Foundation, the sci-fi show based on Isaac Asimov's book series of the same name, is one of Apple TV+'s best hidden gems. Set in a distant future concerning an imperialistic Galactic Empire and the band of exiles who hope to overthrow it, a story that could've been too dense for TV is instead, in the hands of Hollywood veteran David S. Goyer, extremely entertaining. There's a faithful adherence to the source material and mythology for hardcore fans of the series—anchored by always-welcome actors like Lee Pace and Jared Harris—and a proper budget to do the story's scope justice.
And for the casual observer: How does a half-naked Lee Pace fight scene sound? In the opener for season 2, Pace's clone Cleon has to do battle uh, sans armor, when assassins set in on him and his robot aide/lover Eto Demerzel (Laura Birn) while they're in bed.
"I was pretty naked," Pace told Entertainment Weekly of the scene. "You know, I don't mind being [naked]. It's a crowded set of people, so I'm not gonna be obnoxious about it. But also, I'm not gonna go through a whole thing of slipping on shorts between every take."
Below, Pace opened up his camera roll to GQ for a look at some behind-the-scenes snapshots of filming Foundation's season 2 premiere—specifically that eye-catching fight scene.
“Alex Graves, our fearless director," says Pace. "My favorite thing about working with Alex Graves is hearing his chuckle behind the monitor. If Alex was having a good time… I knew I was finding Cleon.”
“Flexin’. Because that’s what you do when you get shredded for a naked fight.”
“My grubby little set gym. Not pictured: Ian Benson from Urban Barbell - Limerick, IE - Key.”
"Fight coordinators extraordinaire. A staged fight is like a dance. They designed it so that the fight appears fast and violent, but was safe enough for everyone on set .
"Every day for two months, we refined the fight choreography until I knew it stone cold."
“Laura gettin’ that pump.”
My favorite 25,000 year old robot.
“It’s been a unique pleasure to get to know and work with the Finnish actress Laura Birn over the past four years shooting Foundation. Laura brings a nuance to Demerzel that has become one of the emotional anchors of the entire show.”
“More flexin’.”