Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House (2017)
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Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House Videos
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Added 7 years ago
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A good movie
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“To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since there was a decent cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, the first thing I really enjoyed was to finally see Liam Neeson in something else than another lame and generic action flick. On top of that, Neeson was a perfect choice to play the main character and he did deliver here a really solid performance. It’s too bad they didn’t seem to figure out what to do with the other characters who basically looked bewildered through the whole duration and not much else (the biggest victim was Diane Lane as most of her performance apparently did end up on the cutting room floor). Concerning the story itself, by now, there has been already so many movies made about the Watergate scandal but I did l” read more
"FBI kurucularından olan 50 yıl boyunca yöneten ve her kezin kirli çamaşırlarını bilen J. Edgar'ın ölümüyle birlikte hızlanan derin devlet yapısını sekteye uğratan Mark Feltin yaşamının bir kesidi izliyoruz. Amerikan tarihinin kanıtlanmış en büyük skandalı olan watergate'in iç yüzünü anlatmaya çalışan ama yeterli kadar ne derin olabilen ne de farklı açılardan bize sunabilen bir yapım. İşleniş olarak ve oyuncu performansları olarak filmi çok beğendim. J."
" DVD- 1hr. 43min. First Viewing With a title that long, you should just know that this thing is overcompensating. Mark Felt: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire is a solidly made and acted, but too staid and bland to make much of an impact. A boring, overly-melodramatic script that doesn't get how emphasis works, and energy-free direction make this a dull viewing experience."