I'm excited to share with you all that I've been appointed as the new CEO of Avalanche Studios Group! As someone passionate about innovation, I can't wait to move to Stockholm this summer to lead this talented team of developers in creating unique and engaging games. I will stay at Eyrir Vöxtur until this summer, and as I move over to this new role, I'll take a seat on the advisory board of Eyrir Vöxtur. I want to express my gratitude to the team at Eyrir Venture Management, the startup community, portfolio startups, MITdesignX geniuses, and Eyrir Vöxtur advisory board for the opportunity to work with such a fantastic group of people.
We’re beyond excited to announce that Stefanía Guðrún Halldórsdóttir will join Avalanche Studios Group as Chief Executive Officer! Stefanía is a games industry veteran with extensive experience in open-world and live-service games. During the past decade, she’s been the Development Director of the singularly successful EVE Online and the General Manager of CCP Games in Iceland. In addition, she’s lived, studied, and worked in Austria, Denmark, and China. We’re thrilled to soon add Sweden to the list! Over the years, Stefanía has gained a broad and diverse set of experiences in gaming, natural science, and, most recently, finance. For the past three years, she’s been part of Eyrir Vöxtur, a thriving ESG fund that invests in companies that have a positive impact on society and the environment. Stefanía shares Avalanche Studios Group’s passion for developing innovative games alongside our dedicated communities. She’s also a values-driven strategist, an inclusive leader, and – incidentally – an avid hunter. In short, Stefanía’s background makes her uniquely qualified to steer Avalanche Studios Group as we write the next chapter in our epic, 20-year storyline. While celebrating two decades of worlds beyond limits, we’re also speeding ahead. Across four cities and three divisions, we’re currently developing more games than at any previous point in our company’s history. The release of Ravenbound is just around the corner; we’re hard at work on Contraband in partnership with Xbox Game Studios – and behind the scenes, our creative divisions Avalanche Studios, Expansive Worlds, and Systemic Reaction are cooking up even more epicness. Stefanía will join Avalanche Studios Group as CEO in August, but we can’t wait to welcome her, so we won’t. Welcome, Stefanía!
Til hamingju með starfið. Verður gaman að fylgjast með þér. Gangi þér allt í haginn 👌
Innilega til hamingju, spennandi tímar framundan ☺️
Þau eru svo heppin að fá þig! <3 Þetta er svo frábært tækifæri! <3
Hamingjuóskir og bestu þakkir fyrir gott samstarf 👏
You are unstoppable. Huge congratulations to both you and Avalanche!
To gratulation, well deserved and Avalance lucky to have you on board!
Congratulations Stefanía, they are very lucky to have you. Good luck with your next adventure.
Hjartanlega til hamingju Stefanía. Það hafa verið forréttindi að vinna með þér og við hjá Justikal eigum eftir að sakna þín. Gangi þér sem allra best á nýjum vettvangi og þau eru heppin að hafa fengið þig í sitt lið 🚀
Innilega til hamingju! You will ace it, no doubt!!!
CEO of Elma and Non-Executive board member
1yHjartanlega til hamingju elsku Stefanía, það verður gaman að fylgjast með þér í þessu nýja verkefni og ég fagna hverri konu sem bætast við í hópi forstjóra 💪