Source: pewpewdropdown annotation on Genius. This song describes a simple dilettante in love. he cares for sarah somewhat but comes to find that he likes sarah more than he thought he would in the infancy of their friendship. he tries to warn her “i can’t be what you need. i am stuck in a dream.” he is the type of guy who is flaky. but he discovers that sarah is in that dream with him as well, probably because sarah is on par with his style. he enjoys sarah. he plagues her heart by showing her affection and romancing her. while doing this he knows she is falling for him. he knows th… read more
Source: pewpewdropdown annotation on Genius. This song describes a simple dilettante in love. he cares for sarah somewhat but comes to find that he l… read more
Source: pewpewdropdown annotation on Genius. This song describes a simple dilettante in love. he cares for sarah somewhat but comes to find that he likes sarah more than he thought he wo… read more
Alex Giannascoli, better known by his stage name Alex G (formerly (Sandy) Alex G), is a multi-instrumentalist based in Havertown. He studied at Temple University, where he served as a member of The Skin Cells along with Sam and Colin Acchione. Under his own name of Alex G, he started his career with DIY self-releases on Bandcamp and began building up an audience with his label debut, DSU (2014), released on Orchid Tapes to critical acclaim from various publications. He later signed with Lucky Number, who reissued his earlier releases, Rules and Trick (2012). In 2015, he signed with … read more
Alex Giannascoli, better known by his stage name Alex G (formerly (Sandy) Alex G), is a multi-instrumentalist based in Havertown. He studied at Temple University, where he served as a membe… read more
Alex Giannascoli, better known by his stage name Alex G (formerly (Sandy) Alex G), is a multi-instrumentalist based in Havertown. He studied at Temple University, where he served as a member of The Skin Cells along with Sam and Colin A… read more