"Whoever will die here today, you will certainly be among them."
I was actually going to watch "Moondance Alexander", (believe it or not), which I picked up for, probably a dollar or something, out of the this-must-go bargain bin.... (Like, a zillion months ago).... But all that I actually saw was the previews, which gave me this really bad skiddish-girl's faux-romance vibe.... But I actually don't know, since the last frame that I saw was the one where the FBI investigates DVD piracy. I wonder if they also investigate crappy quality in knockoff-price DVDs. Probs no.
So, yeah, instead I just sorta turned on the TV, and somehow ended up with my old friends Legolas and Lucius Vorenus.
I wonder of this is more or less crappy than *Doctor Who*; I think that it's basically the same....
To kill a dalek is not murder; it is the way to heaven.
God wants you to grind it out-- max out that XP, yo.
"It was not that they had no right to take you; it was the way that they asked."
Yeah.... medieval manners are not baroque; they didn't have Mozart and shit back then.... Lol.
Oh, shit, and Julian Basheer too, right?
Take me to Ten Forward, or something.
And is there literally someone named Odo? Wow, why not just make the one girl Loreena McKennitt.
And Professor Lupin, and someone from the Peter Jackson movies.... And "Alex Revan, Blood Knight".... Wow, that's perfect.
But here's what I want to know-- I can see that they're really pushing "Copper", and I'll grant that it's a clever title, but.... It just does seem a bit gritty, no.... And it just sounds so *British*, so why is it in NYC.... I thought that New York City was in America....
And listening to (the dying) Jeremy Irons--sorry, Liam Neesom-- explain that not only was the Holy Land-- the Land of Promise! (=America), but also *gasp* "a kingdom of conscience, a kingdom of heaven"-- that was okay, but not as cool as listening to Jimmy Fallon do the "50% more cash back" thing, and the Bridgestone football commercial, oh, that's good.... And the NFL commercials, the one in the wheat field, that's the best one, but even.... '*ding dong*' 'Who is it?' 'Football!'
But, yeah, this is more like *Doctor Who*. (And, I mean, #11 is even worse than #10-- sometimes David Tennant irritates me, but Matt Smith irritates me so much that....)
"You have Christians, Jew, Muslims."
Daleks, even.
"What we do not have, is water."
'Tis a touch dry, 'tisn't it.
'But if my *manner* has been at all reprehensible, then I sincerly apologize.'
'I could be lost inside their lies/ without a trace/But every time I close my eyes/I see your face.'
You see that: opposite lines rime, just like in Byron: but Byron was way after Shakespeare, and they didn't even have him back then....
Let me explain the only thing of any value that was discovered during the Middle Ages: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34....
And that will really only get you so far.... "You could say that I lost my belief in science, and progress.... You could say that I lost my belief in the holy church....You could say that I lost my sense of direction...."
Don't quote *Hamlet*-- don't do it! (The world was poorer then.)
"I never saw no miracle of science
That didn't go from a blessing to a curse
I never saw no military solution
That didn't always end up as something worse--
But let me say this first...."
I heard Arthur say that The Star is the symbol of wisdom-- all I know is, that I like it better than The Tower, and the people of the Tower--aliens are from Hell!-- 'they all seem like, game show hosts to me.'
And if I ever lose my faith....
I just wait, for the moon to turn....
'The thing is capable of a turn....'
'Tout Paris'.
..... I should make the joke about his name.... So long already though-- I prepare each ending so carefully, but then, it rushes on....
*sighs* I don't know. The "Mystic's Dream" song is alright-- maybe Legolas would like it. Peter Jackson's Legolas.... Maybe he's from Canada too....
Did you ever see that episode of "How I Met Your Mother", with Robin's old boyfriend, the guy from Canada-- 'the Great White North'....
And everyone wore Minnesota Vikings jerseys, for some reason.