Developed by Factor 5 and LucasArts, Rogue Squadron sends players out on 15+ missions set in the Star Wars universe, ranging from a defensive strike on Tatooine to an all-out battle with World Devastators on the Mon Calamari homeworld.
The game features full Dolby Pro-Logic Surround sound and an optional hi-res mode accessible with the recently released 4MB RAM Expansion Pak.
If you're thinking about purchasing Rogue Squadron -- and we suggest you do -- be sure to pick up the expansion as well. After you have played the game in its super-sharp 640x480 high resolution mode, it's impossible to go back to standard mode N64 blur-o-vision. A little tip: Ask your store for the $5-off coupon Nintendo wanted to include with Rogue (early reports state that it didn't happen with some copies of the game), then buy the RAM Expansion for $24.95. Note that some magazines, such as Next Generation and Nintendo Power also included the coupon.
Rogue Squadron sells for an MSRP of $59.95 and includes an EEPROM for internal back-up. No memory pak required.