Colton Haynes
Birth Name: Colton Lee Haynes
Age: 36, born 13 July 1988
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 10"
Relationship Status: Single
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Added 14 years ago
Rating: | 1774 Watched |
Rating: | 1210 Watched |
Rating: | 1050 Watched |
Rating: | 884 Watched |
Rating: | 571 Watched |
Rating: | 4275 Watched |
Rating: | 411 Watched |
Rating: | 143 Watched |
Rating: | 6 want to see |
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"Zelus• The personified spirit of rivalry, emulation, jealousy, envy and zeal.• He and his siblings Nike, Bia and Kratos, were the winged enforcers of Zeus who stood in attendance of his throne. "
“Blacked.Com Blacked Raw Colton Haynes Born 2 Race Hot Excellent Excellence 10 Star Out Of 10 Absolutely The Best Year Rating and Review: Colton Haynes Loves It Likes Born to Race”
"Haynes has struggled with anxiety all his life. In January 2016, after years of public speculation concerning his "secret gay past", an off-the-cuff response he made on Tumblr regarding a comment on photos that appeared in gay lifestyle magazine XY a decade before was taken by many media outlets as confirmation of his coming out. Not yet ready to speak openly about his sexual orientation, the renewed attention led Haynes to seek treatment for his anxiety for the next three months. He later publi"
"Colton Lee HaynesAmerican Actor & Model• English;• Scottish;• Cherokee Native American;• German;• French Huguenot;• Welsh; "
" ♥ Colton Haynes & Jeff Leatham ♥ *No longer together* "