... the-flat-earth. The. Diameter. of. the. Sun. and. Moon. Some Flat Earthers say the Sun and the Moon are both in the same orbit, orbit the stationary Earth, are both 32 miles in diameter. The. Earth. Realm. “Earth is a realm, it is not a ...
... . When the Sun is directly above us, there is less atmospheric refraction to contend with, which would magnify and otherwise distort the apparent size of the Sun. As it recedes 78 The Flat Earth Trilogy Book of Secrets II.
... The Flat Earth is a hard sell because the Ball-Earthers exist within a self-reinforcing echochamber and the believers must voluntarily choose not to accept blind faith as a replacement for knowledge. The globe defines the parameters of ...
... the flat earth, and how could I blame him when it wasn't but a few weeks prior that I shared the same sentiments. Even after I tried emphasizing the importance of the flat earth as key for unlocking The Book of the Courses of the ...
... the beginning . The Hebrew can be translated either way , depending upon the context ( 9- pg . 136-142 , 4 - pg . 3 , 24 , 40 ) . The correct translation of • " And " ( vav , or waw ) 72 The Flat Earth & Genesis Genesis 1:2.
... , 1492 , believed that the earth was flat . Some do today , and not only members of the International Flat Earth Society . Surveys demonstrate the geographical ignorance of people in the late 4 INVENTING THE FLAT EARTH.