... Worpswede has tourists on every corner," she said. A numbef of artists are in Worpswede on stipends from private organizations such as the Barkenhoff Foundation, which chooses promising young painters, sculptors and others and provides ...
... Worpswede, where mobs of ourists roam quaint little streets hoping for a glimpse of big-name artists while their elusive quarry hole up inside studios guard- ng their solitude. Worpswede home to about 150 paint— ers, sculptors, poets ...
... Worpswede, where mobs of tourists roam quaint little streets hoping for a glimpse of big- name artists while their elusive quarry hole up inside studios guarding their solitude. Worpswede — home to about 150 painters, sculptors, poets ...
... Worpswede" e a sua presenga teve 1m-- diatamente no mundo da Arte o valor c o significado duma revelacao A nova ^scola ||tmga ap^senta- J? Sl> c°^ °S Sa''°os neni apalados KOVOS eram aqueles aqueles contrastes contrastes de de luz luz ...
... Worpswede, silcnte .abadia del ar- tc», donde olros poctas como cl buscait extasls cstctico y honda vida de quictud. Y, a traves de csta que cl mismo Hamara simbolica- mentc «su fuga perpctua., una cs- tela de que.'idos, dc tristes ...
... Worpswede group in Germany. In Worpswede, northern Germany, a group of artists gathered in a colony in the early 1900s to work and paint. Eventually, they were recongnized one of the most important groups of painters in Germany. Mrs ...
... Worpswede in northern Germany, particularly with Paula Modersohn-Becker, after whose death he wrote "Requiem for a Friend," perhaps his finest poem, written a year after he had begun to absorb the lessons of Cezanne. The poem shows this ...
German Artists Colony. WORPSWEDE, West Germany — Sculptor Walde- mar Otto gestures amid sculpted human figures In his studio here. Worpswede, home to about 150. painters, sculptors, poets and other sorts who lived by their creative ...
... Worpswede, Germany on June 28, 1947 in Westwood, New Jersey Following the Korean War he went on to become a history and English teacher in Indiana, and subsequently a science and technology writer with McGraw-Hill Publish ing Company in ...