Yob is a doom metal band from Eugene, Oregon composed of Aaron Reiseberg, Travis Foster, and Mike Scheidt. Yob was founded by vocalist/guitarist Mike Scheidt in 1996. The original incarnation of Yob featured Scheidt alongside bassist Lowell Iles and drummer Greg Ocon. However, by the time of recording the 2001 album Elaborations of Carbon, Yob was composed of Scheidt, bassist Isamu Sato (previously with death metal act Thrombus) and ex-Lightweight drummer Gabe Morley. Sato also operates H.C. Minds whilst Morley plays with Fingertrap. Previous to founding Yob, Scheidt ha… ulteriori informazioni
Yob is a doom metal band from Eugene, Oregon composed of Aaron Reiseberg, Travis Foster, and Mike Scheidt. Yob was founded by vocalist/guitarist Mike Scheidt in 1996. The origi… ulteriori informazioni
Yob is a doom metal band from Eugene, Oregon composed of Aaron Reiseberg, Travis Foster, and Mike Scheidt. Yob was founded by vocalist/guitarist Mike Scheidt in 1996. The original incarnation of Yob featured Scheidt alongs… ulteriori informazioni
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