... Yearly Meeting commenced *lth a meeting of Ministers, Elders and Overseers, last Thursday afternoon. The attindanco ... yearly meeting; David J. Douglas, a Minister from the Maine yearly meeting; Wm. G. Hubbard, a Minister from the ...
... Yearly Meeting," by Kufus M. Jones. At 11 o'clock Mary Mcndenhnll Hnbhs of tho North Carolina Yearly Meeting will speak on '"T'te Mission of a Message." At 11:30 o'clock, and concluding the morning exercises, Walter S. Jleacler will ...
... Yearly Meeting com- menced with a meeting of Ministers, Elders and overseers, on the 7th inat at 2 p.m. It was an ... yearly meeting; David J. Douglas, a minister from the Maine yearly meeting; Wm. G. Hubbard, a minister from the ...
FRIENDS' YEARLY MEETING. Many Questions of Importance Considered fit the Sessions Held Yesterday Morning: and AfterHOME. The Friends resumed their sessions of the yearly meeting at 10 o'clock yesterday morning-. Nine of the 12 queries ...
... Yearly Meeting," by Kufus M. Jones. At 11 o'clock Mary Mcndenhnll Hnbhs of tho North Carolina Yearly Meeting will speak on '"T'te Mission of a Message." At 11:30 o'clock, and concluding the morning exercises, Walter S. Jleacler will ...
... yearly meeting. The Lon don General Epiitle wai read in tai* meeting. Clearly enunciating the doctrine of progression of faith or growth in grace. First the blade, next the italk, and then the full corn in the ear. That it ii not alone ...
... yearly meeting whether those that profess thu doetrino of nniversnl salvation, or particular election, ought to break fellowship and communion in the Baptist constitution, whereupon, lii'snlivd, That this yearly meeting disapprove of ...
... yearly meeting. An adjournment until afternoon was then taken. Afternoon Meeting. The afternoon meeting opened at 2 o'clock, at which the first regular business of the Yearly meeting was taken up. The following appointments were made ...
... yearly meeting of shareholders was held at the office of the company on 31st ultimo. The directors' report and balance-sheet were adopted unanimously. The retiring directors were re-elected, viz., Messrs. T. K.. Bowden, John Keep, E ...
... yearly MEETING of shareholder will ba held at Tattcrsall' 's Hotel, Bourko, on TUESDAY, July 22nd, 1873, at 7 o'clock p.m. BUSINESS : To receive tho __ report of tho Director* for tho half-year ending J30th Juno, and for tho transaction ...