T number | T00563 |
Org_code | cbf |
Name | Clostridium botulinum F Langeland |
Annotation | yes |
Taxonomy | TAX: 441772 |
Lineage | Bacteria; Bacillati; Bacillota; Clostridia; Eubacteriales; Clostridiaceae; Clostridium |
Brite | KEGG organisms [BR:br08601]
KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy [BR:br08610]
KEGG organisms in taxonomic ranks [BR:br08611] |
Data source | GenBank (Assembly: GCA_000017065.1 Complete Genome) BioProject: 19519 |
Keywords | Human pathogen |
Disease | H00339 Botulism |
Comment | Isolated from an outbreak of human botulism on the Danish Island of Langeland in 1958.
Chromosome | Circular |
Sequence | GB: CP000728 |
Length | 3995387 |
Plasmid | pCLI; Circular |
Sequence | GB: CP000729 |
Length | 17531 |
Statistics | Number of nucleotides: 4012918 Number of protein genes: 3655 Number of RNA genes: 116
Created | 2007 |