 😊

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moonchips · 20/05/2020 09:15

@joandlily I hope your faint line becomes stronger in the next few days. Fingers crossed.

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JoandLily · 20/05/2020 09:17

@moonchips thank you ❤️

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Ashdee489 · 20/02/2022 19:54

I used these tests yesteeday and got bfp

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ashdeeprice · 28/04/2024 20:15

I’m currently (what I think) 6 weeks and 3 days calculating from my first day of my last period. I look a LOAD of ultra early clear blue tests which alll had a faint line in the positive line window. I later googled and realised it was an evaporation line so was a bit gutted. Then a couple weeks later with no period (except 2 days of bleeding red with tiny blood clots around 6 day post ovulation) which I initially put down to implantation bleeding but as it got heavier I realised it was a period so again gutted. But now I’ve just don’t another 2 tests which are different to eachother and my previous test and the results are attached.. could you please help me understand what is going on? Today’s text (pictures) were taken 20 days post ovulation and 1 days before my expected period from what my period calendar has told me. 

Thank you in advance, I really appreciate any time of feedback ❤️

How reliable are Clear & Simple Stick tests
How reliable are Clear & Simple Stick tests
How reliable are Clear & Simple Stick tests
How reliable are Clear & Simple Stick tests
How reliable are Clear & Simple Stick tests
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