Left Behind (2014)
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
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109 Views, 1 votes
Added 10 years ago
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A bad movie
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"Reason for the future sucking: It's pretty much the plot, of Left Behind, but with Nicholas Cage instead of Kirk Cameron. Year it takes place: Unknownish"
"Lo único rescatable es Nicolas Cage después todo lo demás es ridículo y absurdo. ¡Una chica que apenas sabe conducir es más rápida que un avión en su máxima potencia! "
“Obviously, I wasn’t expecting much from the damned thing but since it was available on Netflix, I thought I might as well check it out. I had heard of these hardcore Christian movies but it was the first one I saw (for some reasons, I don't think ‘The Passion of the Christ’ belongs to the genre because of its high production value but I might be mistaken) but I was rather amazed and even appalled by the end-result. Indeed, the whole thing was basically some massive propaganda garbage based on the Rapture and it is rather scary and depressing that some people would actually believe that something like this will happen in the future. I mean, if I did understand correctly, it doesn’t really matter if you are a good or a bad person, it only matters if you put your faith in God and then” read more
" Notes: I had heard of these hardcore Christian movies but it was the first one I saw but I was rather amazed and even appalled by the end-result. Indeed, the whole thing was basically some massive propaganda garbage based on the Rapture and it is rather scary and depressing that some people would actually believe that something like this will happen in the future. I mean, if I did understand correctly, it doesn’t really matter if you are a good or a bad person, it only matters if you put you"
“I actually wanted to see this because I enjoy the story of the Rapture or pretty much anything involving apocalyptic mayhem. Now this has to be one of”