Persepolis (2007)
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Persepolis Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Pure art and an emotional Journey!
Poignant coming-of-age story of a precocious and outspoken young Iranian girl that b... read more
A Life in Animation
A very good movie
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"2007 NOMINEE - The Kennedy/Marshall Company - Marjane Satrapi/ Vincent Paronnaud"
“Recuerdo que esta película me la enseñó una querida amiga a los 13 años, cuando la vi me enamoré de ella al instante; era rara, poco conocida y me sentía identificado con la protagonista en algunos aspectos de la vida, por lo que termine considerándola mi película animada favorita en ese tiempo. Ya no tengo 13 años, he crecido y he visto más películas y me volví un poco más culto, por lo que la película me ha dejado de gustar con el pasar de los años.
Persepolis es polarizante dependiendo desde la perspectiva que se le vea, ya que la película se puede ver como una historia de maduración o como una crítica social. Voy a comentar porque uno de esos dos objetivos es desarrollado correctamente y porque el otro no.
Vamos por lo que hace bien la cinta. Su tr” read more
" Date: 1/14/2021 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-Watch Note: I always loved this movie since it came out and this is my third viewing of the movie. Persepolis is still a fantastic movie and it should have won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature back in 2008 in my opinion. Persepolis has fantastic animation and the art direction is very unique. I do love how the movie is able to stay very faithful to the art style from the graphic novel. What makes Persepolis so great is the story because the movie"
" Notes: Eventually, this movie turned out to be even better than expected and it is indeed a really unique and amazing animated feature. To be honest, I never had the opportunity to read the comic-book which sounds amazing as well but, apparently, it might be easier to appreciate this movie more if you haven’t read the book since they are so similar. Anyway, the story was just really interesting and sometimes actually quite heartbreaking. In spite all of this, they still managed to put some f"
" Notes: Eventually, this movie turned out to be even better than expected and it is indeed a really unique and amazing animated feature. To be honest, I never had the opportunity to read the comic-book which sounds amazing as well but, apparently, it might be easier to appreciate this movie more if you haven’t read the book since they are so similar. Anyway, the story was just really interesting and sometimes actually quite heartbreaking. In spite all of this, they still managed to put some f"