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Geum-ja Lee - Lady Vengeance
"Listen carefully. Everyone make mistakes. But if you committed a sin, you have to make an atonement for that sin. Atonement, do you know what that means? Big Atonement for big sins. Small Atonement for small sins."
henrik4075's rating:
Alma Beers Del Mar - Brokeback Mountain
"Don't try and fool me no more, Ennis; I know what that means! Jack Twist. Jack Nasty! You didn't go up there to fish!"
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Edie Stall - A History of Violence
"I know that my husband is Tom Stall. That's what I know."
Honorable Mentions:
Polly Bailey - Thank You for Smoking
henrik4075's rating:
Hayley Stark - Hard Candy
"I am every little girl you ever watched, touched, hurt, screwed, killed."
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Tessa Quayle - The Constant Gardener
"It's an outrageous thing. It's almost if it's -it's a marriage of convenience- and the only thing it's going to produce is dead offspring."
Honorable Mentions:
Angela Dodson / Isabel Dodson - Constantine
henrik4075's rating:
Shellie - Sin City
"Wish you would've dropped by earlier, Jackie Boy. Then you could've met my boyfriend, could've seen what a real man looks like."
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Evey Hammond - V for Vendetta
"My father was a writer. You would've liked him. He used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up."
henrik4075's rating:
June Carter - Walk the Line
"You wear black 'cause you can't find anything else to wear? You found your sound 'cause you can't play no better? You just tried to kiss me because "it just happened?" You should try take credit for something every once in a while, John."
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Gabriel - Constantine
"You are going to die young because you smoked 30 cigarettes a day since you were 15... and you're going to go to hell because of the life you took. You're fucked."
Honorable Mentions:
Jadis The White Witch - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
henrik4075's rating:
Harmony Faith Lane - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
"Badly is an adverb. So to say you feel badly would be saying that the mechanism which allows you to feel is broken."
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Emily - Brick
"Yeah, I mean what are you? Just sitting back here, hating everyone? Who are you to judge anyone? God, I really loved you a lot. I couldn't stand it. I had to get with people. I couldn't have a life with you anymore."
henrik4075's rating:
Lisa Reisert - Red Eye
"Where's your male-driven, fact-based logic now, Jack?
Honorable Mentions:
Claire Cleary - Wedding Crashers
henrik4075's rating:
Christine Jesperson - Me and You and Everyone We Know
"Fuck! Fuck you! Fuck me! Fuck old people! Fuck children! Fuck peace! Fuck peace..."
henrik4075's rating:
Trish - The 40-Year-Old Virgin
"I'm throwing myself at you and all you can think about are fucking toys."
henrik4075's rating:
Julie Woodman - Syriana
"Here's a question. How do you think it looks to profit off the death of your six year old?"
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
EDITORS NOTE: I know Elliot Page has transitioned now, but they still identified as female in 2005, so it only felt right to put the performances here. His performances post transition will of course go on the male list. Just wanted to clear that up in case there were some confusion.
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