Still Alice (2014)
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Still Alice (2014) Videos
Added 9 years ago
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Still Alice
Too often though Sti... read more
A good movie
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“actors performing have a much too calm reaction to this dramatic event IMO (director's choice obviously). still not a bad movie, however it's a little”
“Since I kept hearing some pretty good things about this movie, I was quite eager to check it out. Well, after an impressive career going over more tha”
"Julianne Moore's performance in this touching story is one of my favorites from the last decade. When I want to see some great acting, I tend to select films which have this kind of dedication, depth, knowledge and above all talent behind the role."
"Kristen Stewart and... Julianne Moore as Alice Howland "
"2016/02/20 @home on DVD from library with Kendra Depressing insight into alzheimers from the viewpoint of the one suffering from it, and the interacting with her family. Interesting, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take away from it other than Alzheimers sucks, which I knew before watching. "