Téa Leoni
Birth Name: Elizabeth Téa Pantaleoni
Age: 58, born 25 February 1966
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 8"
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Partner: Tim Daly
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Téa Leoni Videos
Rating: | 2121 Watched |
Rating: | 1833 Watched |
Rating: | 1687 Watched |
Rating: | 1162 Watched |
Rating: | 2426 Watched |
Rating: | 1452 Watched |
Rating: | 849 Watched |
Rating: | 672 Watched |
Rating: | 394 Watched |
Update feed
"Movies:• Deep Impact (1998) : Drowned, along with her father, Maximilian Schell, when the small comet strikes the Atlantic and causes a tidal wave while they're standing on the beach. We only see a distant shot of the massive wave as it hits. • People I Know (2002) : Injected with an overdose of heroin by Keith Siglinger in her hotel bedroom, while Al Pacino is passed out in the next room. Her body is shown again when Al wakes up the next morning."
"Elizabeth Téa Pantaleoni25 February 1966Leoni has 2 children:• West Duchovny (1999);• Kyd Miller Duchovny (2002);"