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books.google.co.jp からの"Saloo George"
... Saloo GEORGE OTTO, TONSORIAL ARTIST,. (Late of Melbourne, Australia. HEGS TO INTIMATE TO TOE PT'BLK of Victoria Unit be has opened the nboveiiamc fruloon on Johnson street, opposite Store street, whetv gentlemen can bo accommodated in ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Saloo George"
... Saloo George Rooke It saloon at NO. 110 WEST ""PffT of Wine the in the Manly Art of named Placo, or at ot any one who may It. Real Estate. West Elmwood. ior farther | & AXOELt,, m22 tf R»al Eotate Brokers 87 Westminster st_ TMtKICAN COW ...