Underrated or just not rated enough!
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Owen Wilson in an action film? Wha!? Yes - very good escape action thriller.
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This one snuck in and out of the cinema but I was fortunate enough to go see it after work one day. Good film about the journey of one man and his family to discover Z.
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I really hope they make another one. I don't think it did so well over here in the UK but I think it's fantastic. One of the better sci-fi flicks this year.
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I challenge you to find a better Riddler than Jim Carey! Paired with TLJ and this was a very entertaining film. Yes, yes I know - Bat Nipples.
Okay so this is technically a recent release but was actually made a very long time ago but they couldn't get support to release it so it got parked. Now, there's a campaign to get it back out there. Touching film. Definitely worth seeing if you like this sort of film.
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Great films that, for one reason or another, are underrated or people are just not talking about enough (at least in my neck of the woods)!
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