Melanie Lynskey
Birth Name: Melanie Jayne Lynskey
Age: 47, born 16 May 1977
Country of origin: New Zealand
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 8"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Jason Ritter
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Rating: | 2137 Watched |
Rating: | 1480 Watched |
Rating: | 1418 Watched |
Rating: | 1360 Watched |
Rating: | 4291 Watched |
Rating: | 2254 Watched |
Rating: | 1859 Watched |
Rating: | 910 Watched |
Update feed
"Movies:• The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) : Killed in a car accident when another vehicle crashes into hers, several years before the story begins. She only appears in flashbacks, and her death is shown in a flashback. • Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012) : Killed, along with everybody else on Earth, when an asteroid collides with the planet. • Don't Look Up (2021) : Killed when a comet collides with the Earth. We last see her having dinner at her home with Leonardo DiC"
"Melanie Jayne Lynskey16 May 1977Lynskey has 1 child:• ... (2018);"
"Best performances: Heavenly Creatures, I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore, Yellowjackets"